Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Nellansay
Tenemos 20 canciones traducidas de Nellansay

Artista: Nellansay Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Your skin is smooth and nice
Your lips are divine
The blood in your veins is never complacant
Your hair flows like a golden waterfall
Eyes that speak to me
With hands made to be held
You are perfection
The way you smile illuminates a dark heart
You care so muc
A Fistful of Penii
Artista: Nellansay Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Monkeys come and monkeys go
Heroes write stuff in the snow
Friff and fraff and everything else i have to say
It doesn't make any sense
I talk out of my arse but somehow you survive
You are my star
And i am your cosmonaut, cosmonaut, cosmonaut
Gunk and grubby nasti
An Apology
Artista: Nellansay Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Every second of every minute of every hour
In every day in every week in every month in every year
I wish i could tell you i love you
I can never say it enough
There's too much love in my heart for me to say
I am sorry that i cannot always be there
But if you ever need
An Ode To a Cunt
Artista: Nellansay Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
I hate him
You hate him
Wish wish wish he was dead and gone
I hate him
You hate him
Wish wish wish he was dead and gone
Oh at first it was funny, yeah i admit that
Now i want him to die
In pain
He spread the shit so thick
You said it didn't get to yo
Anything and Everything
Artista: Nellansay Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
In dreams all I want to see is your face
I don't want to sleep because I can't guarantee
That you'll be there
My heart stings when you go away
My head hurts when I have things to say
Your eyes are always loving
I never doubt how much you care
I just feel insecure beca
Artista: Nellansay Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Shooting through the universe
Like a vertical jesus
Wondering when (and if) this high will ever end
I hope not
Just shooting through the universe
Holding hands with my everything
Nothing they say and nothing we do will bring us back down
The universe is where we are
Being A Plural
Artista: Nellansay Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
At the end of July i finally had the nerve to ask
You practically had to beat it out of me
But in that one second
In that one instance
My life changed for the better when you and i became us
We've had rough times but now we're going strong
I think I know we were made fo
Big Head Big Hat
Artista: Nellansay Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
These headaches i have, for the lack of brains
I never think things through
If only you could see into this membrane
And see how much of the sponge
Is thinking of you
My mind turns itself off but when i'm listening
I wish you could hear me
The things that i'm wo
Bless You
Artista: Nellansay Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I don't think anything that you could ever say
Would make me every turn and walk away
I don't think anything that you could ever do
What make me fall out of love with you
To me you're precious, you are my star
Shining so brightly in an ocean full of troubles
I love just
Artista: Nellansay Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Spring comes with more rain
A lack of sun to burn away the remaining pain
But something shifts deep inside
I don't know how to hide
This smile is the smile i've been saving for you
You haven't seen it yet
A happiness that will start to blossom
A heart that thaws
Bristol Song (I Miss You This Much)
Artista: Nellansay Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
When you go away i miss you more than i'd miss oxygen
And i don't see why
Because you never seem happy when you go away
But you seem happy when you're here
So stay
Forever stay, don't go away
The nights feel like they last forever
I can't sleep so i bore myself to s
Cosmos I
Artista: Nellansay Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Tonight i'm shining like a star and because of you
I'd fallen from the sky but you were there
And i'm here again
This height i have numbs the pains
You turn the pain away
I'd be comatose and lethargic nothingness me
Without you here
Your love keeps me warm
Creamy Pants
Artista: Nellansay Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Our love
Is the sort of love that knocks down bridges
Our love
Is the sort of love that cooks the ocean waves
Our love
Is the sort of love that needs no introduction
I am happy with this, you are happy with this
Our love is magical
I am happy with this, you are
Daisies In My Heart
Artista: Nellansay Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
My heart is like a field where beauty often grows
The field was left to fallow and turned unloved and cold
Where flowers were meant to blossom there was only soil
The sun would shine but nothing grew
Until the day that i found you
A seed was planted deep, and in my heart it k
Artista: Nellansay Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
I'd sit in here and wait all day
If I knew that this would make you happy
A million blue skies turn to grey
I guess the weather isn't on our side tonight...
I'd hold your hand so tight
Your fingertips would turn ivory white
You'd look at me, say 'nevermind'
Doctor Tucker the Motherfucker
Artista: Nellansay Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Oh, he's a prodigy when he prances on that organ
Oh, he holds a doctorate in testicular symphonies
Oh, he is the master of the wit of the world
Oh, but his girl turns me on
Oh, nothing pleases him more than banging out melodies
Oh, he's the king of coiffure and hairdressing
Don't Listen To Those Girlfriend Thieving Bastards
Artista: Nellansay Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Every love song ever written was written with you in mind
I know, i've asked them all
The bastards, they all want a piece of you
Especially Elvis
Every love song ever written was for you and only you
And i must admit, i'm pissed off
I only want you to like me
Esko Mariabar (The Heart Speaks)
Artista: Nellansay Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Anger turned cold
Equilibrium controlled to this smile
Meo Morna (nothing here but shadows and light bulbs)
I'd sing to you
If not for my savage throat
Warding away the tune and making your ears bleed
Quala Forever
Make my own words to please you
Cos the wor
Even Angels Love You
Artista: Nellansay Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Up in the clouds the angels are watching
Passing their time in heaven
And when they see you they smile
You never have to worry, you have the angels on your side
So on earth i shall protect you
And the angels know our love is good
Up in the sky those dead are back and
Even If You Were A Stump...
Artista: Nellansay Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
I love you more than chocolate
I love you more than anything
I love you more than mallrats
I love you more than everything
So don't ever think that i don't love you
Cos i do, that's all i do
So don't ever think that i don't need you
Because i do, it's true
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