Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Chase Diane
Tenemos 12 canciones traducidas de Chase Diane
Chase Diane

All In Your Mind
Artista: Chase Diane Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
You've been acting funny lately,
What's up with you
You clam up or you just talk crazy,
Flippin' mood to mood
If you think that I don't care,
you're missing something
If you think there's nothing there,
you're wrong.
It's all in your mind,
Hearts Don't Think Like That
Artista: Chase Diane Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
My better sense is telling me I just might oughta be
turning my eyes away from you
Start thinking bout something else other than how I felt
when I saw you walk in the room
My rational side is sending me a message,
telling me I'd better hold back,
But here I go anyway,
I Hate Love
Artista: Chase Diane Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I hate love,
what's it ever done for me,
but cause me a lot of grief,
lost me a lot of sleep
Every time I say I've had enough,
I'm never doing that again,
I wind up falling right back in.
I hate love.
I hate love,
It's nothing but a losing game
Never wor
In The Middle Of Something
Artista: Chase Diane Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Here comes 'johnny come lately'
A dozen roses in his hand
Just to show me that he cares for me,
He's doing everything he can.
He wants to wrap his arms around me
And i'm flattered that he does
But he don't stand a chance,
And that's because…
I'm i
Soiree In The Kitchen
Artista: Chase Diane Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Everybody knows that the best kind of parties
Wind up round a kitchen with an old wood stove
someone starts humming
and we all start singing
to the squeezebox fiddle
and the old banjo.
The potluck cover charge
is a poor boy
or a keg full of hurricane
while we
The Ride
Artista: Chase Diane Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
The road I left home on, so many have taken
Before me in search of the same dreams I've had
I don't know about them, but my way of thinking
Is if they don't come true, well that won't be so bad
I'll make new ones, and get on that road again
Turn the wheel, and change my direc
There I Go
Artista: Chase Diane Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
I fell head over heels in love with you last night
After all those Mr. Moms I found Mr. Right
I was just about to settle in
When I got those feelings again
the next thing that I knew,
I had on my walkin' shoes.
There I go again,
Won't somebody please
Time To Make A Life
Artista: Chase Diane Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
We wake up every morning,
In the early eyes of dawn
roll on out of bed, kiss,
And put the coffee on.
By 9 or 10 I feel as though,
I've worked a day or two
I close my eyes and dream about,
Spending time with you
Everyday I trade the simple things
for all their
Walkin' Back To You
Artista: Chase Diane Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
There they go again,
It happens every time
I try to leave
But they just wont tow the line
They've got a mind of their own
When it comes to you
That's the only time
They tell me what to do
These boots were made for walking back to you
Cause eve
Walking Away With You
Artista: Chase Diane Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
I Paid five hundred bucks for a ten dollar car.
She's used four full quarts of oil so far.
Hey and she's really got a wobble over fifty-five
But somehow we get from A to B alive
And we cross our fingers all the way there
But when I'm with my baby I really don't care
Way Back When
Artista: Chase Diane Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Here comes another Friday night,
All the Girls are here.
Crack out the whiskey,
Bring out the wine.
Pour ourselves a little cheer.
Uncork the memories of the years gone by
when we were young and free.
Thought I knew it all way back when,
Ain't life a mystery.
Woman I Wanna Be
Artista: Chase Diane Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
I checked myself in the rear-view mirror,
As I pulled out of the drive
The woman right there staring back at me
I could hardly recognise
She looked so strong and self-assured,
in a way I never was,
until I met you,
until you loved me.
There were places I thought