Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Make A Change... Kill Your Self
Tenemos 10 canciones traducidas de Make a Change... Kill Your Self
Make A Change... Kill Your Self
Chapter I
Artista: Make A Change... Kill Your Self Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Join me brother of blood.
Help me create a war.
We are just puppets dancing,
The way they want us to.
And I have grown weary of it.
I want to spill their blood.
Nothing shall remain holy.
Body parts and severed,
Heads shall fill the landscape.
Above the corpse
Chapter II
Artista: Make A Change... Kill Your Self Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Burnt is the landscape. I stand proud and behold this.
Their churches have been burnt, sick and perverted desecrations have been done.
Their regime has ended. It is time for the northern heritage to return.
It will create a dark and violent age where no Christian life shall be spa
Chapter III
Artista: Make A Change... Kill Your Self Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Woke up to another day in this hellhole. My mind fucks up my soul.
Sitting in this rubber cell of mine with nothing sharp whatsoever.
But the mind is as good as any knife that cuts to the bone.
I am a divine interception.
Cut as deep as my everlasting pain. Blood flowing.
Chapter IV
Artista: Make A Change... Kill Your Self Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Is life just another test to prove me wrong? Is this never-ending struggle just another lie?
Are these shitty feelings just another fairytale of happiness? Are these scars real or just another open wound?
Are these people real or just ghosts in the wind? Is this a fork or a knife? The
Du Er Alene
Artista: Make A Change... Kill Your Self Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Alene i din depression søger du desperat og hungrende
Efter noget der ikke eksisterer i dette liv
Følelserne og skuffelsen undertrykkes hver gang dette erkendes
Eksistentialismens indre kamp
Kampen om selvrealisering tabes
Friheden findes på den anden side
Valget ligger
Fooling The Weak
Artista: Make A Change... Kill Your Self Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Why do I live in a world which is not real?
Liquid swords of death. Hepths of solitude. nights of pure hatred. hours of self mutilation
Why do I let my mind caress me like this?
Liquid swords of death. Hepths of solitude. nights of pure hatred. hours of self mutilation
How can I
Fri Fra Denne Verden
Artista: Make A Change... Kill Your Self Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Fri fra denne verden og alle dens menneskelige folelser
Der går ej een dag hvor jeg ikke hader mig selv
Og blot onsker at ende mit liv i natten
Blive et med natten og mørket
Mørket, som vylder så meget af mit utålelige liv
Blod, det eneste der styrer at jeg lever
Life Revisited
Artista: Make A Change... Kill Your Self Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
A journey through damnation. It grows within me, breathes within me. A dark plague which has risen in my mind.
Nothingness, emptiness and total desolation. The pain grows day by day. My mind screams for silence
"unleash the pain, set it free and let your life be shallowed by the eterna
Livets Gave
Artista: Make A Change... Kill Your Self Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Med livets gave følger unægteligt døden
I en verden der er konstrueret af magtstruktur og ideologi
Er dette den endegyldige sandhed
Den endelige løsning
Vanset hvordan dit liv udformer sig følger døden med
Du har intet valg, ligesom du ikke selv vælger livet
Livet væl
Artista: Make A Change... Kill Your Self Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Jeg går uden skygge. Alene igennem livets vej
Forkastet af mennesker omkring mig
Jeg hører ikke til her. Aldrig vil jeg finde sjæleferd
Min livsanskuelse tillader det ikke i denne tid
I denne struktur, i denne livsanskuelse, i dette samfund, i denne verden
Mennesker, marion