Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Benighted Leams
Tenemos 14 canciones traducidas de Benighted Leams
Benighted Leams

Aurora Of Despondence On Valles Marineris
Artista: Benighted Leams Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Dawn menaces the tranquility of despondance.
Distracted by a concavity of feeling i scoff,
Vestiges of supercilious endearment
Amongst boulders and haematite dunes,
Create illusion of a temporal lacuna
Tunnelling below the plane of the ecliptic.
An interval of reflection
Artista: Benighted Leams Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Cothurnian fell, the wit confract, thy linning onered as sopor fell;
and flemed I flimmered, yet morn flebled that fettled hell.
Fact of confraction not gery but greme, the german eyrie,
not Nazgul's Eyrie, til morn I mourned that grim lectual eerie.
Dryad of the Fylfot
Artista: Benighted Leams Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Rather rathe thou raughtst the raik,
Saming sembling dissembling bait.
The fnest the fylfot alow with secundation
Set one ablaze with amansing desideration.
Ferly Centesms
Artista: Benighted Leams Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
The astral thrum the barathrum
Lengthening communications gap
Psyche's entropy aphotic isotropy
In the harsh electromagnetic bath.
Clinical depression narcotises decalcification
Ionised nuclei irradiate the deepened isolation.
Hermetically Leering as Frigid Blores Obumber
Artista: Benighted Leams Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
I dreamt of methane ice-crystal cirri
Obumbrating mass oceans of liquid hydrogen:
In the cataclysmic obliteration of calm
Your hermetical leer mesmerised...
The heart likens a crypt of tacit advantage;
Phantasmal ogling of asteroid-strewn spacescapes
Saturates a brooding
Orphny of Arain Blood
Artista: Benighted Leams Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Arain blood prilled forth
Bouffage sans gris ort
Wertherian gift sith unsoke
Blored the wit the whist yoked
Saturnine Fury Adumbrated the Aestival Castellations of Iberia
Artista: Benighted Leams Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Saturnine fury adumbrated
The aestival castellations of Iberia...
At five milliard parallax seconds,
Gravitational lensing affords marcid glimpses
Fathoming the profundity of receding aeons;
It is an eerie feeling to countenance
The occamy of sentiment I have been absco
Sinister Demurral Estranged the Seductive Looming
Artista: Benighted Leams Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
The ebullition of seductive looming blots
The fisking estrangement of temporal displacement.
Retrogradation of the continuum beguiles
With the vitiated bifurication of the exegesis;
Upon refluence of our cutthroat romanticism,
A visitation that flounders unsuperceded aeons
Stellar Desideration
Artista: Benighted Leams Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
The lakebed absconded when we intercepted the Cygnids stream:
The glimpse of ferly centesms suddenly distracted
from the tranquility of the redshift leams.
The archaeology of rememberance sublimated
Into a stelled catatonia of desideration.
Astronomical twilight was years
Succeeding Departure From The Chryse Planitia
Artista: Benighted Leams Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Vistas of rusted magnetite dust recede into abandonement
Musefulness is syncronous with nautical twilight.
The starships fell leviathan mass abawes
When rarification of the cupric atmosphere
Concedes to the perpending chromatic void
Of the local interplanetary medium.
Sullen Slumber of Swooning Gloom
Artista: Benighted Leams Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Taum and raven, thy eyes shalt flimmer and soul sile away;
a wemmed limb, thy cheer sered, last kent one syed May.
Thy treen, plumed vessel sam thy humours hele,
thy wits eaten, one moon in gloom, sans song or seel,
in web or fream we'll meet and greet, arain or fish I wish
The Ark of Infinity
Artista: Benighted Leams Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Orphinian entrancement precedes evanesence
Beneath the event horizon's elusive cerement;
It is not without extemporaneous demural
That I decamp into a bedizened dimentional rotation...
Entombed emotion obfuscates my covin,
As proper time dilates everlastingly;
I accelerat
The Day of Mirandous Sarmassation
Artista: Benighted Leams Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
The fleshing into forwandering into the northward syte of druery
Garred; my bassing into carnation firked then a wayward fact of luxury.
Sans victuals cockshut passed in slumber; in brumal greking in a farer's chamber
thy witch's boot my leg sned did render, ere the first fey mo
The Ormod Liss of Transuranical Noctivagations
Artista: Benighted Leams Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
The frush laid not in lavender the raven-faxed fairy's fumes,
nor did her centesmal lunes benim the ormod liss
of tungsten-tined transuranical gloom.
Beyond the quernal debris, the orphnian cloak did once nake her rear afore a haskard's leer