Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Male Factors
Tenemos 3 canciones traducidas de Male Factors
Male Factors

Artista: Male Factors Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Heute abens ich muss zu Gast
Wo wartet sie auf mich allein.
Ich hoffe sehr auf dem Erfolg
Dieses Stelldichein!
Ich hab' fuer sie einen Rosenstrauss
Und Flasche franzoesisches Wein.
Ich moechte sehen wie Dandy aus
Doch, Scheisse, ich habe kein
Warum Vitrine zebroch
Liar Swindler Provocateur
Artista: Male Factors Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
The man, I knew, wasn't too good,
Because he ever lied as he could.
And people said: "hi is a real shit",
Yes, I'm sure about that.
His stories shot, but so didactic,
With him in the center of acting.
He never cry, but always fun.
Hi is like a bullet of the gun.
Male Factors
Artista: Male Factors Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
We sit on the street with the shotguns in arms
We let fly at kids and we push business sharks
We fire the woods and kick in face Robin Good
We raze to the ground the rock Hollywood.
We are guys of the freedom, we are outlaw men.
We like cute girls and we like big guns,