Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Pathology
Tenemos 20 canciones traducidas de Pathology

A Bleak Future
Artista: Pathology Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Forced into hiding, from this global uprising,
Feeding off the filth from eons of oppression,
It's been there all along,
A bleak future for the future generations,
Becoming more and more evident every day.
The ones in power continue to take,
As they further their rape,
A Perverse Existence
Artista: Pathology Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Destined for failure.
Living for nothing but ourselves.
No care or compassion for the earth
Or its inhabitants.
There is no concept for self-preservation.
This is the dissection of our own world.
Our living further perpetuates our
Own depravity.
Choking on the ver
Artista: Pathology Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
An exchange for advanced technology
Abduction experiments not returned
Grey's treaty exceeded and broken
To negotiate surrender
And speak in strange terms
Harnessing energy & nations in war
Greada Treaty
They came from Orion
And multiple species exist
Artista: Pathology Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
His head was that of a falcon not man
He is the horizon Attis dead for 3 days
Born of a virgin Krishna resurrected once again
Dionysus performed miracles
Mithra the king of kings
Set the conqueror - Underworld
Set the conqueror - Afterlife
Age Of Onset
Artista: Pathology Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
... Sickness
Diseased… Disorder
Abnormal... Pathogen
Pathogen... Infection
With the infected hosts
Parasites bore through lungs and veins
Walk with the
Infected hosts
Parasites mutate - transmitting disease
Age of onset
As we
Among Giants
Artista: Pathology Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Nephilim were the giants
That walked among men
After the flood the giants
Rose once again
They will return to punish
And control the deserts once again
Of the purest blood
Controlled by Masons
Worship through manipulation
Morale of the masses lowered
Among Skinwalkers
Artista: Pathology Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
As we collect from the ranch-Skinwalkers again appear
Discovering circles and triangles of glass
Awaken to mutilations
The cattle disappear with no trace
Unseeable energy lurks above
Where are they from
And why are they here
The truth so elusive and near
The l
As the Globe Begins to Burn
Artista: Pathology Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Invoke those whom lay underground
Let then rise as they once stood
Come alive, and destroy humanity
It is not appreciated, so demolish it
Human kind does not care if it exists
Man cares for himself and no one else
Let it be done that all shall die
Feed the hate with d
Ascending Below
Artista: Pathology Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Three hundred stay in Heaven
Three hundred sent to Earth
They raised the head above the shrine
Where the children wait
The gatekeeper of the Abzu
Through the temple of Eridu
Ascending through below
Ascending below
As he pursues the tablets of destiny
Asphyxiation Through Consumption
Artista: Pathology Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Your very existence disgusts me
The concept of you further polluting humanity's
Cespool makes me hate the idea of my remaining time.
Complete chaos and total destruction occurs.
Purging you of any self-worth,
Creating our own hell on earth,
Humanity is a malignant tumor u
Autumn Cryptique
Artista: Pathology Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
In Autumn we sleep waiting for solar eclipse
A creator of the sun has fallen from
His throne high atop the hills and lakes
Energy builds and the king of Gods arise
Forgive us father we believe in the lions head
For you have safe passage through the new kingdom
And as we
Blessed Through Suffering
Artista: Pathology Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Soul suffering, creator of penance to exalt your sins
A faceless entity with
Diabolic intent over the fallen
Bound by their weakness they are
Resurrection Denied
Blessed Savior Crucifixion
Returning to their
Light half alive
Condemned to be lambs to
Blood Runs
Artista: Pathology Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
13 bloodlines dominate
Reptilian control is eminent
Elected by bloodlines
Convincing all of democracy
Blood runs
Reptilian control is eminent
Blood runs
Elected by bloodlines
The veils we wear are so dark
The elite know of this illusion
The same blood ru
Artista: Pathology Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Spinal cord snaps on impact
The lead pipe smashing thorugh
Initial impact, devastating blow
Bits of skull fall below
Let the braining begin
Smash in the skull
Brain matter filling the pavement
As the victim falls down
The body splashes in blood
All components
Code Injection
Artista: Pathology Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Infected by will saliva will secrete
DNA strands complete
Living cells evolve and mutate
Brain neurons regenerate
A war of consciousness
A war of our minds
Accounts of the elders
Guards of forbidden knowledge
An ancient race will rise
Reality is only what we
Collapsing In Violence
Artista: Pathology Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Tyranny of the majority is common law
Indirect democracy
Legions of ruling mob
Trampled beat bludgeoned
Silence critical mass
Collapsing in violence
Disposing of monarchy
Tyranny of the majority
Ruling mob
Trampled beat bludgeoned
Silence critical mass
Corporate Harvest
Artista: Pathology Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Our lives are on auction,
We are the slaves to a corporate harvest.
To create a perfect, a flawless world,
There is nothing pure left.
The degradation of all our nations,
The ongoing wave of technology
Over running life.
Continuing and determining to
Finding faste
Cultivating Humanity
Artista: Pathology Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
A harvest of our species, chaos weeps from the skies.
Acid rain rotting away our civilizations,
Ash blankets the landscape,
Cities lie in ruins,
Pollution clogging the very air we breathe.
A cultivation of the human race,
Sold into slavery.
Sold to the highest bidder,
Cyst Excise
Artista: Pathology Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
As I lye awake
Skin on a cold table
This drug - I cannot move
Sight and
Nerves intact
A cut starts to bleed
Clamping - Cyst excise
Metal forcing
The wound open
A Cyst excise
A Cyst excise
Cycles begin
Infecting the host
Dead Commandments
Artista: Pathology Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Hail to thee, great God, Lord of the two truths
I have come unto thee, my Lord, that thou mayest
bring me to see thy beauty, I know thee, I know
Thy name, I know the names of the 42 Gods
Who are with thee in this broad hall of the two
Truths...Behold, I am come unto thee. I h