Letras de Canciones Traducidas de A Hope For Home
Tenemos 21 canciones traducidas de a hope for home
A Hope For Home
(Grace) We Are The Heirs!
Artista: A Hope For Home Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
We were searching for a way out, we took things too far, too far for far too long.
and still after our wounds heal, we're still haunted, haunted by these things. will our defenses hold and keep us safe through the night?
what remains of whats been said could never fill the void inside
A Grief Observed
Artista: A Hope For Home Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Come, now child! all of this is temporary:
i am merely a vessel bearing this curse.
and i can only run for so long.
come now lord, your dwelling place is now with men.
send your rain, then open up the sky!
they say you're coming soon, but lord, its been so long and i'm star
Absolution: Of Flight and Failure
Artista: A Hope For Home Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
There is nowhere to turn, I have nowhere to go
They've burned down the bridges and boarded up the doors
So I'll make my escape with feathers, wax and string.
Fly far from this place, 'till there's nothing left to see.
Its so far, down to the ground.
What awaits for me? I lo
Absolution: Of Flight And Failure
Artista: A Hope For Home Traducción porAlejandra Mida | Publicado 15 years ago
Affliction: The Witness, The Advocate
Artista: A Hope For Home Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Assail me and tear me in your anger.
All was once well with me, but I've lead myself here.
My pride pulls. Constantly beckoning me to be something that I'm not.
If I say: "My hope is in the grave" and to corruption, "You're my father."
To the worm, "You're my mother" if my hope i
Artista: A Hope For Home Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Facing death, the man finally comes to understand what gives his life meaning. There is something beyond his temporal material existence: this Truth gives us meaning, and it is real. The man dies.
Can this be my only home? Planes of dust, and rising seas.
I will release the bonds, but
Babylon: The Insatiable Thirst
Artista: A Hope For Home Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
To be without the One that brought us here.
Rip the roots from the ground to lay down foundations bound to crumble.
Generations will come and go but the earth will remain.
Swallow lies as you construct compensations for truth.
Trading in our souls f
Casting Light Through Such Thin Shades
Artista: A Hope For Home Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
We're casting light through such thin shades, and i am tired
My legs fail, i cant move another inch without you
These are the things that will tell you if you are alive
I always hear my heart is in my wrist, but mine is in my chest
So love, we're almost home
Open up these w
First Light of Dawn
Artista: A Hope For Home Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
The man stands up to walk down the path in the opposite direction from which he came. Still with no direction or understood purpose, he stands in direct opposition to the circular path of the machine and the marching men toward the east, the rising sun.
I stand... I stand and turn my back.
Infidelity: Kingdom's End
Artista: A Hope For Home Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
I've traveled back from the depths of my soul to find that nothing is as it seems.
I'll watch the world lose control and fall apart at the seams.
What will be without the great I Am on our side? Our hearts devoured by dreams and as we walk away we are consumed.
I cannot stay silent
Iniquity: An Offering
Artista: A Hope For Home Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
How will you measure your value?
I have heard the scholars, they provide no truth.
We've turned away from what we were meant to be,
Trading in conviction for a dollar's worth in dreams.
We've blurred our sight with stagnant eyes,
And then we pass the blame so we can cover u
Artista: A Hope For Home Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
On the day you left i packed my bags and went home,
because fear has no place here. so i'll follow your lead and live my life like you.
always pushing forward with the weight of the world holding me back.
its time to stand up and walk!
the higher i climb, the air gets so thin
Masada: The Spiral Staircase
Artista: A Hope For Home Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Ransom my hope. Set me free,
And set my eyes to see what you have in store for me.
I'm on the edge of all of this, captured by selfishness,
But offering my one last breath to ransom my faithfulness.
With our hands we have ravaged the world.
Time and time again, I have drown
My Path, Ascending
Artista: A Hope For Home Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Every moment runs by, and every day goes by faster
And i walk this path all alone
You find a way into my heart
And i'm ascending now
Into your arms
Artista: A Hope For Home Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
The sun is the method by which we see all - truth embodied. We see a man standing on a hill in the dark. His eyes are glowing.
No rising sun, all is cold. The only light held in our eyes: It brings forth a new way of life.
And we shall burn our pyres when the morning comes and welcom
No Light
Artista: A Hope For Home Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
The descent into nihilism. If the world has no purpose, then neither does the man. He has detached himself from the rest of humanity. He is alone. Darkness. In the midst of a purposeless existence, however, what good are our most basic interpersonal connections? Love? Giving? Sacrifice? If we ar
Of Water And The Spirit
Artista: A Hope For Home Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Tonight is windind down. you're holding on for one last breath as this vicious circle pulls you down.
you're holding close to what you see tonight.
another darkened sky, another wasted night.
and it wont be too long until you find out why
your heart still feels empty after nigh
Post Tenebras Lux
Artista: A Hope For Home Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
The man sits from afar watching a silent march. The only light seeps from out the eyes of the marching men, but it is not enough to light the path. Still they march, endlessly. The man reaches his hands into the soil and finds a weak, glowing light.
Under a dim lit sky shadows marched like
Redemption: A Grief Observed
Artista: A Hope For Home Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Come, now child! All of this is temporary:
I am merely a vessel bearing this curse.
And I can only run for so long.
Come now Lord, your dwelling place is now with men.
Send your rain, then open up the sky!
They say you're coming soon, but Lord, it's been so long
I'm sta
Restoration: The Return From Exile
Artista: A Hope For Home Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
There is nothing that I desire more than to be with You.
Will you remember me and help me find my way back?
Will you remember me?
My heart was once led astray, but with new eyes I can see that you were never far away.
My own heart, my own hands, my own will.
With your grace i