Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Perkele
Tenemos 20 canciones traducidas de Perkele

Artista: Perkele Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
It was cold that day in January 1931
Working late, high over the ground in the harbour of Gothenburg
The ground was frozen, the wind was cold and the snow was falling down
A shout in the dark, the ground turned red - Another worker was dead
Honour to the workers who
A Song for You
Artista: Perkele Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Boots'n'Braces, Short hair.
A lot of pride, Born to win.
Ben Sherman, Levi's jeans.
Dressed smart, Never give in.
Drinking beer, Have a fight.
It's a part, Of the night.
A way of life, Unity.
Fly the flag, For your country.
This song's for you
A Way Out
Artista: Perkele Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Back in the nights
I lost my soul to the sound of punk
The days in the concrete jungle and misery
I brought me hope in a dark and fucked up world
I hated myself and everyone else
Got to find a way out
Before the road leads you down to hell
Got to find a way out
Above You All
Artista: Perkele Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
You hate me
You refuse to realize it's in your head
Your mind is black
And you can't think clear, you wish that I we're dead
What's the point?
You're not achieving anything at all
What can I do?
You're the one who's banging your head against the wall
All your ha
Always Coming Back
Artista: Perkele Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
We are always coming back again, to sing along with you
First a pub then a club, a concert hall and a festival
Wherever we are we sing along with you
On the stage, in the crowd, you and us singing loud
This is simply what we love to do
We are always coming back again, to si
Artista: Perkele Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Med knutna nävar I dina fickor
Står du och ser på
Pedofiler och våldtäktsmän
Dom finns omkring oss än
Du måste inse verkligheten
Innan du kan ändra någonting
Nu är de dags att gå till handling
Annars händer ingenting
Det är vi som måste avgöra
Hur framtiden
Artista: Perkele Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I try to explain
But you don´t listen to me
I try to tell you
You refuse to care
I try to show you
But your eyes are closed
What else can i do
Now it´s up to you
You´re nothing but
And you got no Pride at all at all at all
You´re nothing but<
Dancing Boots
Artista: Perkele Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
You're all invited to the party tonight
The one you never will regret
The boots will dance to the sound of oi!
It will continue till the dawn
The boots will dance tonight to the sound of the street
We're all united at the party tonight
The one we never will forget
Dedicate To Nothing
Artista: Perkele Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
This song is dedicated to the retards upper class scum worldwide
It's a flat in your fucking face
You think you're better than me, you piece of shit
Because of your fucking heritage, you can stick it up your arse
You think you rule our world, you fucking scum
Because your m
Det Var Då
Artista: Perkele Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Det var då, då det inte fanns nåt krig
Inga vapen på vår jord och alla mådde bra
Tider då alla hade mat och ingen I nöd och alla hade jobb
Det fanns inga pedofiler, våldtäktsmän
Borgarsvin som man kunde reta upp sig på
Alla hade någonstans att bo
Alla hade lön att försö
Artista: Perkele Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I don´t need a glamourous life
Expensive cars and diamonds
I live for my wife and family
My friends my pride and freedom
I don´t need a luxury life
Expensive houses and jewels
I live for my band and my guitar
Creating songs and music
All I need is you, you are a
Don't Escape
Artista: Perkele Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Don't Escape
Don't even think about running away from your life, getting high
You must get strong, find a life - No fucking dope, start to struggle
You can't sit there, feeling sorry for yourself - Up on your feet, show your pride
It's about your life and our future - Don't let
Du Kan Aldrig Vinna
Artista: Perkele Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Det ena och det andra har jag hört i mina dar
Otroliga historier och sagor utan sans
Alltig för att skada och förstöra det vi har
Gör vad ni vill kommer alltid finnas kvar
Vad ni än säger och vadni än gör
Hur ni än försöker sa har ni inget val
Sa kan ni aldrig vinn över
En Underbar Dag
Artista: Perkele Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Det är fredag kväll och jobbet är slut
Jag drar mig ner till närmsta krog
Det är två för en I baren
Precis som det skall va
Jag drar två flaskor cider
Och många öl därpå
Och jag blir full och glad
Vilken underbar dag
Å, å, å vilken underbar dag
Å, å, å jag s
Artista: Perkele Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
You can´t stand there with your hands in your pockets
Coz you get nothing for free
You got to work hard to deserve your pride
And for your dreams to come true
Some days it´s hard to think positive
And everything feels upside down
But keep on working,never give up
Artista: Perkele Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
I love your attitude I love your sound
You make me proud of what I am
You´re a part of me and my life
Your rhythm is always in my heart
Forever and ever
You are always in my heart
Forever and ever
You are always in my heart
I love your energy, I love your beat
Heart Full Of Pride
Artista: Perkele Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I've got a heart full of pride, and you can never take the pride away from me
That feeling makes me full of strenght
It makes me want to live and fight for what I am
I've got a heart full of pride, and you can never take the pride away from me
That feeling makes me full of stre
Artista: Perkele Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Visst älskar jag höstens gulnande blad
Men aldrig så som sommaren I våran vackra stad
Visst är det vackert med nyfallen snö
Men ingenting går upp emot att grilla vid en sjö
Jag längtar till solen och sommaren
Då festen är igång till gryningen
Jag älskar den nordiska som
Leave Us Alone
Artista: Perkele Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
The only thing you're interested in is our political wing
Listen to our music instead of spreading your fucking lies
We don't care about politics, we just care about the kids on the street
We play Oi! for the Working Class and not for the politicians
We're playing O
Artista: Perkele Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
There´s no feeling like the one
To drink a beer in the sun
To hear the music that you love
And to feel free
It´s the moments i remember
When it´s cold in december
It makes it easier to walk through the snow
This is the moments
It makes the life worth fighting fo