Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Powerpuff Girls (Meninas Super-Poderosas)
Tenemos 18 canciones traducidas de Powerpuff Girls (Meninas Super-Poderosas)
Powerpuff Girls (Meninas Super-Poderosas)

Chemical X
Artista: Powerpuff Girls (Meninas Super-Poderosas) Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Oh my gosh it, it is too late
He mixed the ingredient chemical x
Want to know what will be the effect
Is it dangerous, or fabulous?
Here they come they're coming through
It's Blossom and Bubbles and Buttercup too
Here to come to conquer the world
Beware of the Powerpu
Creampuff Shuffle
Artista: Powerpuff Girls (Meninas Super-Poderosas) Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
This cream is so rich!
Can be the best one
Do you see things as they are?
No, I don't. I see them as I am!
No answer is also an answer
Go for it! Go for the Gold! Go for it!
Go for it! Go for the Gold! Go for it!
(We play for keeps)
Sô wa itte mo Hitori dake d
É o Que As Garotas Fazem
Artista: Powerpuff Girls (Meninas Super-Poderosas) Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Você me pergunta porque eu mudo a cor do meu cabelo,
Você me pergunta porque eu preciso de 32 pares de sapatos
(pra usar)
Você parece me perguntar porque eu preciso te tantas coisas,
É só coisa de garota
Você tem que deixar isso pra lá,
Você tenta entender mas você não
End Theme
Artista: Powerpuff Girls (Meninas Super-Poderosas) Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Blossom: commander and the leader
Bubbles: she is the joy and the laughter
Buttercup: and she's the toughest fighter
Power puff save the day!
Fighting crime
Trying to save the world
Here they come just in time
The powerpuff girls<
Go Monkey Go
Artista: Powerpuff Girls (Meninas Super-Poderosas) Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I'm wound tight
About to explode
I'm seein' red
All hopped up
And ready to go
I'm hurtin' and I'm searchin' for a place
Where I can deliver
I wanna scoot back so fast that my head snaps
Back together
It's OK, not OK, it's OK, not OK, it's
How Do You Say I Love You?
Artista: Powerpuff Girls (Meninas Super-Poderosas) Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Take a look at His hands and His feet,
see the tears in His eyes,
tell me what do you see?
Just look at the crown on His head,
it's not made of gold, but of thorns instead.
His beard has been torn from His face,
still shining with mercy and grace,
but He still loves
Love Is Just A Thing
Artista: Powerpuff Girls (Meninas Super-Poderosas) Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Ifyouwannagetdownyouwannacomeandchat. Doyou
wannasee mehere,wellbabywhyisthat?I'mtryingto tell
youI love the feelingIseeitonthetelephoneohmygosh
Love isjustathing,thatyounever takeaway. ButIjust don't
carewereyouare (echo) timetogetit backnow.I(echo)
Love Makes The World Go 'round
Artista: Powerpuff Girls (Meninas Super-Poderosas) Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Open your eyes and take in everything that you see
Look at all the colors, red, yellow, blue, & green
We can take an airplane and fly across the globe
Look down upon the colors, everyone come on, let's go
Love, love, love, la la love
La la love makes the wor
Power Of The Female
Artista: Powerpuff Girls (Meninas Super-Poderosas) Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
All the fellas
Wanna tell ya
We comin' through
And anything you can do
We can do too
We wanna let ya'll know
We ain't gonna stop
And that we're here
We're headed for the top
Haven't you heard
New time
New day
And age
New place
What you s
Quem É Poderosa? (Estendida)
Artista: Powerpuff Girls (Meninas Super-Poderosas) Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
(Açúcar, tempero e tudo de maneiro
Esses foram os ingredientes escolhidos
Para criar a menininha perfeita
Mas o Professor Utônio acrescentou acidentalmente
Um ingrediente extra na misutra: O Elemento X!
E assim nasceram as Meninas Superpoderosas)
Oh yeah!
Rocket Candy
Artista: Powerpuff Girls (Meninas Super-Poderosas) Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Rocket candy
All the colors
Planet happy
She woke up to change the world
Wears her make-up
Shiny shoes
And secret sproket
You're my hero
With the lightning flower
Lets go
Come on girls its almost time to
Signal In The Sky
Artista: Powerpuff Girls (Meninas Super-Poderosas) Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Let's Go!
Power, super, super-power, power, super, super-power
Would you like to play a game of hide and seek now?- Lalalalalalalaa
If you have x-ray eyes, please promise not to peak now.- Lalalalalalalaa
First we count to ten, and then we'll have some fun now!- Lalalalalalalaa
Só O Amor Faz o Mundo Andar
Artista: Powerpuff Girls (Meninas Super-Poderosas) Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Lindinha: Abra bem os olhos, preste muita atenção
Veja bem as cores, como é lindo este mundão
Vamos voar, pois temos um avião
Com flores e amores, fica bem coloridão
Docinho: Só
Florzinha: Só
Lindinha: Só
Meninas: Só o amor, o amor faz o mundo andar
Só, só, só
Super Girl
Artista: Powerpuff Girls (Meninas Super-Poderosas) Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Kicking up the bad guys
Beating up a monster
Fighting against evil
I rescue this town
Over the buildings
Over the mountains
Over the blue sky
Over the rainbow
You know I'm a super girl!
Yes, I'm a funky girl
I never say die
No one can stop me!
Tema inicial
Artista: Powerpuff Girls (Meninas Super-Poderosas) Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Açúcar, tempero e tudo que há de bom
Estes foram os ingredientes escolhidos para criar as garotinhas perfeitas
Mas o professor Utônio, acidentalmente, acrescentou um ingrediente extra na mistura
O elemento X!
E assim nasceram as meninas Superpoderosas, usando seus ultra-super pod
The Powerpuff Girls (Main Theme)
Artista: Powerpuff Girls (Meninas Super-Poderosas) Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Sugar, spice, and everything nice
These were the ingredients chosen
To create the perfect little girls
But Professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient
to the concotion -- Chemical X
Thus, The Powerpuff Girls were born
Using their ultra-super powers
Who's Got The Power?
Artista: Powerpuff Girls (Meninas Super-Poderosas) Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
(oh, yeah!)
Powerpuff girls fighting crime (oh, oh, oh)
To save the world before bedtime
It's the time to shine
When you're fighting crime power it up
Who's got the power?
We've got the power!
Breaking through the walls
Gonna do it all we don't quit
Who's go
Win, Lose, or Draw
Artista: Powerpuff Girls (Meninas Super-Poderosas) Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
We don't sit tight!
We can do anything
No one can match us
Because we're together
Any time (Any time)
We contain our anger
Good luck!
And now
Our only feelings
They're not like others
Most of it (Most of it)
We can surpass our own limits