Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Cadaver Ecogenics
Tenemos 17 canciones traducidas de Cadaver Ecogenics
Cadaver Ecogenics

Brain Flavored Slerpy
Artista: Cadaver Ecogenics Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
industrial size vaccume.
stuffed down your fucking throat.
now i'll take what is mine.
your brains.
Burn Down The House Of Christ
Artista: Cadaver Ecogenics Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
burn down the house of christ.
bur em alive.
one gallone of gas.
burn em alive.
make a wall of fire and block all exists
watch em burn.
burn down the house of christ
Artista: Cadaver Ecogenics Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
I don't see the things in you that i see in me. i just see some fucked up bitch that thinks she's better then me.
Come out of your world and join with me. the place that plagues you to equality.
Suffer in silence.nothing inside us.why can't i find this. integrate our minds just.don't try
Drink My Left Ball Sweat And Chew On My Dinkle Berries
Artista: Cadaver Ecogenics Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Drink your fucking beer.
Heinkins for queers.
Drink german horse piss.
Fuck german horse piss.
That's what you get for drinking that shit you fucking pussy.
You're a fucking pussy and you drink fucking pussy beer.
Fucking pussy
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck hie
Emo Rock Anthem 2006
Artista: Cadaver Ecogenics Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I'm dumb.
I'm an emo and i hate life.
Now now that i have to know.
That i will know that i don't know.
I don't know
Do you know
I need to know
I just need to know
To know one thing
Were's the tissues
Evil Minds
Artista: Cadaver Ecogenics Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Fall asleep for me.
Explore your personal dreams.
Who will die.
Any one survive.
I will derive.
Evil minds.
Sickest crimes.
Lovily Housing For Killers
Artista: Cadaver Ecogenics Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Solicitation of vissions.
Heinoius crimes to be dumped upon a ward.
Our lives outside the box.
Kill your not free.
Kill you can't take care of yourself.
Kill at will your insane.
My Face In Your Grandma's Shitty Ass
Artista: Cadaver Ecogenics Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Anal penetration of your grandma
With shit smoothering my cock to the point of absolute zero friction.
Hours of donkey punching and fece smearing i grow bored and my cock grows soft.
90 year old anus stuffed with penis.
Now i stop to fill it with my face.
Party At The Morgue
Artista: Cadaver Ecogenics Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Party at the morgue this weekend.
Be there or be square.
We'll have a grand ole time
Smell the firmaldyhyde.
Such arrousing stinch
No protection needed
Cadaver ecogenics
Feasting on corpses
A joyus occasion
I've got a special girl just for you
A freshl
Playing Simon Says With Satan
Artista: Cadaver Ecogenics Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Killed for satan.
Killed for her lord.
Killed for satan.
Killed for her lord.
Satanic End
Artista: Cadaver Ecogenics Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Pathetic existance of the world
God ravishly dreaming failure
Satans damnation we shall wish for
The earth to ash
Satan yes satan we call
End the hunger
End the dissease
End the corruption
Now we all rise and join the army of satan
Saw Her Face Off
Artista: Cadaver Ecogenics Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Cut of your right arm.
Cut off your left arm.
Die bitch.
Dude is she fucking dead yet.
Fucking saw that bitches face off.
Snuff Film Whore
Artista: Cadaver Ecogenics Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Fat stinky slut come to my fucking house.
Enter my video dungeon where i'll show you every valid memory.
Snuff is alive. snuff is orgasmic.snuff is your friend hun.
Just close youre eyes no one is allowed to see this next part close your eyes baby.
Hey bitch keep them closed don'
Thy Bone Butt Dildo
Artista: Cadaver Ecogenics Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Wont you give your life your limbs i'll devour.
Ripping off your extremities.
Flayed cleaned and cooked.
Stuffing my face as you look.
Your eyeballs i crave for desert.
Roasted limbs
Your motionless body so helpless.
I now force your thy bone into your ass.
Vaginal Puke Bag
Artista: Cadaver Ecogenics Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Vomit in your pussy
Bitting off chunks of your flesh
Grinding your clit to bloody mush
Hacking off your labia
Slicing and prying your cunt to proportion my head
With the arche of your cunt's mutilation complete
No more perineum
Only a gaping whole
Your fal
Virgin Of The Kill
Artista: Cadaver Ecogenics Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Threat to society.
It's too much of a chance don't let him around.
Fear this syko
What can we get him for. lock him up. keep him away.
Fear this syko.
Waite for him to leave the house.follow him around. arrest his ass.
Fear this sykos.
He long to kill.he n
What It Is
Artista: Cadaver Ecogenics Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
locked in side.
of your mind.
you will find.
aeons of time.