Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Berserkr
Tenemos 20 canciones traducidas de Berserkr

Across The Desert Sand
Artista: Berserkr Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Through drifting clouds of smoke
I see my enemy
Spied through a weathered lens
across a sandy sea
I sit encased in steel
Sworn to my fatherland
My turrets belching death
across the desert sands
After Forever
Artista: Berserkr Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Have you ever thought about your soul?
and can it be saved?
Perhaps you think that when you're dead
You just stay in your grave
Must someone be right, and the other be wrong?
It's just a point of view
If we can't unite then our people will die
You know that it's true<
Bang, Bang
Artista: Berserkr Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
All my neighbors are in the street
Waving their fists and stomping their feet
Niggers just hit this side of town
My property values just went down
This melting pot
Artista: Berserkr Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I'm on the edge of bloodlust
and sanity. You wanna live?
Stay the fuck away from me
Step in my reach and you'll see for yourself
I go to battle with no fear in my heart
anxiously waiting to tear you apart
Ready to smash, ready to fight
I'm gonna kill e
Bitter Harvest
Artista: Berserkr Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Outlaw was a humble man,
as the story would reveal
an honest law-abiding man,
just a farmer in his field
His dear wife had passed away
In the winter of '25
Did his best to raise the children
and to keep that farm alive
Then came that awful drought
and the ch
Choosers Of The Slain
Artista: Berserkr Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Far above the stench of the city
Thought and Memory circle the sky
Watching, Listening to what's said and done
They soar quickly as they rise into the heavens
Make haste across the rainbow bridge
To Valhalla to warn and prepare
The mighty death horn is sounding it's sad s
Artista: Berserkr Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Vilified and curserd your name
Taught your children guilt and shame
Firebombed your cultural centers
Dresden, Hamburg blown to splinters
Many have tried to quench your flame
To salt your ground and soil your name
The world warred once to build you pyre
But you rose
Artista: Berserkr Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Young and old - husband and wife - child and mother
Frightened eyes - to the skies - cling to each other
The sirens drown fearful screams
From the cellars
Damn the killers
My mind is whole - body and soul
Revenge is mine -
Artista: Berserkr Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
My world is cold and gray
I don't know if it's night or day
The seasons pass, but time has stopped
Trapped inside a concrete box
I fell sanity drifting out of me
Darkness filling me - time is killing me
Days - to weeks - to month - to years
Artista: Berserkr Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
[MTTB cover]
Look back on your life, you've done nothing worth a shit
And the problems you've caused give a reason for your death
Outta your place still you think you own the world
Did you think you couldn't die?
Did you think we wouldn't care?
Justice -
Lords Of The Sea
Artista: Berserkr Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
The breath of odin fills our sails
Our dragons ships smash thru the ice
Our mighty songs fill the misty skies
We're one and all prepared to die
Mighty odin, hear our song
Mighty odin, it won't be long
Guide our ships thru the stormy seas
To distant lands
Planet Love
Artista: Berserkr Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
We'd like to welcome you to planet love
Where information is controlled just like a drug
Where what is right - is wrong
And logic - insane
What's bad is good for you, and pleasure - sin and pain
Here on planet love -
where we pretend we're all the same
Refuse / Resist
Artista: Berserkr Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
[Sepultura cover]
Tanks on the streets
Confronting police
Bleeding the Plebs
Raging crowd
Burning cars
Bloodshed starts
Who'll be alive?!
Chaos A.D.
Army in siege
Total alarm
I'm sick of this
Inside the state
War is created
No man's lan
Southern Vision
Artista: Berserkr Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I got my pride,
Won't put my hands up
Won't run and hide,
Can't you see I've had enough?
No one can tell me
That what I'm doing is wrong
I've got a vision
That may come true before it's too long
I look around me lately
These days you can never tell
Still At Large
Artista: Berserkr Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
Last night - another victim
This morning's headlines scream
So what I have done is real
Oh come to me, oh rancid vermin
Breathe your last, you've met your doom
Gasp your silent shrieks of horror
In fires of hell your soul's consumed
Swindler's Wish
Artista: Berserkr Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
You built your house of lies
Thru bold, accusing cries
Nature's perpetuav victims
Tall tales of persecution
Some final grand solution
Imaginary inflictions
Your people profit most
Keeping the holy-hoax
Alive to feed to the sheep
Tear Off The Mask
Artista: Berserkr Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Poison - infecting your system
It's burning your mind out - but still you listen
Torture - how long is forever?
Your mind's been torn apart - put back forever
At the mercy of a foe you cannot see
He's ivil incarnate in a cloack of humanity
Time is wearing on the layers
The Battle Of Lechfeld
Artista: Berserkr Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Out of the darkness of the East they came, an
asian horde hell bent on the destruction of
fair Europe. Village after village fell in
flames, raped - conquered - destroyed. Many
a man fought until death, defending against the
endless enemy numbers. Doo
The Iceman Has Risen
Artista: Berserkr Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
Hail Death! [x4]
To the front of the battle we ride
With our weapons in hand,
Banners pressed to the sky
Standing over the dead on the ground
With a warm cup of blood
and a victory shout!
Soaked from head to foot
With the enemy's blood
The Ic
The Walking Dead
Artista: Berserkr Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
In a land corrupt and cold, waging war to keep ourselves
Alive among the walking dead, in a world that became hell
Ignore the sights you see, through jaded, lifeless eyes
Ignore reality - and everything looks fine
Trust and honor - bought