Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Manic Movement
Tenemos 20 canciones traducidas de Manic Movement
Manic Movement

A Thousand Sufferings
Artista: Manic Movement Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Tell me what you need
how you make 'em bleed
ripping out their love
raping out their love
like a thousand times before now
tell me what you want
how you live to haunt
creeping up their veins
after a thousand years of suffering
how you avenge a thousand suffe
Concentric (Messiac Age)
Artista: Manic Movement Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Questions John?
Answers! Here they come…
First of all you can feel it, it's in your genes
Since the beginning of man it has been haunting our shamans and seers
We have been in the grip of some kind of attractor calling us forth
A force luring athoms into dancing themselves
Artista: Manic Movement Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
take this crape
I just can't walk away
trapped inside
take this crape
I just have to walk away
I'm trapped inside
patterns of lifelong frustration
revolving 'round this dazzling mutilation
issued from opposing sensations
can't turn my back
faithfully f
Double Walker
Artista: Manic Movement Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Charcoaled all over my face
Streaks of disgrace
His making sure that our ways will stay interlaced
'Cause it isn't mine
That hungry smile
His making sure that our ways will stay ever so vile
But in his riding of our ways we got double crossed
With the package came a
Artista: Manic Movement Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Vice… I have seen
Through these eyes moonshine-real
Carved with faces of regret
As I could never lay to bed,
This stubborn selfishness deciding my soul
Though you smother it someway
As I never could refuse…
The delicacy with which you bruise
So lean on me
In Spaces Between
Artista: Manic Movement Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
From under the big smooth stone
The one I got in all the way from the river myself
It's reassuring coolness supposed to cover up the mess…
This disruption of structure…
Came a fearful deliberate gnawing
The sound, it pounds and tears at every part of me
It resounds, i
Juglar Of Bones
Artista: Manic Movement Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
an endless fall into thin air
devoid of all time and sound
I never felt my body touch the ground
still I laid there, sprawled,
wearing a painless stare
paralysed under purple skies
as silence swells to deafening
screams a spiral chaos
confusing me outside of mys
Mankind's Misanthropic Ambassador
Artista: Manic Movement Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
In and out these worlds of mine
Travelling inside an ego-amplifying prism which shine
Casts of hologhraphic reflections of supposed greatness
Boasting prophets proclaiming self-containment
Well tear their skins and burn their bones
'Cause they're fathered by discrepancy and s
Artista: Manic Movement Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Let me be carried away
Let my self give in to a vivid hieroglyphic dream
Figures dancing and giving praise to life and it's seed…
(is all that you need)
And the colors are meaning
They're ready to go
Fueling the poet's engines
Contributing to a flow
Of massmind
Run To Heaven
Artista: Manic Movement Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
though love and life have led us to subside my ways
still eclipse in rememberance of those times
when we thought the dream to overpower the quirks of fate
high on the purity of the innocent rays we took a trip,
minds set to lush green infinite space
we ran to heaven, go !!<
Artista: Manic Movement Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
She dreamt herself a princess
The center of all love
A long robed beauty lightness
Her flowing golden hair lovingly combed by sister-maidens twice a day
She would stare out for hours over rolling fields of little red flowers
Never minding the terrible racket going on outside
Artista: Manic Movement Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I long for this viscid infliction to disappear
an insult in the eyes of life causing me to sear
while I'm drunk on its obscenitty,
it's eating away at my integrity
unwrap the image what do i see?
an enmpty satisfaction secretly draining me
so dark, so weak the nethers o
Artista: Manic Movement Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Dazed I awake
Out of the grey
You see this sleep was never ever good for me
A stroking voice
This welcome lies
I know this reality as my enemy
Its malice thrives
On searching minds
Foolishly trying to discern true destiny
Still have to grant
Feelings comma
Soulshriek (Despair, My Bride)
Artista: Manic Movement Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
The house once filled with laughter and delight
home to shrill nothingness
now hear the wind pound the doors
she screams the peaks,
my sneering wedding choir
but a far greater force lies inside
has come to claim her wedding night
restless, she roams the upstairs roo
Artista: Manic Movement Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Weep for me 'cause I have seen all effort go to waste
Obtained knowledge misused in oh so many ways
This megalomaniacal breed programmed to prie open lidless eyes
Which gaze will well condemn them to pathetic cosmic cries
'T is with with this race of convulsing madness that I dir
Artista: Manic Movement Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Things are made of thought
Things are really brooding on
What they're made of
Swallow down what they're choking on
Things are fine drawn though often swollen with pain
Searching out the seam makes life worth it's suffering
Things have begun to come apart at these seam
The Art Of Memory
Artista: Manic Movement Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Inner city madness
A lonely soul
Streets to reverberating empty
We've got places to go
Partners in crime
They'll never know
The more the merrier
Or am I wrong ?
Let me wander through mementoscapes and personal plains
Me and my memory take our time to relive
The Dogfactory
Artista: Manic Movement Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Let me be driven away by a man in a car
He's driving like mad and I just can't believe
The distance we travelled between her and me
He's pushing into the red - like wanting to shake of…
There is something he needs - he needs to get rid of… of sin
Well I know where our drive w
The Third Injury
Artista: Manic Movement Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
for ever now man has been lost
in comprehensive darkness, seeking control
great minds have flakkered,
casting shivering light upon
looming immensity (possibility)
mankind detested what was unveiled
for it meant giving up his inbred sense
of superiority being reduced t
Torn Into Divinity
Artista: Manic Movement Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
your essence circling
the centre of my soul,
tempting a new ascend
the pain has all but gone,
only now there's your softening
beauty to relent
molten silver pumping my veins
overpowering entanglement
in the gossamer of delightful complexity
leads to thrill