Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Tool
Tenemos 36 canciones traducidas de tool

10,000 Days (Wings Pt. 1)
Artista: Tool Traducción porAshlee | Publicado 15 years ago
You believed
You believed in moments not conceived
You believed in me
A patient in spirit
Without us in your heart
A light in your eyes that
Ends all lies
Vacant, broken
10,000 Days (Wings Pt. 2)
Artista: Tool Traducción porIvannia | Publicado 15 years ago
We listen to the tales and romanticize,
how we follow the path of the hero
Boast about the day when the rivers overrun,
How we'll rise to the height of our halo
Listen to the tales as we a
Cry for you
Artista: Tool Traducción porIvannia | Publicado 15 years ago
You know I can't believe you
All the things you said they're not true whoooo
But I fear I can't just leave you
All I feel is that I need you my love
This is all my spirit can take
Die Eier von Satan
Artista: Tool Traducción porIvannia | Publicado 15 years ago
ine halbe Tasse Staubzucker
Ein Viertel Teelöffel Salz
Eine Messerspitze türkisches Haschisch
Ein halbes Pfund Butter
Ein Teelöffel Vanillenzucker
Ein halbes Pfund Mehl
Faaip De Oiad
Artista: Tool Traducción porIvannia | Publicado 15 years ago
"I, I don't have a whole lot of time. Um, OK, I'm a former employee of Area 51.
I, I was let go on a medical discharge about a week ago and, and... [chokes]
I've kind of been running across t
Artista: Tool Traducción porLuis Porras | Publicado 15 years ago
(Here comes the water)x12
All I knew
All I believed
Are crumbling images
that no longer comfort me.
I scramble to reach higher ground
Some order and sanity
Or something to comfort me.
Forty Six & 2
Artista: Tool Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 15 years ago
My shadow's shedding skin and
I've been picking Scabs again
I'm down, digging through my old muscles
Looking for a clue.
I've been crawling on my belly
Clearing out what could've been
I've been
Hooker with a Penis
Artista: Tool Traducción porIvannia | Publicado 15 years ago
I met a boy wearing Vans, 501s, and a
Dope Beastie t, nipple rings, and
New tattoos that claimed that he
Was OGT,
From '92,
The first EP.
And in between
Sips of Coke
He told me that
Artista: Tool Traducción porMauro | Publicado 15 years ago
I don't wanna be hostile.
I don't wanna be dismal.
And I don't wanna rot in an apathetic existence.
See I wanna believe you,
And I wanted to trust you,
And I wanna have faith to put away the dagg
Artista: Tool Traducción por | Publicado 15 years ago
Here from the king's mountain view
Here from the wild dream come true
Feast like a sultan I do
On treasures and flesh, never few.
But I, I would wish it all away.
If I thought I'd Lose you just