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Phillip Phillips - A Fool's Dance

  • 5 hits
  • Published 2 months ago

A Fool's Dance

A raindrop hits the edge of the town as there comes more
From the porch to the ceiling makes it's way down to the floor
But I won't worry you won't see, I'm right by you and you by me
As we wake up tonight as the thunder roars

The staircase could never teach me more
Like life I climb, I fall just a step once more
You tricked me, fooled me I was yours
Only to act out a game that I did not know
(Aah oooh) who am I (aah oooh) who am I anymore

Who am I, who are you, what are we anymore
Just the darkness in my life like a hole in the floor

Won't you take it all away and I'll take mine to the lord
The angels may fall but never close enough to let me soar

The eagles are flying and crows are dying
I guess I'll jump quick
Just to see if I still have a chance to live
I played around and around, I win but a circle grows old
I guess I'm just another square at the circled world that we call home
(Aah oooh) who am I (aah oooh) who am I anymore

Who am I, who are you, what are we anymore
Just the darkness in my life like a hole in the floor

Won't you take it all away and I'll take mine to the lord
The angels may fall but never close enough to...
Who am I

Who am I, who are you, what are we anymore
Just the darkness in my life like a hole in the floor

Won't you take it all away and I'll take mine to the lord
The angels may fall but never close enough to let me soar

Por el momento, a nadie le gusta este artículo

Posted a few seconds ago bypanzas

Translation by: panzas

Holaaa a todos muchas gracias por ver mis traducciones y escribirme sigan mandando sus peticiones yo las voy a traducir con mucho gusto!! :) saludos

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