Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Charles Bronson
Tenemos 20 canciones traducidas de Charles Bronson
Charles Bronson

4 Alarm Counter Fuck
Artista: Charles Bronson Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
The picture on the wall
doesn't seem accurate at all
where everybody's white and smiling
while you're piling up in the shit and dying
and somehow nobody seems to be complaining
that your opinion doesn't mean a goddamn thing
I can't ever go that far
Treated like a
4 Hour Personality
Artista: Charles Bronson Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
You smoke up your ambitions
in trade for a stagnant position
with green oozing from your pores
Your 4 hour personality makes you a fucking whore
Your cause is full of flaws
when your cause has you on pause
4 hours to feed your craving
for our proof to say you're was
Annual Martyr To Your Social Life
Artista: Charles Bronson Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
It happens every year just about around this time
when some drunken underage kids crash in a ditch and die
and for a day or two everyone pretends to be upset
Their friends are so sad, but it's only cuz now
the fucking bouncers will be checking harder for fake I.D.'s
Ants In The Kool Aid
Artista: Charles Bronson Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I can't recall a time when
I haven't heard your voice.
You've hoisted yourself to center stage
Without giving us a choice.
But nobodies paying attention because
We're all busy thinking about how we wish
One of these days you'd just
Shut your fucking mouth.
Look at
Batting A Thousand And Still Striking Out
Artista: Charles Bronson Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
All the years growing up
I anticipated the day.
Now, the excitement has just become making the rounds
The score and the win. With all the bases covered
Sex has become as worthless as
the relationship that it isn't based on
This is what it's built up to
so now what
Bible Thumpers Go To Hell
Artista: Charles Bronson Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Wait around until you die
That's why you're here and I won't ask why
You could be living your own life
but instead you can't wait 'til you're fucking dead
NO - I don't wanna wake up early
NO - I don't wanna give my money
NO - I don't wanna sit and listen
I don't wan
Can't Take This
Artista: Charles Bronson Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
You fucking girls. I've got enough problems as it is.
I'm sick of all these flings ending up like shit.
How come all of a sudden
I'm caught up in such a mess???
Just like Ursula, I need something off my chest:
I can't fucking take this.
I'm going insane cuz dealing
Cheese With Your Whine
Artista: Charles Bronson Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
The fact that you're content with life scares me almost as
much as the thought of myself at your
ripe old age. Graduated into a full-time
position of total and complete idleness and boredom
that you expect us to feel sorry for everythin
Close Encounters Of The Nerd Kind
Artista: Charles Bronson Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
The truth is out there for the social skill-less
on top of the nerd list, who got beamed up to the pocket protected alien craze, panning out to be way more fun than last months wild and crazy battletech phaze. You dorks! You got the green wet dream sickness and I think you fucking suck. Got
Craig Ferris Sucks A Mean Cock
Artista: Charles Bronson Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I bet you didn't think we'd hear what you said.
I guess I'll have to make you cry again.
Don't come in my house because you're not my friend.
In fact, I hate everyone of you fucking skins.
I wanna wrap these braces around your neck and laugh so you won't be after we choke you
Crooked Teeth
Artista: Charles Bronson Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
Look at you now and i can't help but laugh
maybe it's cause it makes me so sick
you've traded in your beliefs and friends
all for rock n roll or whatever it is you do in your pathetic life looking at you now makes me wanna fuck with you cause you're everything we hated
Deaf And Dumb
Artista: Charles Bronson Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
Drugged up minds with no responses
Deaf and dumb is how they want us
Falling victim to their prey
No thanks, I'll fucking stay away
Not gonna be controlled
cuz I'm gonna stand up and break the mold
All influence left behind
You can't take away what's inside my mind<
Debate Team Bake Sale
Artista: Charles Bronson Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Draw the sword we've all seen before
The bandwagon cuts deep and drains
out all the fun that I
fuckin' ever had in me
With quick tongues, the blood runs fast
but I hope in two weeks your beliefs still last
cuz it's fucking politics, not the music
that you dumbasses
Diet Rootbeer
Artista: Charles Bronson Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
You stabbed me in the back you fucking jerk
Don't try to deny it, it just makes it worse
Your fucking actions are so cheap
You talked about me when I went to sleep
But surprise, surprise I heard your fucking punk ass!
Please explain to me why I'm so fucked
What did I do
Down For The Count
Artista: Charles Bronson Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
No regrets for stabbing you in the back
Nordic winds rise and we attack
Full moon mystics, eternal black
Setting fire to your Sunday mass
I'm down for the count
cuz weakness is for Jesus
Grischnack, Lord of Goat Perversion Masterminded
orchestrator of Burzum. The
Drunk Punks Is Hippies
Artista: Charles Bronson Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Your words are worth as much
as the 40 oz. you pissed
out all over the front lawn
But for now fuck the draft
even though its been over 20 fuckin'
years since we've had one
Easy E's Fucking Dead, And I Think It's Funny
Artista: Charles Bronson Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Ah ha! Look at you now
See where you fucking got yourself?
While you were out shit talking and dodging bullets
your fuckin' immune system gone to hell
From every homo you bashed in this world
to everyone that hated your girl
It can be safely said
we're all g
Artista: Charles Bronson Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
It doesn't matter if you don't like the tape
but don't pretend to my fucking face
The dollar $igns shine clearly in your eyes
so be aware cuz the next agenda is shaving your fucking hair
Heard it second hand - Eavesdrop
Ridding ourselves of you - Eavesdrop
Wrote us off
Ebro's Bitter Onslaught On Jerry Springer's Unsuspecting Ass
Artista: Charles Bronson Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
So what if I overdressed for the show?
Fuck you, asshole, cuz you got a crooked nose
And from what I can tell it must obstruct your sight
cuz it's only four letters but you still can't say my fucking name right
Elbro's not my name!
You cut out every line I said
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