Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Billy No Mates
Tenemos 12 canciones traducidas de Billy No Mates
Billy No Mates

Artista: Billy No Mates Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
All your futures all your dreams
tomorrow's in between
to insignificance
a spec blown with the dust
a blade of grass a grain of sand
thrown to the scheme of things
to insignificance
to dust blow with the wind
so while it's on
you'd better run with it
Artista: Billy No Mates Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Don't fade, don't fade on me
waltz a while through memory
don't fade, don't fade on me
stop a while right here by me
don't fade, don't fade on me
waltz a while through memory
so don't fade, don't fade on me
don't fade I need you by me
don't fade, don't fade on me<
Artista: Billy No Mates Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
Move in from the cold
Don't look so alone
Draw up to this fire
Warm your bones
There's always room for you
In a place where your troubles are shared
A place where your troubles are halved
A place where your worries go easy
And should you ever need me
I'll be t
Artista: Billy No Mates Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
don't fade, don't fade on me
waltz a while through memory
don't fade, don't fade on me
stop a while right here by me
don't fade, don't fade on me
waltz a while through memory
so don't fade, don't fade on me
don't fade I need you by me
don't fade, don't fade on me<
Artista: Billy No Mates Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Make a wish
take your time make your mind up send it off
make a wish
take your time wait for something special
make a wish
close your eyes wait for something found in dreams
make a wish
mums the word and in the meantime
I don't want to know I don't want to hear
Look At You
Artista: Billy No Mates Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Look at you standing there
all bloodshot and tearstained
no one can stop you now
no one knows quite how to
unanswered at trial
couched safety in denial
no one can stop you now
only you know how to
all said and done
I can't help wondering what's left to deny?
Memories Come Memories Go
Artista: Billy No Mates Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Watch the smile appear and fade
watch the smile appear and fall
Memories come memories go
off with the sun, off with the moon
off with the tide, the ebb and the flow
memories come memories go
off through the streets, off through the leaves
off with the clouds, off w
More To Come
Artista: Billy No Mates Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
if you'd seek maybe you'd find
may not all be wasted time
may end right back at square one
but the fool gives in the chance is gone
when there's always a long way home
and there's always more to come
if you'd seek maybe you'd find
try and try might just get by
Artista: Billy No Mates Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
There's seagulls shitting on my car
seagulls shitting and they just keep shitting
got a wasp's nest buzzing in my ear
a wasp's nest buzzing and it just keeps buzzing
Now I'm going to need a mop
and I'm going to need a bucket
and I'm going to have to hire a skip
Artista: Billy No Mates Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
Slap it on a laptop
send me off an email
get me on the landline
you could always text me, fax me
you could always page me
hurry up download
put me out my misery
is it 'cause I'm stupid?
is it 'cause I'm lazy?
is it 'cause I'm halfwit
and big words tend to
Artista: Billy No Mates Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Dolly spikes, cat girl, riot squad, dayglo
SNS, SPG, Maggie and Ronnie
the Ipswich punks off stomping the wildlife
West Hampsteid and Kilburn punks down the moonlight
It was action time and I loved you you dummy
two fingers up to a raspberry
safety pins zips and adicts<
What's Wrong With That
Artista: Billy No Mates Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
I remember a time of no trainers or texting
remote controllers no home computers
no video games no credit cards
no Internet link no mobile phones
but it seems to me no matter how we're advancing
the human brain keeps it's own pace
some things just can't be archived