Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Parlour Steps
Tenemos 18 canciones traducidas de Parlour Steps
Parlour Steps

A Laughable Struggle
Artista: Parlour Steps Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Are you settling into feeling unsettled?
You getting used to feeling used?
So many colorful purchase options…
The world is painted like a bruise
Are you crowded with feeling lonesome?
Are you watching too much tv?
Sing yourself until you are wiser
Dance yourself unt
A Pagan And A Cook
Artista: Parlour Steps Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
If we are the end of death,
Then I'll pause and savour this breath.
If we are just fistfuls of dust blowing our way west,
We are also as good as a guess.
A pagan and a cook had to share a body.
She managed to hold it together quite admirably
She took to seeing crows com
Bombed Out Marriages
Artista: Parlour Steps Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Well, as far as she could see
There is no method to this madness
As patient as she thought herself to be
She's having trouble sleeping in meaning's absence
Like a lover she will never see
There is a memory of a memory
As complicated as she explains her life to be
Haunt The Park
Artista: Parlour Steps Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
You find yourself wishing you hadn't learned that lesson?
Like gorging yourself hoping for no nutrition?
Oh help me from pining for simpler times!
As if ignorance was a virtue and stupidity sublime
Ever wonder why this experiment ain't working so well?
Existence's small pri
Artista: Parlour Steps Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Does a biological determinist
Still like to French kiss?
Does Walt Whitman move an atheist?
Does a tragic end befall all innocence?
Are we special? Are we common at the same time?
So, the rational ego-dependent
Struggles to make sense of the world
Outside your menta
Hot Romance
Artista: Parlour Steps Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
If you're waiting for your life to get better
Don't wait for the weather.
The land has taken to laughing at our plans.
Addiction and loving, baby.
And the luck of accidents
It's a hot romance
Now how do you keep your faith intact?
Constant ambiguity.
When just
Launched Into Vacancy
Artista: Parlour Steps Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
The day's so vivid
Cast our shadows behind us
The face you were born with
Of what source birthday's remind us
And my dear friend
Who labours endlessly
The weight of the world
Propped on your weary feet
You're pissed off and bothered
By this world you are t
Libertine Takes A Lover
Artista: Parlour Steps Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
We accelerate, draw lips to our faces
Insulate, spin cocoons around our bodies
Entertain the chance of things
Being rosier on the other side
Demonstrate, we hide our children
Copulate, dismantle our armour
Write our myths and share our kiss
Blissfully into the other
Little Pieces
Artista: Parlour Steps Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
We break and then we go
And we try, we try and stay... hopeful
But seems the more we learn the less we know
I'll try and stay truthful - yeah
If I fall to little pieces
You can fall to little pieces
We can mingle
We can mingle
Our debris
Our secrets have b
Lord, Do Hold Me
Artista: Parlour Steps Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Lord, do hold me
And my family
I've been faithful to the good and the bad luck
That you have thrown to me
Look out over
The people and their land
Does it give you sad sorrow, my friend?
Are we that hard to understand?
"And I'll hold you to the water
I'll h
Make Way
Artista: Parlour Steps Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
The night glows sickly an orange and black paste
Holding the city submerged
The hero of our story leans into a crowd
And is lost amongst the sea of faces
Languages rise and expire
Mixing into just one flavour
Are there any "wilds" anymore?
As the indoors is eating the
Only Mystery
Artista: Parlour Steps Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
If the night church is spilling people all over the sidewalk,
Then our open bottle will spill dangerous, fantastical talk.
Did I mention the devil living in my landlord?
Did I tell you my grandpa used to see sea monsters?
And I tell you I see monsters in this very city.
Perpetual Dream
Artista: Parlour Steps Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
The trouble is calling me out, son
It's working its way down our street
Looks like everyone's getting theirs, fighting its way through our city
The rumbling is growing deafening, we'll have to escape through our ceiling
Maybe that was a dream
My mind has been working me
The Garden
Artista: Parlour Steps Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Work the ground and dig the earth.
Pound it with your fists!
The city hides a hiding soil.
They keep it under the streets.
If you need to feel some dirt,
You can come over to my yard.
We can mash the soil between our fingers!
And all it took for space to be made
The Modern Today
Artista: Parlour Steps Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Sister, I have let out all your animals
Let them into the squall of the modern today
Maybe free to die in public spaces
But free to die any which way
So let the sun blind canary eyes
Eyes most used to florescent light
So let the weather change the skin your wearing
Thieves Of Memory
Artista: Parlour Steps Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
This clock's got a hold of us!
Let me lighten the weight you're lifting.
This fear's got a hold of us!
Let me lighten the weight you're believing.
Now who are your heroes?
Now who will save you?
This past has got a hold of us!
Don't leave history to the thieves of
What The Lonely Say
Artista: Parlour Steps Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
One day I'm going to leave this city
And you can follow me.
Find the places without city lights
Wherever that be.
You tell me we're living half asleep,
Loving in and out of a dream.
If our past is the cloth,
Our future's the seam.
Am I reaching you?
World As Large
Artista: Parlour Steps Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
If there is time spread out like endless sheets,
Why do I move so urgently?
And if you and I will eventually love again,
Why the time between that I just cannot stand?
If it's written in the cards,
If it's aligned up in the stars
Things will unfold themselves in a world