Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Peter Heppner
Tenemos 16 canciones traducidas de Peter Heppner
Peter Heppner

Artista: Peter Heppner Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Heute spiel ich nur die Spiele
die ich selber mag
Heute wird das nur passieren
was ich sag
Heute gibts mal ausnahmsweise
keinen Kompromiss
denn heute gibts nur einen
und zwar mich
Alleinesein, Alleinesein
Heute bin ich einfach mein
in vertrau
Being me
Artista: Peter Heppner Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I can't say if it's real
That you're laying here with me
It feels so good… this can't be you
No… this is something new
A hoax, a silly joke or just a lie
I don't know if this is true
Or just another dream of you
I can't forget
I know that this sounds mad
Die Flut (feat. Joachim Witt)
Artista: Peter Heppner Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Artist: Peter Heppner
Album: other songs Buy other songs CD
Lyrics: Die Flut (feat. Joachim Witt)
Wenn ich in mir keine Ruhe fühl'
Bitterkeit mein dunkles Herz umspült
Ich warte auf den nächsten Tag
Der mir erwacht
Wenn Finsternis den klaren Blick verhüllt
Dream Of You
Artista: Peter Heppner Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
I've been here all the time
As far as i know doing right
I've always waited for the moment
That you would come through my door
But this brought loneliness so far
I lay my hand onto my heart
Is this the life i want to live,
Is this the dream i had of you?
But thi
Artista: Peter Heppner Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
You walk along your way
One fine Day
A way you'd never choose
Ahead of you
You don't know how
You don't know why
Your life's just passing by
It's the easy way
Promising to ease your pain
Promising you love
You don't know when
You don't know where
I Hate You
Artista: Peter Heppner Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I'm feeling great, I'm feeling fine
Oh, how wonderfully good it can be to know
Revenge is mine
You may think I will forget
And that time will wash away all the things
You should regret
But I will find a way
Do not think I can't wait
I hate you, from the bott
Leben... I Feel You (mit Schiller)
Artista: Peter Heppner Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Vida... Eu te sinto
Eu te sinto
em cada pedra,
em cada folha de todas as árvores,
que você nunca poderia ter crescido
Eu te sinto,
em todas as coisas.
em cada rio que possa fluir
em cada semente que você pôde ter semeado
Eu te sinto. (5x)
Leben...I Feel You (mit Schiller)
Artista: Peter Heppner Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I feel you.
I feel you,
in every stone,
in every leaf of every tree,
that you ever might have grown.
I feel you,
in every thing,
in every river that might flow,
in every seed you might have sown.
I feel you. (5x)
I feel you,
in every vein,
Meine Welt
Artista: Peter Heppner Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Für den mund nehm' ich rot und für die augen blau
Deine haare mal' ich bunt, in gelb und lila, grün und grau
Ich weiß auch, daß das nicht stimmt, aber es sieht doch lustig aus
Ich mach' das so wie's mir gefällt, denn ich mal' ja... Meine welt
Ich mal'n auto, das nicht stinkt un
No Matter What It Takes
Artista: Peter Heppner Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I wish that I could prove
What I feel for you
Something that you can't deny
Anything you can rely upon
Each time you're in the mood for any doubts
But there's no evidence for what I hold inside my heart
You need to understand this
No matter what it takes
Artista: Peter Heppner Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I don't give a fuck
What you say
I don't want to hear no lies
From you today
You wonder why you stand
All alone
Bu maybe you just reap
What you've sown
And suddenly
You find you're in so deep
The more you try in vain
To free yourself again
The de
Artista: Peter Heppner Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Twelve lyrics
Artist: Peter Heppner
Album: other songs
Lyrics: Twelve
They were twelve of the bravest men that I've ever seen
They were waiting on a mountain top to defend their queen
Against the rambling troops of bandits hiding in the stormy night
Artista: Peter Heppner Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Viel zu lang hast du gesucht
Doch keinen Weg gefunden
Du hast alles schon versucht
Dich bis zum Schluss gewunden
Bis du begreifst…
Es ist vorbei
Alles bricht entzwei
Jede Hoffnung, jede Tr?erei
Es ist vorbei
Dir wird nur noch mit Spott gedankt
Und je
Walter (London Or Manchester)
Artista: Peter Heppner Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Hey you, come down and play
Oh, I don't know, what can I say
You know, there lies a day ahead
We will enjoy and laugh like mad
Wait just a second here
I'll be back soon, most sincere
And then I'll show you how it's done
I know a thousand ways to have some fun
Artista: Peter Heppner Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Everything seems strange, fascinating, new
So much different from what you're used to
Such exciting flavours, amazing views
Unlike anything that you once knew
Not settled in but you hope you'll do
But don't forget I'm still here with you
Wherever you may go
Wir Sind Wir (feat. Paul Van Dyk)
Artista: Peter Heppner Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Wir Sind Wir
Tag um Tag, Jahr um Jahr,
Wenn ich durch diese Straßen geh',
Seh ich wie die Ruinen dieser Stadt
Wieder zu Häusern auferstehen.
Doch bleiben viele Fenster leer,
Für viele gab es keine Wiederkehr.
Und über das, was grad noch war,
Spricht man heute