Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Nanowar
Tenemos 19 canciones traducidas de Nanowar
(True) Metal Fart
Artista: Nanowar Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Casually i had three tons of beans in the kitchen
And i ate them all without thinking of the terrible consequences
I could not avoid the meltdown of my ass
Some greeny-brownish dense gases spread all around
Our asses are bleeding steel
Some gases will burn and kill
400 Calci
Artista: Nanowar Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Mazzate ed esposioni
Smitraglie e palletoni
Marmellata di ceffoni e di 400 Calci
Deflagrazioni nella notte ma tu non ti volti indietro
Una tempura di pettorali e te ne vai
La canotta insanguinata e una spalla stronzacchiona
Ed i narcotrafficanti crivellerai
Amazing Midding
Artista: Nanowar Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
So, the hero went to the Nanowar and got his sword.
On his way back to the village of Roccadipapamord he once again stopped to the wise one...
[Hero:] "Holy Wise One, I have the sword!"
[Wise One:] "Yes... you have the sword.... but beware... the dragon is big!"
[Hero:] "The drag
Barbie, MILF Princess Of The Twilight (feat. Fabio Lione)
Artista: Nanowar Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Wonderful lady of charming might
Of mystic accessories
And vintage revolving light
A sorceress trapped in a luxury spa
Unleash the bucolic adventures
That my camper yields
Hair in the wind
Mould the horizons
Shining blue eyes
Forest and lakes
Yes, I am a B
Blood of the Queens
Artista: Nanowar Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
We ride the tricycles of true metal of steel
While other bands play, we eat happy meal
In the forest of minerals... The poseurs we kill!
Our metal's so strong, 'cos our dick is so long
Our dinner's so long, 'cos our ham is so strong
You think it's my chastity belt...
Christmas with Nanowar
Artista: Nanowar Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Merry Christmas with Nanowar,
It's the Christmas song of steel
Take this present from Nanowar (Of Steel)
Happy new year with Nanowar,
It's the merry happy new year song of steel
Join the gay dragon's party (of Iron)
Build a snowman with Nanowar,
And shape him like
El Campo de Nabos
Artista: Nanowar Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Al lado de madrid y alcorcón
Hay un pueblo que se llama "maricón"
Ahí la gente en el ano, pone chorizo humano
Y quien ama la nata, chupa ramos de mata
En éste pueblo ya no hay mujeres,
Los hombres hacen todos los deberes
Y en el rio manz-anal, hay un pez especial
Emerald Fork
Artista: Nanowar Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
I hate the big mac which tastes like rat
The double cheese burger which made me much fat
Now i'm in the cesso to expell all this shit
La cacarell m'ha fritt le budell
Che cazzo me so magnato?
In the toasts of McDonald the meat was pure shit
No more meat of shit
Entra L'Uomo Di Sabbia
Artista: Nanowar Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Di' le tue preghiere piccolino, non scordarti mio figlio di includere ognuno
Croccante fuori, morbido dentro, tieniti libero dal peccato, che arriva l'uomo di Sabbia
Dormi con un occhio aperto, attaccati forte al cuscino
Uscita luce, entrata notte, prendi la mia mano
Con la p
Feudalesimo e Libertà
Artista: Nanowar Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Contra codesta epoca obscura,
Pronti a pugnar sine paura
Da aquisgrana scendiamo al galoppo
Marciando collo scudo et collo stocco
Taccian le zuffe elettorali
Al rogo vadan li tribunali
La nostra lex est l'imperatore
Homo de fide, et homo d'onore
Alla pugna!! A
Fight The Dragon For The Village
Artista: Nanowar Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
Fire he spits and the paesants he ate
Escape the elevator before it' too late
The dragon is evil but not very fat
It's uglier the dwarf in rhapsody booklet
The dragon is dangerous, told uncle griefus
When yesterday morning we met in the bus
The light of my sword now is
Gioca Truè (Other Bands Play, Nanowar Gay)
Artista: Nanowar Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Heavy, Metal !! Heavy Metal gays !!
Better pizza than happy meal,
It's better pizza than happy meal
Healthy food is made of steel
Better pizza than happy meal !!
Nanowar, Nanowar living on the road
When we're in town posers explod
Giorgio Mastrota (The Keeper of Inox Steel)
Artista: Nanowar Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Acciaio 18/10 nelle nocche di giorgio mastro…
Cavalca l'elefante, l'eminflex di giorgio mastro...
Armato di doghe in legno e trapunte scamosciate
Batteria di 12 pentole con fondo fuso alto un centimetro
Giorgio mastro-ta-tro-ta-tro-ta-tro
Happy Ending
Artista: Nanowar Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Our hero has once again defeated the evil forces of evil.
And now, our brothers Gargoyles can finally sghzgh.
Il Cacciatore Della Notte
Artista: Nanowar Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Sfreccia solitario nei boschi dell'est
Errabondo, solo il vento la sua via può indicar
Attacca all'improvviso ed è micidiale
Il sguardo brilla nell'oscurità
Sfida l'intemperia e la corrente ascensionale
Della preda non ha nessuna pietà
Barbagianni barbagianni barbagia
Karkagnor's Song - The Hobbit
Artista: Nanowar Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Out in the forest, on the grass I lay
Reading a volume I bought on eBay
The pages are dusty, yellow and old
Mystical secrets I'm starting to unfold
Warmth, wisdom, gaudium and bliss
A trickle of glory springs like the dog piss
Shower of gold, non sparkling beverage
Artista: Nanowar Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Walking on the hill, with the crown of steel
Going to McDonald, to eat an happy meal
To eat an happy meal, to eat an happy meal
He's going to McDonald to eat an happy meal
He's the king,
King of the hill, of the happy meal
He's the king
Walking on the land, with
V Per Viennetta
Artista: Nanowar Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
E' capitato anche a voi
Nel cammin di vostra vita
Di ricevere un torto brutto subìto da un’amico brutto
Porto' via la donna mia
Provo in me malinconia
E una serie di sensazioni
Che mi danno veramente al cazzo
Una tumultuosa rabbia sentite dentro di te
Una voce