Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Beach Slang
Tenemos 20 canciones traducidas de Beach Slang
Beach Slang

All Fuzzed Out
Artista: Beach Slang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I'm swallowing faith, but choking on lust.
I'm chasing your face, but fucking it up.
Turn the stereo loud until I steady my guts.
You still are Oh, wow!
And all of these sounds
Are really just my heart plugged in and played loud
My knuckles are fake.
I kiss when I p
American Girls And French Kisses
Artista: Beach Slang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
They stick to my tongue, the kisses you threw at me
I'm falling in love with xs and ecstasy
I tripped on my tongue and fell into wild things
Peel off your guts. Punch me romantically
I burned out on luck. It never did much for me
Tonight, let's be young and light up these s
Anything, Anything
Artista: Beach Slang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Okay, what is it tonight?
Please just tell me what the hell is wrong?
Do you wanna eat? Do you wanna sleep?
Do you wanna drown?
Just settle down, settle down, settle down
I'll give you candy, give you diamonds, give you pills
Give you anything you want, hundred dollar b
Art Damage
Artista: Beach Slang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
When I die
Bury me in the clothes of my youth
Throw my dust in the streets
Where I got alive with you
Blurry eyes
Steady teeth
Another drink
A new bruise
On my heart or on my cheek
It's heaven
We stumble out or try
Loud and free
Raw and wild
Atom Bomb
Artista: Beach Slang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
My heart is set on '77
Wild nights and porno mouths
Won't die, so I don't need heaven
I'm too fucked up to burn out
I'm an atom bomb ticking
I'm a dead-end kid in the city
Dirty thoughts in a dirty town
I was born with trouble in me
I don't care why or how
Bad Art & Weirdo Ideas
Artista: Beach Slang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
The sound of your heart is wired to break
Too fucked up to love, but too soft to hate
The hum of your lungs is my favorite thing
And the air you shove out
Into my mouth
I’ve always felt stuck, alone or ashamed
The gutter’s too tough, the stars are too safe
I’m a
Dirty Cigarettes
Artista: Beach Slang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I write a lot. It's mostly lies
I fall in love to pass the time
I never fit. I never tried
I need the struggle to feel alive
All I want are records on my stereo
I'm better off, baby, when I'm all alone. That's a lie
Dirty cigarettes and a dirty soul. Tell me I'm enough<
Filthy Luck
Artista: Beach Slang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I’m a slave to always fucking up
It’s not okay, but maybe it’s enough
Kids like us are weird, and more, we’re brave
We tie our tongues and turn them into rage
And the night’s still young
And we’re dumb enough to fall
Carve your name soft across my lungs
I want to
Future Mixtapes For The Art Kids
Artista: Beach Slang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Play it loud
Play it fast
Play me something that will always last
Play it soft
Play it quiet
Play me something that might save my life
When I'm lost, we are
Dying in style
When I'm fucked, we are
Fucking alive
I hope I never die
Stick your heart on
Get Lost
Artista: Beach Slang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
I wear your scars on my knuckles, baby, to keep you soft
It’s not like us to be given things. We ain’t got much
This city sleeps in a pattern of broken junk
But nights like this, it don’t matter. All this dirty fun
We’ll grow high not up
These books and bars and this honest
Hard Luck Kid
Artista: Beach Slang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I hardly ever listen cause it's all a lie
Almost everything is a waste of time
I've never really cared and I've never really tried
It never really matters so whatever, never mind
I'm mostly kind of horny but that's half a lie
I got a pretty clean heart but a dirty mind
Hot Tramps
Artista: Beach Slang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Your eyelashes shine like a
Plastic diamond
Your arms are a car crash
I want to die in
Your lips smash in mine just like
Lust and violence
Your heart's marvelous trash
The world's forgotten
I can't love you raw enough
I can't love you raw enough
I can't
I Break Guitars
Artista: Beach Slang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
I can't think with all this noise
I break guitars; I weight my voice
To feel again like damaging
Perfect sound
If rock and roll is dangerous
How come I feel so safe in it?
I have learned how to destroy
To irritate and to annoy
Clumsy hearts and honest fists
Artista: Beach Slang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Forget the loudest love songs we sang under your attic
They always felt too quiet
We should scream until the police shriek, Hold it down
We'll tell them: yeah, alright
Then bang the amplifiers
We're not violent
We're just some dumb kids
Getting wasted and knowing we
Noisy Heaven
Artista: Beach Slang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
The night is alive, it's loud, and I'm drunk
Kissing the mic and singing about us
The songs that I make, I barely rehearse them
They're hardly mistakes, they're meant to be honest
I'm way out of tune, turned up to eleven
Floating around this noisy heaven
Most of the wor
Porno Love
Artista: Beach Slang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
California's full of porno love
Lunatics and liars and kids like us
We took a lot of time but not enough drugs
It's heaven, it's heaven
Punk or Lust
Artista: Beach Slang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Bang and blare these sweaty prayers
Feed your skull
We're accidents, whores and wrecks
You're not alone
We are fucked up I know on this junk
We've been told
Punk or lust? Punk or lust?
Punk or lust? Punk or lust?
This machine, let it bleed. Let it explode
Punks In a Disco Bar
Artista: Beach Slang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
The words I scream
Are meaningless or holy things
They kiss my tongue
Before they split to fix someone
When nothing's loud
I punch my heart I flex my mouth
Until it comes
On like a truth
Brilliant and dumb
Man, they taught me to talk
Then told me to shut
Ride The Wild Haze
Artista: Beach Slang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
I feel most alive
When I'm listening
To every record that hits harder than the pain
Try not to write
Try to use my brain
But every time I try my heart gets in the way
Never been alright
Never been okay
Never cared if I was cool, fit in, or anything
I hav
Spin The Dial
Artista: Beach Slang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
The radio is loud and wild
And I'm too drunk to spin the dial
Bathe my bones in alcohol
So I don't have to think at all
I was born at the bottom
But I never belonged
I'm hardly ever right
But I've never been wrong
I can't get calm
Amplifiers sting my teeth