Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Pati Yang
Tenemos 20 canciones traducidas de Pati Yang
Pati Yang

19:53 (NorthWest)
Artista: Pati Yang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
This time it was summer
and the planet grew upwards
The steam, the horizon
before the snow
before the endless winter
within the heat wave
Against the walls, against the ashes of those
who didn't find the shadow in time
I guess we got stuck in neither gas
nor r
Artista: Pati Yang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
There was something in the sky that day.
I remember.
Prisoners around got scared at once
Collisions of hunger spread in cause of rain
Finally once empty shops filled with
Feared human beings
And someone said:
one little drop
dropped on my face
and the seco
3 pati
Artista: Pati Yang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
znowu jestem tu
dokładnie nie wiem gdzie
wśród tych czterech ścian
zastanawiam się
kim jest ta dziewczyna w moich snach
choć wszędzie słyszę głos: to tylko ty
w mej głowie tyle głów
pod oknem tłumy rąk
może powiesz mi:
czy pati jedna jest?
czy jest nas
A Little Wrong
Artista: Pati Yang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
I was just a little wrong
Didn't know that this could end
Now you vanished from my world
I think I finally understand
How your laughter made me cry
But my tears have made me strong
And the girl that I've become
is not the one you used to know
Would you feed me w
Air Stands Still
Artista: Pati Yang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Air stands still
And I can't move
Time has stopped
At one look through
Colours fade the walls out loud
Something inside me says
I am still waiting for the hurricane
And where is the missing piece?
You have taken it
And a part of me
Downstairs scares me
All That Is Thirst
Artista: Pati Yang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Must be the new road for water, for water
Can't even hold a thing
The air tastes useless
Oooh, can't get enough of this
All that is thirst
All that is thirst
Oooh, playing new Hide and Seek:
Keep moving still
Keep moving still
Coming Home
Artista: Pati Yang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I am coming home
See for yourself
Now you will know God has listened
You asked him to bring me - I am here
I traveled in search of the miracle
But it brought me nothing but pain
and I saved my tears for this moment
I cried my eyes empty for bread
And if the world'
Easy Flow
Artista: Pati Yang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
When the body keeps well
Only the head counts
She's the only one that has something to tell
And that happens:
Just like that
She doesn't even think of it
And she's the only one that counts
She's the only one
She's the only one that knows
The secret gate
Giant Cat Woman
Artista: Pati Yang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Did you see your angel?
Did you see
the one pouring dust over you shoulder
When you cried, the city cried
The lights went off the day before
all papers called,
that your tears went missing
and therefore
from now on the city was freed from the miracle
did you a
Artista: Pati Yang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Obracam dłoń w blasku księżyca
Jego jeden promień - moje ciało zmienia kształt
Mam w oczach ogień i języki dwa
A kiedy całuję pozostaje tylko siny ślad,
spijam jego srebrne łzy gdy spisz i gdy nie patrzy nikt
Obrastam w sine łuski.
To co tak dobrze znasz za dnia - Kobiety
Kobieta Ikar
Artista: Pati Yang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Kobieta - Ikar leci dłużej, bo jest lżejsza.
Powietrze ją unosi
i wiatr ją chwyta pod ramię.
Wzlatuje bez nadziei,
uśmiechnięta jak gejsza
Po czym spada (po czym spada)
tak ciężko jak kamień x2
Zlatuje bez nadziei
Uśmiechnięta jak gejsza
po czym spada
Artista: Pati Yang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Take me home
For one day
Wherever home would be
All I Touched around burned
My fingerprints
Clarity has dried my throat
And I Can't hum any more
Lullabies about us
Sky will keep my secrets crushed within the clouds
You will go.
And I can't see i
Artista: Pati Yang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I am going over for you
Over limits
Crushing eggshells
This is the day when the saints step down
Just to save me from myself
another day's sinking deep inside
I can't carry on this far
The evening's taking the shapes in dark
Men and women starring through a glass<
Pretty Fin
Artista: Pati Yang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Come here and seat down on my arm, butterfly
Show me your wings, I'll show you how to get high
I know it's late
And you wanna leave
But if you decide to stay
You'll make my day
Let's have a party on the bridge
My advice:
Before you jump
Tighten your lips
Red Hot Black
Artista: Pati Yang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Is that you name
The lone stars crave
In Red Hot Black
On naked arms
in solid smoke
I recognize
The burning face I used to love
Look what you did to me
I am not the woman I used to be
I am chasing tales of the past
The only treasure that doesn't last
Reverse the Day
Artista: Pati Yang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
This song was meant to hurt
Was meant to be
About the broken world
In a broken girl
These words
I found written on my window
By the L the lipstick dead
I thought I've seen her crying
I thought she ran too fast
I thought I'd make her stop
But I just stood
Soul For Me
Artista: Pati Yang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
I've heard magic through the door
Half stairs up
I stopped: too fast
Maybe the key will turn
Four white walls and only one echo
I guess I talk to myself again
With tens of voices
Soul for me a little
Before the soul is gone
Shake a little
Stories From Dogland
Artista: Pati Yang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Did you know
The east was a dessert
I had a feeling I met you before
Is it because
I move without being present
Toward the sun
I don't know where did it go
Don't Lie
God like
All The Same
We had i
Summer Of Tears
Artista: Pati Yang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
I seat neatly, just like you told me
I don't move, nor complain
only speak when I am hungry
Or when there's nothing else to say
So where do I go
If you are not here
I am breaking the rules
I wade in the air
I've broken our home
And fallen adrift
I throw aw
Artista: Pati Yang Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Last night a part of me has died
I killed it and I cried
Buried all questions inside
My soul is so full lies
The mirrors covered in ash
And the sun won't shine again
In the same beautiful way
In the same pitiful way
No one could give me what you do