Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Benjamin Tod
Tenemos 2 canciones traducidas de Benjamin Tod
Benjamin Tod

Lifetime of Work
Artista: Benjamin Tod Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
I’ve found a new way to love
It helps wearing gloves and a good pair of boots
And I vow to never give up
It ain’t in my blood to remain out of use
And there’s a lifetime of work to do
And we all depend on the mending of you
Stay brave in your toil you lucky old fool
We Ain't Even Kin
Artista: Benjamin Tod Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
People say I look like my grandfather
I begin to explain we ain't even kin
He'll interrupt with why bother
And saunter away with a sideways grin
We both understand not giving a damn about feeling
And why in the hell try and tell folks what you are living
Life is defined