Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Pathologist
Tenemos 17 canciones traducidas de Pathologist

Anatomical Necropsy
Artista: Pathologist Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
[lyrics: Cyklo, music: Hary]
Prosectorium in anatomical pathology ward
On the obduction slab lies fresh cadaver
Dermatic sections on the breast
Removal dermal lobes by scissors
Scalpel cuts through pectoral muscle
Open abdominal cavity by hooks
Extirpation of card
Cadaveric Metamorphoses
Artista: Pathologist Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
[lyrics: Cyklo, music: Hary]
Somatic temperature drops in death agony
Post mortem cold - algor mortis
First on cadaver cool face and limbs
Coldness of fore arms, middle legs, thighs,
Axillae, bosom and genitals
Dank epidermis is frigid - perspiring corpse
Cadavers In Medical Jurisprudence
Artista: Pathologist Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
[lyrics: Cyklo, music: Hary]
Totally chronical senile marasmus
Euthanasia of dying convulsing body
Sudden death by nefarious self immolation
Knife between both hemispheres
Macabre suicide by circular saw
Bleeding gash and difficult lesions
Caustic accidental poiso
Cannibalistic Disfigurment
Artista: Pathologist Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
[lyrics: Cyklo, music: Hary]
Mortally injured persons
Onanism with human offals
Fractures of cervical vertebrae
Cerebral tissue in respiratory canals
Criminal dismemberment of cadavers
Eating of mutilated bodies
Orgasm during boiling of skull
Mangling of sex
Carcass Dismemberment
Artista: Pathologist Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
[lyrics: Cyklo, music: Hary]
Violent death of disfigured victim
Purulent succulent carrion
Infestation by swarming maggots
Repulsive stench of putrefaction
Scarification of exuberant bosom
Corpse drenched by rancid blood
Evulsion of fermenting intestines
Decomposition Of Corpses
Artista: Pathologist Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
[lyrics: Cyklo, music: Hary]
Insect, fungi, mildews deform the corpse
Ova of flies in oral and optic corners
Crateriform boring of loins by larvae
Mass of maggots and grubs in cerebral matter
Skull, spinal canal full of blowfly eggs
Worms and beetles into nostrils
Exhumed Dead Body
Artista: Pathologist Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
[lyrics: Cyklo, music: Hary]
Exhumation for coroner's inquest
Grave six feet under the ground
Coffin uncovered by forensic surgeon
Necroscopy finding of disintered carrion
Blood suffusions on cranial covering
Encephalic tumours into crushed head
Rotten gore under
Genital Pathological Perversity
Artista: Pathologist Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
[lyrics: Cyklo, music: Hary]
Perforation' of hymen and womb
Stuprum' with cunnilingus
Manducation' of mammillae
Castration' of anomalous penis
Brachio proctic eroticism
Dismemberment of vulva
Ruptured vagina with intestinal prolapse
Malformation of macromaziae
Gynaecological Sickeness
Artista: Pathologist Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
[lyrics: Cyklo, music: Hary]
Sexually transmitted diseases
Venereal viral illness
Female gonorrhoea and syphilis
Hypertrophy of labia minora
Ulcerative bulla on genital tract
Chronic vulvitis and edema
Clitoral herpes with abscess
Lymphogranuloma and purul
Infectious Agonizing Parasitism
Artista: Pathologist Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
[lyrics: Cyklo, music: Hary]
Bacterial virus into corpus
Cutaneous mycosis by moulds
Organism contaminated by microbes
Malaria, dysentery by protozoa
Flagellates, amoebae, infusoria
Parasitized vermes
Helminths inside apparatus
Burrowed trematodes
Progression Of Putrefaction (Part Two)
Artista: Pathologist Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
[lyrics: Cyklo, music: Hary]
Putrefactive bacteria in colon
Decomposition of red corpuscles - haemolysis
Organ's post mortem turbidity
Decaying intestinal contents
Greenish hue of skin
Hydrogen sulphide
Gases extend viscera
Flatulence of abdomen
Artista: Pathologist Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
[lyrics: Cyklo, music: Hary]
Decomposition over many years
Old malodorous unknown stiff
Pathogenic germs into organism
Extensive physical alterations
Yellowish cutis - palor mortis
Algor mortis with mortification
Evaporation of dried mucous membrane
Livor mo
Reek With Suppuration
Artista: Pathologist Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Decomposed putrefied cadaver
Marbling of suppurating flesh
Mortification of connective tissue
Maturation of cerebrospinal fluid
Histological involution of dentition
Fetid caseated viscera
Hepatic sticky matter
Colliquated smeary ureter
Autolytic dissolution of a
Secretion Of Ejaculate
Artista: Pathologist Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
[lyrics: Cyklo, music: Hary, Tom]
Lechery during vaginal intercourse
Unconventional orgastic vulgarities
Necking with silicone boobs
Masochistic ligation of penis
Lesbian's cancer and varices
Smegma on anal dildo
Unnatural gratification of fetishism
Tumorous Defects And Diseases
Artista: Pathologist Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
[lyrics: Cyklo, music: Hary]
Tumorous parenchyma contains pus
Boils, pimples and festering pores
Pseudotumours on anal tract
Purulence in carbuncles and furuncles
Parasitical cysts into urethra
Chapped soles by scabs and pustules
Septic atrophy with benign tumou
Uterogestation To Abortion
Artista: Pathologist Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
[lyrics: Cyklo, music: Hary]
Defilement of bosomy virgin
Sensual hymen is deflorated
Erected phallus inside pussy
Puking disgust of copulation
Jism on genitals
Menstrual blood
Embryo resorbence
Ovulation by sexual abuse
Clotted uteral mucus
Vomitory Corporal Dysfunction
Artista: Pathologist Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
[lyrics: Cyklo, music: Hary]
Nausea' evacuation
Copremesis' defecation
Digestive system full of excrements
Lacrimation with regurgitation of crap
Chronic disgorgement with constipation
Emesis by phlegmy chunk
Suffocation with deglutition of mucus
Spume on th