Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Belle Chase Hotel
Tenemos 14 canciones traducidas de Belle Chase Hotel
Belle Chase Hotel

Artista: Belle Chase Hotel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
If there's no love inside there'll be no love outside, i've told her. We walked thru the middlelands, hand in hand we had no plans. Smiling like dreamers, some sirens screamed and we started singing : il faut que je t'aime et c'est que je veux faire pour sauver na tendresse et le bleu de la mér.
Emotion & Style
Artista: Belle Chase Hotel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Shame! Always the same old stupid game!
And we change : haa haa!
It's just the butterfly's Revenge!
There goes my life, i can't control,
seize thru the garbage with eyes of gold.
Afraid to lose, afraid to win,
afraid to breack the smallest dream.
Wasting our
Artista: Belle Chase Hotel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
There's always something i must do
Which keeps me anxious, thrills me blue,
Night and day.
But, no tears for the falling angels,
Just samba with the power rangers
And wait for the ballroom to explode
(and i can hear it exploding, now!).
So now will i love you girl
Kurt Weill Time
Artista: Belle Chase Hotel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
We still watch the sky
in the clean open nights
and squeeze our hearts
with the end of time.
Scare by the cold twinkle of the stars,
we reach for the warmth of lover's arms.
Our sorrow collapses
in a silent desire
we'll never sleep again
becouse we're afra
Living Room
Artista: Belle Chase Hotel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
In the living room, so bright around the gossip and the cheerful glasses of wine, there were old ladies in satin scarves, old gentleman in tweed jackets and club ties. "It's a fine Sunday!" said the lady, timidly. "How about playing some cards?" and everybody just agreed. "That's lovely hair, yo
Living Room - Lovely Version
Artista: Belle Chase Hotel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
In the living room, so bright around the gossip and the cheerful glasses of wine, there were old ladies in satin scarves, old gentleman in tweed jackets and club ties. "It's a fine Sunday!" said the lady, timidly. "How about playing some cards?" and everybody just agreed. "That's lovely hair, yo
Lonely Gigolo
Artista: Belle Chase Hotel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
There's a hole in you hand
where people can get in
and if it's closed
there'll be no one in.
Only the thin confused man,
silent companion, with no eyes
and no hands.
The confused man grabbed a taxi to the amusement park
and he saw the carousels and sugar mount
São Paulo 451
Artista: Belle Chase Hotel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Naquela praça suja
Com merda de pombo
Patrulhada pelo sexo
Ele chega às quatro
Polindo o sapato
Para vender o seu amplexo
E os homens passam
Notam seu bigode
Mas na coxa se estravazam
Veio sua amiga
A loira José
Convidando pro café
E ao segundo
Scorpions In Love
Artista: Belle Chase Hotel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Ai amore, amore, amore perqe, amore, amore, amore, amore. Baby i'm sorry but i've got to go. Maybe i'll write you: i'll probabily won't. You brought such misery into my life: you're lucky i don't carry a knife. You put poison in my soup, you put devils in my dreams, hide your snakes in all my so
Sign Of Crimes
Artista: Belle Chase Hotel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Hey, litle sis' : well, you do what what you please! I'm not you kind of guy, anyway. Been digging her for simple pleasures, chasing blue birds in the rain. I'm glad i'me foolish today. Hey, litle sis', excuse me please but take your fingernails out of my litle heart : don't you know you're dang
Strong Sex
Artista: Belle Chase Hotel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
She let you down
and it's cold in the crownd.
It rains on your midnight star
and the moon has closed the bar.
You ran towards the night
when she called you home,
felt so strong and young
you could shoot down the sun!
'till she left you with an empty gun.
Sunset Boulevard
Artista: Belle Chase Hotel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
A man was standing on the top of his head
looking down at the ruins of love and welfare state,
oh!,what amess to coWeb.Ptmplate!
But then an angel turned the radio on
and all contradictions were suddently gone
with thie charming charming song.
"there's a new McDonalds
The Night Will Never Care
Artista: Belle Chase Hotel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Dream my love, dream. I'll hold you in my strings, blow you the cleanest winds for you to fly. Ding, dong, time's a song and i will sing you all along: a shelter of glass in the clouds, a Matisse instead of a ground. You've seen it now, my love: World War is the heart. All angels from above they
Wrong Kind Of Blues
Artista: Belle Chase Hotel Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
there's a cold, cold wind coming from the sea,
from sunken dreams, from eternity.
Now my window is open to clouded night,
i can see the ghosts of the city lights.
The ghost of love smoked my cigarretts
and he burned the pillows of all empty beds.
I've got this wrong kin