Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Natastor
Tenemos 10 canciones traducidas de Natastor

Artista: Natastor Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Ideas without senses appears in my head
Satan has came and he wants obedience
The sacrifice altar is for him
My brain doesn't works I belong to Lucifer
The prophet cried corrode your church
And the priest chins fills me of sadness
To disturb the nun I have the aptitude<
Dreaming With The Reality
Artista: Natastor Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Do you remember my dreams?
Do you remember what I said than I going to do?
Just fantasies
Dreams that will never be able to be
My memoirs goes away
My forces abandon me
It's just wasted time
The world rotates without me
I haven't carried out anything
I've been
Escape From The Fear's Corner
Artista: Natastor Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
How many you have to see
To be able to leave?
I can't understand
As it arrive 'til you
Drowning in your misery
Everything believes that's right
Dragging the chains
Of your ruin and desolation
Looking for in empty corners
Something that you can't see
Esclavo De La Eternidad
Artista: Natastor Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Caminas sin importar a donde vas a ir
La penumbra de la cuadra no deja distinguir
Te das cuenta que estas solo y te armas de valor
No te detienes aunque el miedo ya te quiere vencer
Serás victima de la noche eternamente en la oscuridad
Victima de la noche sin esperanza de r
Flying In The Cloudy Sky
Artista: Natastor Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Can you see it? Can you feel it?
How black your future will be
Do you like what you see?
Do you like what you feel?
A dark light
Is coming for you
Let me be your guide
Let me leave your pain behind
World of pain, go away
Call me
I've come to help you
Lady Without Face
Artista: Natastor Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
That night you seduced my soul
Taking me to that place
Just to see
The crudeness in which
The children of your dark kingdom live
You took me with your look
Without caring that would come
You wise more than nobody
That I wouldn't see another dawn
You came dress
Mental Inquisition
Artista: Natastor Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
You arrive without asking it on a madness world
You are nobody in this world 'cause you don't have conscience
When you are just a kid, they destroy all your innocence
They baptize you of bitterness with a bath of believing
You live with strange rules of praises and reverences
Artista: Natastor Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Handsome angel they create you and for your fault we have sinned
Today you govern in the abyss and hell is your home
Adored in aquelarres you were center of attraction
I pray to you Natastor listen to my petition
Five points has the star that inverted you will carr
Pensamiento Oscuro
Artista: Natastor Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Cierras los ojos aunque no duermes
Un frío intenso corre en tu cuerpo
Recuerdos cruzan por tu mente
Todo es fugaz, termina ya
Sabes que esto no es nada normal
Y se que entiendes lo que ocurre
Hay una fuerza que te hace pensar
A donde iras? Hay mas allá?
No lo pi
Prision de Cristal
Artista: Natastor Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Recuerdos viven en mi mente sin salir
Que me atormentan y me invitan a huir
Salir de todo y renegar de mí vivir
Saltar el muro que destruye mi existir
Giro mi vida esto es un círculo sin fin
Conozco poco soy un niño en este cuerpo
Siendo así no creo en nadie mas que en