Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Celtachor
Tenemos 11 canciones traducidas de Celtachor

A Warning to Balor
Artista: Celtachor Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
As the winds blow across Uisneach
Lugh prepares to attack
Driving the fomorians back to their lands
To send a message of war to balor!
No more shall we stand idle by
As our kin and our lands are oppressed
The Sun is setting on our shores
from the east and in the wes
Anann: Ermne's Daughter
Artista: Celtachor Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Anann, ernmas's daughter
Deep within temhair she dwell's
A raging fire by a great cooking spit,
The crow of battle
Wandering overhead.
Anann, she is the crow of battle.
Anann, trinity of the morrigan.
Anann, eyes on the battlefield.
Anann, flying overhead.
Conn Of The Hundred Battles
Artista: Celtachor Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Conn was in Teamhair at the Rath of The Kings,
The dawn of a blistering sun,
With his three Druids with him,
Maol, Bloc and Bhuice;
And three poets, Ethain,
Corb and Cesarn
Looking for people of the Sidhe.
He stood upon a stone,
And it screamed under his feet.
In The Halls Of Nuada
Artista: Celtachor Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Lugh went to Nuada, of the Silver Arm
At the Great Feast of Temhair,Celestial fires burn bright
I am Lugh son of Cian and Ethlinn
What are you skilled in Master of all arts?
I am champion,carpenter,harper and smith
I am magician ,poet and cupbearer,
Nuada challenged him
Riders Of The Fomor
Artista: Celtachor Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
On the isle of lochlann
Balor gazes across the wild seas
Ceithlenn his wife reveals
The identity of the attacker
He is the son of our daughter and grandson
As it was foretold by the druids...
The council of fomorian chiefs met
Eab,seanchub neid and liath
Rise Of Lugh
Artista: Celtachor Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Upon the horizion,the tower of glass stands tall
Balor of the evil eye ,watchs over all
The sons of nemed attacked with the power of druid spells
A great wave swallowed them and took them to the depths
A druid told balor,he would fall to a grandson
He sent his only daughter
Sorrow Of The Dagda
Artista: Celtachor Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
The dagda at his home
Of brugh na boinne
The hall of the morrigu
And cermaits birthplace within
The prison of the grey
Of macha the hill of dabilla
Where the hound of boann did be.
In these halls the sorrow of the dagda!
At one time the dagda made a vat,
For h
The Kingship Of Bodb Dearg
Artista: Celtachor Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
After tailtin, the tuatha
Were without a place to remain.
Manannan created a new home,
Among the hills and valleys
Of ireland hidden,
That no man could see through
But pass through.
The tuatha were assembled
In the halls in council.
"We need a king to be ove
The Landing: Amergin's Conquest
Artista: Celtachor Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Winds rising, waves crashing,
Amergin's eyes fixed on the shore!
Sons of the gael at inver slane,
Return to revenge the death of ith
Sent forth by mileds sons
If you can not claim the land!
Then your kin will follow and take it
As their own!
The ships came the t
The Sons Of Tuireann And The Blood Fine
Artista: Celtachor Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Lugh passed down the bloodfine
To luchar, brian and lucharba
For killing his father cian
Wounded as a pig and killed as a man
Bring me,
Three apples,a spear,two horses,seven pig's
The skin of a pig and a cooking spit
A dog's whelp and three shouts on a hill
The Wavesweeper
Artista: Celtachor Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Towards the Hill of Miochaoin, they went
Brian faced Miochaoin, and they fought
Like two beast's they attacked
And as the sun rose Miochaoin fell
As they heard their father's cry
The Sons Of Miochaoin,appeared
Corc,Conn and Aedh ,the champions gathered
Courage Stren