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Phillip Phillips - Alive Again

  • 7 hits
  • Published 23 days ago

Alive Again

I see myself again
Behing the light I flicker

My shadow starts to bend
Into the night like a whisper

Because of you
It's never the same
Because of you
The darkness fades

Higher and higher
Like a flame on fire
I feel alive again
Desire, desire
Burning brighter and brighter
I feel alive again
I feel alive again

Throw out what makes me thin
But the harder I try it lingers

You see it through the rain
On the other side it shimmers

Because of you
I'm not afraid
Because of you
I've burned a page

Higher and higher
Like a flame on fire
I feel alive again
Desire, desire
Burning brighter and brighter
I feel alive again
I feel alive again

Higher and higher
Like a flame on fire
I feel alive again
Desire, desire
Burning brighter and brighter
I feel alive again
I feel alive again
I feel alive again
I feel alive again

Por el momento, a nadie le gusta este artículo

Posted 7 minutes ago bypanzas

Translation by: panzas

Holaaa a todos muchas gracias por ver mis traducciones y escribirme sigan mandando sus peticiones yo las voy a traducir con mucho gusto!! :) saludos

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