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Peter Schilling - Lone Survivor

  • 8 hits
  • Published 3 months ago

Lone Survivor

designed to face the most determined weapons is a fortress made of steel
inside the airlock, even the water is recycled every year
outside the walls, the world is self destructing but this clever man lives on
for safety he rejects communication so that no one will detect his home
locked away from the danger isolated for the rest of his life
he's the lone survivor, in his life machine
takes his daily helpers, safe and inside his dream

the war is over but the radiaition is destroying all mankind
a new discovery by the great computer will it rescue us in time?
locked away from the danger isolated for the rest of his life
he's the lone survivor, in his life machine
takes his daily helpers, safe and inside his dream
he's the lone survivor, in his life machine
takes his daily helpers, safe and inside his dream

around the world the people understand and are correcting their mistakes
nobody knows about the lone survivor so there can be no escape
locked away from the danger isolated for the rest of his life
he's the lone survivor, in his life machine
takes his daily helpers, safe and inside his dream
he's the lone survivor, in his life machine
takes his daily helpers, safe and inside his dream
he's the lone survivor, in his life machine
takes his daily helpers, safe and inside his dream

Por el momento, a nadie le gusta este artículo

Posted 12 hours ago bypanzas

Translation by: panzas

Holaaa a todos muchas gracias por ver mis traducciones y escribirme sigan mandando sus peticiones yo las voy a traducir con mucho gusto!! :) saludos

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