Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Cobalt 60
Tenemos 20 canciones traducidas de Cobalt 60
Cobalt 60

12 Months
Artista: Cobalt 60 Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 5 months ago
January time is not on my side
That's the weight of my lore
February what can I do but hide
I see the light once more
March they tell me
They sent a soulsister
We prefer not to meet
April is on but my trouble ain't over
Events tent to repeat
May I take
Artista: Cobalt 60 Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 5 months ago
I will walk no more on the shore where we wandered then
In the streets were we roamed
I will see no more the friends we used to have then
Who still ask about you
I will sing no more the tunes I sang for you then
And I still know by heart
I will read no more
Born Again
Artista: Cobalt 60 Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
I was in heaven I'm in hell
What happened to me I can't tell
What happened to me I can't tell
But it's for me they tolled the bell
I'm filled with a fear I cannot quell
I was in heaven I'm in hell
The skin around me is my jail
What am I doing here ?
Is there a rul
Bye Bye
Artista: Cobalt 60 Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Bye Bye
You reached the bottom of my heart / With one single lethal poisoned dart
We had a hell of a start / But love would have torn us apart
Lust is not eternal so why bother / You would have left me for another
It would have been excessively hard / It would have proven you I
Artista: Cobalt 60 Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 6 months ago
Oil oil scattered
Scattered across the land
Covering the soil
Watch watch as the crows
Cover the fields
Cover the trees
That were once so green
Now all lies still
Beneath the cloud
A deep dark cloud
Lying over the soil
Like a deep dark sea
Daylight Armed Robbery
Artista: Cobalt 60 Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 5 months ago
Against the desert
Against the sky
Against the fields
Against the snow
Against the night
Against the blood
Hear no evil
See no evil
Hear no evil
See no evil
Against the walls
If I Was
Artista: Cobalt 60 Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
If I Was
If I was a planet I would be the moon
If I had something to prove I would be back in the groove
If I was an animal I would be an eagle
Not that kind of talking monkey proliferating on earth
If I was the devil I would like to see you come
In my own private hell
In The Valley
Artista: Cobalt 60 Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
In The Valley
In the valley with no mountain where a river hides
It's all quiet it's all silent wet and fresh after the rain
In the woods where I know every leaf every thorn
Where I saw in her eyes all the shades of the dawn
Here I am in the glade where the grass was so ten
La Mort
Artista: Cobalt 60 Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 6 months ago
La Mort
C'est la mort que j'ai vue ce soir là.
Je marchais, elle est venue droit sur moi
Elle m'a dit : "Viens dans mes bras, je t'attends
depuis si longtemps"
Elle était magnifique et terrible à la fois
Belle comme la lune quand elle irradie le firmament
Belle à s'
Little Planet
Artista: Cobalt 60 Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Little Planet
Little platform dwindling to love you look so pale and so white
Little sister breeding female how not shudder at your sight
Oh what a world about to burn altogether the wanna live
Overwhelming under the vault overtly so little to give
Little planet sticky slug
Artista: Cobalt 60 Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Melissa viens done voir sur la colline si j'y suis
On y cueillera des fleurs sauvages des plantes rares et des fruits
Melissa viens dans mes bras,tu en meurs d'envie
Melissa viens voir par toi-meme n'écoute pas tout
Ce qu'on dit si ta voix tremble un peu ton regard dit déjá oui
Midnight Waltz
Artista: Cobalt 60 Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Judith Morelle:
Take my hand
And join in the dance
Dive into the whirling
My mortal darling yeah
If you want to dance with me for eternity –rumours of the party-
Take my hand
And join in the dance
Dive into the whirling
My mortal darling yeah
If yo
Artista: Cobalt 60 Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
Now you're the one
You want to be though
To know it's far from me
But it's your choice
What can I say
I don't want to stand in your way
Someone else takes care of you
Does all the things
I couldn't do
For the patience and the care
Even when I wasn't th
Poor Poor Pam
Artista: Cobalt 60 Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Poor Poor Pam
Fake lips, fake smile / Poor poor Pam, poor poor Pam
Fake breasts, fake nose / Poor poor Pam, poor poor Pam
Fake tan, fake ass / Poor poor Pam
When will you start to live for real ? / When will you start to live ?
Fake cheeks, fake eyelids / Poor poor Pam, poo
Rainbow Warrior
Artista: Cobalt 60 Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I've got a laser gun
A set of hand grenades
I'v got sixteen hostages
And live ammunition
I'v got total control
On the nanorobots
And enough cobalt water
To blow out this ship
I've got nothing to loose
I've got nothing to loose
I've got a massage
Artista: Cobalt 60 Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Sad sad, To remind a past that never shone
Sad sad, The nest is empty the dove has gone
Sad also, sad also, Not to know what to think not to know where to go
Sad also, sad also, I haven't slept a wink since the day you said no
We won't go to the woods again
It makes
Artista: Cobalt 60 Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Seeded by chance on a fertile ground
We were born too soon and grew up too fast
And the garden was lush when we came to light
Nettles in the grass, tares among the wheat,
We were tough and fierce and we loved the rain as much as the drought
The other monsters and me(X2)
The Worried Well
Artista: Cobalt 60 Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
The Worried Well
I had a bad night once again
That fed the cancer in my brain
I woke up tired aching cold
My nightmares leave me unresolved
My leaden lungs won't let me sigh
I cannot laugh and will not cry
I don't feel good I don't feel bad
Nothing I do could ma