Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Ballydowse
Tenemos 10 canciones traducidas de ballydowse
Artista: Ballydowse Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Fertile crescent of fire and earth
Traded for knowledge, what was it worth?
Yesterday's desires are stronger today.
We eat our fill but hungry we stay.
Like the hips of the snake emptied
I am of reasons to dance on my lover's like sand
That slips through my fingers withou
Innocent Born
Artista: Ballydowse Traducción porAlejandra Mida | Publicado 15 years ago
Innocent Born
Artista: Ballydowse Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
He holds in his strength every
Innocent born stricken in body or
Mind. he forms the frame from the
Weak and unwise which holds up the
Land. in only his eyes is the worth and
The truth of beauty defined at once
Broken man and completely divine.
I wish to dwell in you
Artista: Ballydowse Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Sweet and low, sweet and low,
Winds of the Western Sea,
Blow, blow, breeze and blow
Winds of the Western Sea,
Over the rolling waters go
Come from the dropping moon and go
And blow her again to me.
Dear love, dear boy
Who walks with me here
Artista: Ballydowse Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
In the end the revolution veers and fades.
Power corrupts, no future is built with tools of hate.
The march, the cause just another sham.
Everything rots in the hands of man.
Comrades get slim and few
when they don't meet up when they ain't you.
The red hands of reactio
Artista: Ballydowse Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Like pirates off your shores of waste
Our kiss you can forget
A newborn sense of smell and taste
For things you've never met
Our nose no longer knows the heel of
Give it more and give it faster
Our pleasures still retain their feel for honor is their master
Three wind
Song For Elie
Artista: Ballydowse Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
I see a fire in the distance mother
My love i see those rising flames
Are those the sabbath candles glowing
No my love, but you will rest the same
I haven't seen you since the separation
I watched you pushed along by the crowd
On the train you swore we'd stick together
Tale Of The Ballydowse
Artista: Ballydowse Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Open your ears and up a seat for the tale of the ballydowse.
Just what they are might well be you when
The tell reaches your house
Between way past plenty and a need no one should know
They were born and raised unsettled
Within sight of high and low
Equal blessings, hardh
The Banshee Song
Artista: Ballydowse Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Closed my eyes by a violent river filled
with thoughts that left me shiver
longed for a land to be delivered
where the young don't catch the ship
fair voice ran cross my ears
sadness drenched for many years
she'd had enough of the children's tears
their cries had reac
The Land, The Bread And The People
Artista: Ballydowse Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Another armchair economist playing
our life into a mess, what you know
about poverty you learned in a book.
Think you're really qualified to
mouth off and theorize about the fears
you've never even felt.
Time's past to button up,
taste the fare on which they sup and t