Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Chumbawamba
Tenemos 22 canciones traducidas de chumbawamba
A Fairy Tale (Real No-shit)
Artista: Chumbawamba Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Chapt. Two - Guess who? Manfred The Great
The great king bashed down his goblet on the oaken table as kings do when they want more wine. Everyone was silent. 'Minstrel the noise of chattering women grates on my ears. Play me some music,' he bellowed.
A fairy tale handed down
I believ
A Lament To The Best
Artista: Chumbawamba Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
Oh, where are you now George?
Now that wingers have been laid to rest
And shirts have adverts across their breast
And it's all about who's the richest
Where are you now George?
With those boots that laced up the side
And that Irish shirt that you wore with pride
And t
A Man Walks Into A Bar
Artista: Chumbawamba Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
A Man walks into a bar
He Says, "Give me a Bacardi and Coke."
The back of beyond repair
Welcomes the broken and the broke
The latter hitches a ride
On the back of second-hand smoke
And the man,
Well he'd be the punch line
In someone elses Joke
I'll beat thi
A Morality Play
Artista: Chumbawamba Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
People would have to be told that if they refuse to answer questions when they might be expected to answer questions, that is something which can be used at the trial and which might strengthen the case against them.
Hang Michael Howard, oh c'mon...
Act one, the smell of green leather, F
A Regular Guy
Artista: Chumbawamba Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Boys own hero born again
Savior of the Empire
Come to save our national game
Against all odds, and umpire
Once a simple cricketer
now champion of bravado
He's the darling of the tabloids
'Cause he's got a trendy hairdo
The game was having trouble
Act With Mother
Artista: Chumbawamba Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
M spells man, K spells kind, could somebody tell me is man kind?
Manking is saying, gotta say goodbye now, gotto say goodbye to mother earth
I mean, how could I ever say that to her?
She's my mother, and I love her, there's no other, mother earth, mother earth
I used to watch, wa
Add me
Artista: Chumbawamba Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
I'm a loner alone with neuroses and hate
Anger is a permanent character trait
My letter bombs are primed and ready to send
Would you like to add me as a friend?
I'm a wound-up whiner with a fetish for guns
I'm almost 50 and I live with my Mum
I hope my nude picture does
Artista: Chumbawamba Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Thirty years of the same old shit
Of music, money, hit after hit
Smiles, lies, sales, walls
That's thirty years of rock and roll
They changed it's name once or twice
Get rebellious with a company deal
Business thrives where honesty fails
Contracts? Con tricks!
After Shelley
Artista: Chumbawamba Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
"Anybody can press a button and blow up a ship. Anybody can use an atom bomb.
Anybody can pick up a big whip, and whip you. Anybody can stick a knife into
you. Anybody can pull a trigger. But where's the man with the character, as can
take a punch on the nose and keep his temper,
Artista: Chumbawamba Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
A visionary pause in the cycle
When she refused to buy or sell
When the daughters of perfect wives
Said there must be more sacrifice
Needed more than symbolic change
More than silent wasting away
In factories and sterile marriages
He was God, she was powerless
All In Vain
Artista: Chumbawamba Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
"I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish (Repeats)
But it's all in vain" (Repeats)
Different colors, different faces
Different schools in different places
Scour the morning papers, all in vain
Evening after, who remembers?
Say your prayers for the great pretenders
I see noth
All Mixed Up
Artista: Chumbawamba Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Sitting on the shelf when someone called my number
With a template in one hand, scissors in the other
'What lump of clay is this?' Said the king maker to me
Dull, gray matter, perfect for his alchemy
The future flesh and blood on the bones of the big lie
A no-wit who's face f
All The King's Men
Artista: Chumbawamba Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
And so in the tradition of Manfred the Great
The people built the glorious vision in his name
Great Britain they called it, a land for heroes
A land where no one was starving, a paradise, a garden of Eden
The garden of Eden, levelled to the ground
And concreted over, re-built
Artista: Chumbawamba Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Goodbye to the summer
Sold down the river
Unhappy ever after
Well did you ever?
Did you ever reach for the
glued-down penny?
Same old joke and it's not funny
Burns are red bruises blue
Out with the old cheated by the new
Do you suffer from long-term
I Get Knocked Down
Artista: Chumbawamba Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Truth is, I thought it mattered
I thought that music mattered
But does it, bullox
Not compared to our people, matter
We'll be singing
When we're winning
We'll be singing
I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never going to keep me down
I get kno
Mary Mary
Artista: Chumbawamba Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
No virgin me
For I have sinned
I sold my soul
For sex and gin
Go call a priest
All meek and mind
And tell him, "Mary
Is no more a child."
It's raining stones
It's raining bile
From the luxury
Of your denial
So I don't deny
I don't make do
On Ebay
Artista: Chumbawamba Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Mr Kokoschka, it just happened again
Sad, so sad
They struck the museum like a hurricane
Sad, so sad
All of our culture, it's dead and its gone
Sad, so sad
From Babylon, baby, back to Babylon
Sad, so sad
There's stuff you find along the way and stuff you leave beh
She's Got All The Friends
Artista: Chumbawamba Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
She's got all the friends that money can buy
She's the apple of her daddy's eye
She's got all the friends that money can buy
She's the apple of her daddy's eye
The family money has a magnetic pull
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Her social diary is always full
And both her faces--so
Top Of The World
Artista: Chumbawamba Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Words on a postcards from far way
Spoke of a time long ago
Laughed ourselves draft on that saturday
I'm a taxi driver
I'm a postal worker
I'm an office cleaner
I'm a striking docker
I'm a ballet dancer
I'm a Zapatista
I'm a pop singer
I'm a winner
Artista: Chumbawamba Traducción porEduardo | Publicado 15 years ago