Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Nanowar Of Steel
Tenemos 20 canciones traducidas de Nanowar Of Steel
Nanowar Of Steel

And Then I Noticed That She Was a Gargoyle
Artista: Nanowar Of Steel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Picking up teens in a Twilight chat room
Listening to Adele on my own
One day I met an attractive lady
Whose nickname was Sharon Stone
We shared many common interests
E.G. medieval architecture
So I took her out for a fancy dinner
Her statuesque beauty took my breat
Bestie Di Seitan
Artista: Nanowar Of Steel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Triturano tofu, torturano fagioli
Lenticchie squartate ed immolate a Belzebù
Solo centauri del centerbe
Non vaccinan l'imberbe e repellono il ragù
No alla marmotta, sì, ha la marmitta
In salita sulla moto, insalata 666
Sedute sporadiche, pentagoni verdi
La pelle tu pe
Blood Of The Queens
Artista: Nanowar Of Steel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
We ride the tricycles of true metal of steel
While other bands play, we eat happy meal
In the forest of minerals
The poseurs we kill!
Our metal's so strong, 'cos our dick is so long
Our dinner's so long, 'cos our ham is so strong
You think it's my chastity belt
Disco Metal
Artista: Nanowar Of Steel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Disco metal
Dancing in the moonlight
Dancing in the shadows
Metal in da house
Brothers, we are ready to fight
Gather together for the synth and the might
Sign of the strobelight, be our guide
To lead us on Saturday night
We fight for a techno that is voodoo
Entra L'uomo Di Sabbia
Artista: Nanowar Of Steel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Di' le tue preghiere piccolino, non scordarti figlio di includere ognuno
Croccante fuori, morbido dentro, tieniti libero dal peccato, finché arriva l'uomo di Sabbia
Dormi con un occhio aperto, aggrappati forte al cuscino
Uscita luce, entrata notte, prendi la mia mano
Con la p
Gioca Truè (Other Bands Play, Nanowar Gay!)
Artista: Nanowar Of Steel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Hail, hail, hail and kill!
Heavy, metal!! Heavy metal gays!
Better pizza than happy meal
It's better pizza than happy meal
Healthy food is made of steel
Better pizza than happy meal!!
Nanowar, nanowar living on the road
When we're in town posers explode
We o
Heavy Metal Kibbles
Artista: Nanowar Of Steel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Crispy! Tasty! Nasty!
Spicy and dry
Nutritious! Delicious! Nectarous!
Sweet delight
Salty! Ethnic! Proteinic!
With phenylalanine
Mellow! Feeding! Refreshing!
Enhancing your feline
Chicken power pet's desire
Make your Kitty become
A bloodthirsty nightcraw
Ironmonger (The Copier Of The Seven Keys)
Artista: Nanowar Of Steel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Master of the allen wrench
Riding a mighty lawnmower for revenge
In the realm of the screws he’s the king
And Lord of the Towel Rings
Edison of the lightbulb
Leonardo of the shower tray
Renzo Piano of the gas pipes
David Hasselhoff of the glue
Einstein of the sc
Karkagnor's Song - In The Forest
Artista: Nanowar Of Steel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Out in the forest, on the grass I lay
Reading a volume I bought on eBay
The pages are dusty, yellow and old
Mystical secrets I'm starting to unfold
Warmth, wisdom, gaudium and bliss
A trickle of glory springs like the dog piss
Shower of gold, non sparkling beverage
Artista: Nanowar Of Steel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Walking on the hill, with the crown of steel
Going to McDonald's, to eat a happy meal
To eat a happy meal, to eat a happy meal
He’s going to McDonald's to eat a happy meal
He’s the king
King of the hill, of the happy meal
He’s the king
Walking on the land, with
L'opelatole Ecologico
Artista: Nanowar Of Steel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Protettor dei marciapiedi? Ma-ki è, ma-ki è?
Ninja dell'igiene? Chi sarà, chi sarà?
Shogun dei cassonetti? Dicci un po', dicci un po'?
È l'opelatole ecologico!
È l'opelatole ecologico!
Affronta i mozziconi e pulisce il marciapiede
Nel suo camion-cassonetto Sol-levante
La Maledizione Di Capitan Findus
Artista: Nanowar Of Steel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Pesca, pana, surgela
Riponi nel banco frigo
Friggi, guarnisci, impiatta
Sulla tavola degli italiani!
Surgelante pescatore
Del merluzzo non ha pietà
Navigato filibustiere
La sua rete strascicherà
Contro la Guardia Costiera
Che sui suoi misfatti vuole indagar<
Lamento Erotico
Artista: Nanowar Of Steel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Langue in me, l'audace desio
Di soggiacer nelle regali stanze
Per donar, colà l'augello mio
A colei che fa vivaci danze
Le movenze sue, seppur sì caste
Svegliaron in me l'antico ardore
Che in lunghe notti pederaste
Celai dentro di me con gran dolore
Vi canto a
Look At Two Reels
Artista: Nanowar Of Steel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Sit down all you little children
Listen well to me
I'll tell of Blind Guardian
Dragonforce and Rhapsody
To listen to their songs
You need to know a lot of things
And read at least seventy times
The Lord Of The Rings
This maybe sounds too long
For you child
Artista: Nanowar Of Steel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I'm under the shower, in the metal tower
I wash my hands from the poser's blood
I clean up my armpits, perfume my true hair
Then I polish my long flesh sword
And I say
Metal! La la la la la
L'acqua sul mio corpo, scivola leggera
Uuuuuuuuuuaaaaaa, ci starei fino a
Artista: Nanowar Of Steel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Who has pissed in your umbrella and stole the shoes to Cinderella?
Who has framed Roger Rabbit, and who married Lory bobbit?
Is it Hammerfall? No! Is it Stratovarius? No?
Michail Gorbaciov? No! No no no no no!
It was Nanowar! It was Nanowar!
Nanowar did it, Nanowar did it
Nanowar Of Steel - Hail To Liechtenstein
Artista: Nanowar Of Steel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Raise sails, head to the open sea
Under captain Schettino's command
Heeding the proud and stuttering call
Of Pippi Longstocking and Saddam Hussein
From Cape Town, through lake Baikal
Across Castel di Sangro
To the enchanted valleys of European Alps
Where reptilians
Norwegian Reggaeton
Artista: Nanowar Of Steel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Yeah, you drilled my heart and my blood is spilling, babe
Like oil from a platform in the North Sea
You fished me like a whaler in violation of international treaties, babe
Now I'm in an Oslo state of mind, honey
And you burned my soul like the Fantoft
Church in June ninete
Valhalleluja (feat. Angus Mcfife)
Artista: Nanowar Of Steel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I am drowning in a sea of desperation
And I sing a prayer to my lord
Away from hope and Systembolaget
And I sing a prayer to my lord
I pray, I pray
Yes I pray to my lord
I was down on my knees
Permafrost on my feet
I was begging in tears my holy lord