Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Perfect Pussy
Tenemos 11 canciones traducidas de Perfect Pussy
Perfect Pussy

Advance Upon The Real
Artista: Perfect Pussy Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
I have limitations when it comes to my desiring
And complicated feelings on desire and desiring
I need constant reinforcement
I'm at best a step removed from what's considered natural
I'm at worst disinterested in what's considered lovable
Love is love
But power is power<
Artista: Perfect Pussy Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
I am sad and grateful
I am lonely and rejoicing
I ring the bells alone, I ring the bells for you
Forgive me the impermanence of my joy
And the permanence of my joy
I am present in my truth
Though you were right, I lost myself
I abide in my discomfort
And in everyt
Big Stars
Artista: Perfect Pussy Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
It's not stimulating
He likes celebrating
I had that sort of heart once
Now I still have more to lose than you
Do you - do you go
To meet their highest their fullest
I can only love
And move toward everyone
I learned what I could
About mistrust and
Artista: Perfect Pussy Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Soft skin and dead hair
And these tired eyes
And I want to fuck to myself
And I want to eat my self
Broad back and bad tits, yes I know my kind
Raw mouth, worn out, I've never felt so alive
You've realized that I'll let you hurt me
And now you want to do it all of the
Artista: Perfect Pussy Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Watch me, i'm kicking the wall
I'll break through it before i go
And leave a hole my shape in everything you know
Death comes last to the party
Meanwhile i'm biding my time
So you can'y take your own life,
That's cutting in line
Fear not the big drag
It's not th
Artista: Perfect Pussy Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
My best friend is back in town
There's a bad taste in my mouth
Her eyes fell low and heavy with shame and cum
She must have been desperate; she acted so lonely
She is deserving of affection, I am glad that she found love
What love lays bare in me is energy
So I give up
Artista: Perfect Pussy Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I tremble with no desire, I need nothing
In loss I discovered completion
In having things stolen I found that I had more than ever
In the absence of everything, I found all things
And I understood myself
So I understood nothing
So I stopped questioning
Artista: Perfect Pussy Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Something casual, so sure
Something I have never known before
I don't want to go
(What was I saying the first time around?
What was I thinking?
What was I saying?)
There is a sick grace inherent in healing
It's like peeling off my skin
It's like feeling everythi
Interference Fits
Artista: Perfect Pussy Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I never wanted any children
Just a nice apartment with open air
And big windows and all the flowers
And I could only ever see myself there
Yeah, I guess I was too hard for my own good
And then my friends began to fall in love
First with themselves, then with each other
Artista: Perfect Pussy Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
I've been talking shit about your friend
I've been lying to get attention
Thankfully none of it ever happened
Nothing ever really happens
I have a habit of telling extravagant lies;
Ask anyone, they'll tell you
So why didn't I come forward?
Why didn't I?
Ha ha
Artista: Perfect Pussy Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I guess he had to wonder
Larger than life on screen
And now in technicolor
Where sickness gave me meaning
I'm young again
Consumed in bed by silks and pills
I'm twenty one again
Not yet concerned with men
If you had this chance
You wouldn't be the audience