Letras de Canciones Traducidas de A Chorus Line Soundtrack
Tenemos 20 canciones traducidas de A Chorus Line Soundtrack
A Chorus Line Soundtrack

Artista: A Chorus Line Soundtrack Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Well, to begin with, i come from this quasi-middle-upper or upper-middle class, family-type-home. i could never figure out which but it was real boring. i mean, we had money - but no taste. you know the kind of house - astroturf on the patio? anyway my mother had a lot of card parties
At The Ballet
Artista: A Chorus Line Soundtrack Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Daddy always thought that he married beneathhim
That's what he said, that's what he said.
When he proposed he informed my mother He was probably her very last chance.
And though she was twenty-two, Though she was twenty-two,
Though she was twenty-two... She married him
Bij Het Ballet
Artista: A Chorus Line Soundtrack Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Vader zei dat moeder beneden stand was
Zei die altijd, zei die altijd
Toen hij haar vroeg liet hij haar meteen weten
Ik ben de laatste kans die je krijgt
Ze was nog ontzettend jong
Was nog ontzettend jong
Was nog ontzettend jong
En zij zei: ja
Leven met vader was
Daar Is Niks Aan
Artista: A Chorus Line Soundtrack Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Ik zag mn zus
Op taples staan
Daar is niks aan
Daar is niks aan
'k Wist dat ik dansen
Wou voortaan
Want: daar is niks aan
Daar is niks aan
Ineens gaf zij de pijp aan Maarten
Ik jat de schoenen van mn zus
Maar die zijn te groot
<Dance: Ten; Looks: Three
Artista: A Chorus Line Soundtrack Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Dance: ten; Looks; three.
And I' still on unemployment,
Dancing for my own enjoyment.
That ain't it, kid. That ain't it, kid.
"Dance: ten; Looks; three,"
I like to die!
Left the theatre and
Called the doctor for
My appointment to buy...
Tits and
Dans Tien, Lijf Drie
Artista: A Chorus Line Soundtrack Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Dans tien, lijf drie
Zat nog steeds in de WW toen
Want een baantje viel niet mee toen
Dat wordt niks, zo, dat wordt niks zo.
Dans tien, lijf drie
Dat was 't moment
Mij daar afgemeld
Dokter opgebeld
Operatie gepland
Tiet en kont
Fijne jongens rond en st
Dat Moet Me Lukken
Artista: A Chorus Line Soundtrack Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
God, dit moet me lukken
Dit moet me lukken
Hoeveel van ons neemt ie d'r aan?
Hoeveel van ons neemt'ie d'r aan?
God dit moet me lukken
Dit moet me lukken
En hoeveel kunnen er weer gaan?
En hoeveel kunnen er weer gaan?
Kijk nou wat een mensen
't zijn z
Gar Nichts
Artista: A Chorus Line Soundtrack Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Gar nichts
Diana: Ich bin so aufgeregt, denn ich geh jetzt auf die staatliche Schule fr
Musik, Tanz und Schauspiel.
Ich mein, das war mein grter Wunsch: eine ernsthafte Schauspielerin
Also, heut ist der erste Unterrichtstag und wir sitzen im bungsraum und
Hello Twelve, Hello Thirteen, Hello Love
Artista: A Chorus Line Soundtrack Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Hello, Twelve Hello, Thirteen Hello, Love
Changes, Oh! Down below, up above.
Time to doubt To break out It's a mess. (It's a mess.)
Time to grow, time to go Adolesce (Adolesce.)
Too young to take over Too old to ignore
Gee, I'm almost ready But what for?
There's a lot I a
I Can Do That
Artista: A Chorus Line Soundtrack Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I'm watchin' Sis go pit-a-pat
Said, I can do that I can do that.
Knew ev'ry step right off the bat, Said, I can do that I can do that
One morning Sis won't go to dance class I grabbed her shoes
And tights and all But my foot's too small
So, I stuffed her shoes with extra sock
I Hope I Get It
Artista: A Chorus Line Soundtrack Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Step, kick, kick, leap, kick, touch again
Step, kick, kick, leap, kick, touch again
Step, kick, kick, leap, kick, touch again
Step, kick, kick, leap, kick, touch right
That connects with
Turn, turn, out, in, jump, step
Step, kick, kick, leap, kick, to
Let Me Dance For You
Artista: A Chorus Line Soundtrack Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
...Only knowing what I do is to point my toes and lip.
I... Oh,Zach...
I'm a dancer.
That's what I am.
What I do... Ah...
Zach- Cassie...
I...I am a dancer,
Give me the step.
I'll come thtough.
Give me somebody
to dance for.
Montage II
Artista: A Chorus Line Soundtrack Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Goodbye twelve,
Goodbye thirteen,
Hello love.
Why do I pay for all those lessons?
Dance for Gran'ma! Dance for Gran'ma!
My God, that Steve McQueen's reall sexy,
Bob Goulet out,
Steve McQueen in!
You cannot go t
Montage III
Artista: A Chorus Line Soundtrack Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
The worst thing in school was that everytime the teacher called on me
I'd be hard! I'd be hard!
I mean, I had to lean against the desk, like this. And the teacher would say
Stand up straight!
I can't I have a pain in my... side!
Stand up straight!
Artista: A Chorus Line Soundtrack Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I'm so excited because I'm gonna go to the High School of Performing Arts, I mean I was dying to be a serious actress. Anyway, it's our first day acting class and we're in the auditorium and the teacher, Mr. Karp, puts us upon the stage with our legs around everybody, one in back of the other, a
Artista: A Chorus Line Soundtrack Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
One singular sensation
Every little step she takes.
One thrilling combination
Every move that she makes.
One smile and suddenly nobody else will do.
You know you'll never be lonely with you know who.
She walks into a room
And you know
She's u
One (Finale)
Artista: A Chorus Line Soundtrack Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
One singular sensation
Every little step he takes
One thrilling combination
Every move that he makes
One smile and suddenly nobody else will do
You know you'll never be lonely with you know who
One moment in his presence
And you can forget the rest
One Singular Sensation
Artista: A Chorus Line Soundtrack Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
singular sensation
Every little step he takes.
One thrilling combination
Every move that he makes.
One smile and suddenly nobody else will do;
You know you'll never be lonely with you know who.
One moment in his presence
And you can forget the rest.
For the guy is
Artista: A Chorus Line Soundtrack Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
See, I really couldn't sing I could never really sing What I couldn't do was... - Sing!
I have trouble with the... -
It goes all around my... -
It's a terrifying... -
See, I really couldn't hear Which note was lower or was... -