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Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Naio Ssaion

Tenemos 20 canciones traducidas de Naio Ssaion

Naio Ssaion

Canciones traducidas de Naio Ssaion


Artista: Naio Ssaion Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

še eno jutro dan budi
prebuja se zaspan
zatiska si oèi
nepremièno tam le¾i
ne sluti danes je
tisti dan

in ustavi se
se v oèi zazre
mu nov svet odpre
so to le sanje
in takrat se zdi
da ni meja
ni preteklosti

tih nemir prikrade se
se nov

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At Ease

Artista: Naio Ssaion Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

I've been woken up again
these dreams have no end
still linger here
rage strikes

And here they come again
Intruders of my restless soul
You will not frighten me
Cause I've finally learned to

See in me everything that I was always searching for
And nothin

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Bla Bla

Artista: Naio Ssaion Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago

Vsak od vas
Je sedma priča
Naj nihče ne zataji
So pasti ne reci hvala
Bodi tu in drzni si

Vsak to ve in ne sprašuje se

Svet govori z istimi očmi
Ne upa ve
Ne čaka gre
Še naprej utira si poti
Zamisli si da novi
Svet govori z istimi očmi
Ne upa v

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Artista: Naio Ssaion Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

How easily life can turn around
Now he stands without his wings
They've taken something
they should have left alone
Should let it be
It's not right
It's not right
They've taken his pride
He'll fight back
He'll fight back
He'll find the way


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Blind Date

Artista: Naio Ssaion Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

silent your step is silent as you come near
you suit me perfectly

and violence you denounce violence so carefully
you can smell the fear

The sickness you own
is getting scarier
so be my blind date
suppress the good in

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Artista: Naio Ssaion Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

prvi ples dotik dlani ne¾en lesk oèi
na gladini se ble¹èi blag odsev luèi
spra¹uje kdaj
zastane dih zadrhti v objemu telo
pogum zgubi

vedel je
da je to kar je iskal
pred njim le zanj živi
njega vidi
èutil je
da vsem bi rad izdal
izdajal prvi

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Can't You Hear

Artista: Naio Ssaion Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

No more no more disregard
this time I'll do it right
You have to just have to
face the pain
Inside your broken mind

And where is the
crossroads where we meet
I see only darkness
I'm trying to find the reason why
You don't want to try

what I have to s

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Gen X

Artista: Naio Ssaion Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago

pred ogledalom se rojeva
bled pogled ki sam prepeva
ta podoba zdaj odseva
le še dve uri celega dneva
vzroji predèasno od zavisti
globoko v njej ¾ivijo tisti
ki izdani so poslani
obešajo slike ji postrani

ne unièi se
don't you feel the pressure
naj se sli

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Homo Sapiens

Artista: Naio Ssaion Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

strah pogum vse se tu meša
s èasom motivacija peša
drzne želje mnogih ljudi
zakaj se pustijo
kaj jih nazaj drži

si želel si želel
je ¾e od malega ves èas
da bi vsem pokazal kaj zna
zdaj verjel zdaj verjel
je da ustvarjen za dobro je ži

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Miss You

Artista: Naio Ssaion Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago

I light a fire on this night
I still envision your face smile
It's hard to let it go when
In this crazy circumstance
I just want it all to end
It's hard to just let it go

And I know you see the way
I live my life you know I'll be just
Fine but still I miss yo

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Artista: Naio Ssaion Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

novo sonce sije ti
lep je dan v objemu
topel dih ti šepeta besede
ki jih vesta le vidva
in vsak dotik pomeni ti
nebo modrin
ki oživi vse kar si izgubil kdaj
ti namenjeno je zdaj

ta moè v tebi tli gori
ni zgodba tujcev in laži
zdaj je tu trenutek tvoj

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Out of the Great Book of Fairy Tales

Artista: Naio Ssaion Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago

In a distant land
There lived a young boy
And Bluewhiteyellow was his name
He was born with one
One special gift indeed
It was making rainbows
Kind at heart like his father
His friend was summer wind

And he sang every time when
Somebody opened their heart

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Artista: Naio Ssaion Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

zdaj prisluhnite mi vsi
ne krièim brez veze
ne krièim v tri dni
hoèem da poslušate z oèmi
se ne skrivate lažete v temi
sporoèilo je namenjeno vam
vam ki ste tu brezplaèno dam
se zavedate tega
kriza je v glavi ljudi

za vas
shut up shut up

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Shut Up

Artista: Naio Ssaion Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago

Why do I have to have this constant
feeling of being late for something
Why do I have to be willing to
participate if it doesn't concern me
Their pace is fast they can do their best
but they will not deceive me
No imposed opinion
no implicit dominion
I passed

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Artista: Naio Ssaion Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

grem naprej ostaja¹ z mano
noèem te a v srcu me žge
vzamem te s teboj v mislih letim
preganjaš me
zjutraj te ob kavi pozabljam
zbujam se ob meni ležiš
noèem te a v glavi ostajaš
in zdaj krièim

in tvoje besede
in tvoji dotiki
v tvojem objemu
peljejo m

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Artista: Naio Ssaion Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

You've been told so many reasons
Why you shouldn't make
Your own way

And you've been sitting silently
Behaving properly
But there are many ways to

Say out loud
What you've been missing
In this world of madness
Where we're trying to find
Our way

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Artista: Naio Ssaion Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

This is what I've been waiting for
For quite some time now
All I have to do is to make it true
Going to give my all into

I can see new horizons now
The new horizons
No I have no doubt
I'm moving on
I'm moving on

And it's right here in front of me

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The Mirror

Artista: Naio Ssaion Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

tonight we sit it's all so quiet
and I don't know just what went wrong
but still I miss the way you look at me
what's happening

tonight we don't turn on the lights
'cause we both know it's not OK
though you're still here
you're so far away and
now I scream


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Yours Faithfully

Artista: Naio Ssaion Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago

Taking over me now

There are many different stories to be heard
There are many different people living in this world
But behind my eyes there lives a dream
I see your face at my door
every time I know I need nothing more

I'll follow you
With every step
I will

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Artista: Naio Ssaion Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

pokojno teèe tok
narava spi
nekje nevihta
ogenj besni
le rahlo teèe kri
oduren smeh glasno zvoni
kje je lesk v oèeh

se zgodi razmisli
ne obupaj
vse je pred tabo
se zgodi razmisli
pokaži kdo si
zbriši vse ostalo

trepet zmajuje strah

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