Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Maarja
Tenemos 20 canciones traducidas de Maarja

A Dream
Artista: Maarja Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I wish you'd have your sun with you...
When darkness comes I feel myself like a beast
I try to hide myself away from this dream
I never make it, no it catches me
and in that dream you are so gentle and real
I don't know
if I fall apart or save my breaking heart <
All The Love You Needed
Artista: Maarja Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
You are trying hard to find
an image in your mind
you held so high
Every hour every day
you get loneliness away
by moving on
You just never had the time
to stop and see the sign
Cause all the love you needed was always close at hand
still you couldn´t unde
And You Came
Artista: Maarja Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
When I open up a page of my past
I find it blue -
Love enough for two but no-one around,
Nothing to do.
I found no meaning
In the world at all
Bravehearted I started
Knocking on your wall
And you came
And you came
Showing me a whole new world
And y
City Life
Artista: Maarja Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
The street wise guys the real cool
types/Look at me from every
corner I``m passing by/The traffic
lights the red stop signs/I pay
them no mind
I`m on a roll all systems go/Don`t
quite recall the last time/I felt this
fine/I`m sorry if you don`t agree
But th
Could You
Artista: Maarja Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Just look at you
You haven't a clue
Hidden feelings
Things I wan't forget
You'd cheat and you'd lie
The crimes you can't deny
It's over now
Baby it's over now
Could you just do yourself a favour
and say "goodbye" now
Could you just turn aroun
First In Line
Artista: Maarja Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Constricted dreams
that sleeps in my mind
now seem to guide me in my daily life
I raise a glass for
those tears gone by
A ray of hope upon my newborn eyes
I'm turning to the window
full of memories
I'm turning to the frontstep
with keys
I'm gonna get f
Forbidden Land Keelatud Maa
Artista: Maarja Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Why hide yourself in yesterday?
When you disappear
you remain there.
I find you for the hundredth time
Still, the abyss between us
gets deeper, I feel.
But if I give up
you'll be lost for good.
ref. On forbidden land
I wander again
Looking for you
He Is Always On My Mind
Artista: Maarja Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Here I stand by your side
It's been a while since we've talked about the future
I can't lie, it's how I feel
There's only so much love for me to give
And I can't see, you wanna stay a little longer
I can't breathe, I can't do this anymore
He is always on
Hide Your Heart
Artista: Maarja Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
All alone in this garden of earthly delights
No one aroun to tell us whats wrong or right
And I`m plucking this forbidden
fruit down from the tree
now I`m holding out the appel
won`t you come to me
Can you see it
Can you feel it
Do you want it
Can`t you smel
Hold On To Love
Artista: Maarja Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
When you are feeling down hearted
Sometimes the world is going to fast
Just think of what we have started
And put all your doubts right back in the past
Soon you discover
You are my lover
So hold onto love
And cherish your dream
This butterfly feeling
Is more
I Know You Are The One
Artista: Maarja Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I fell in love at once I saw you
I just knew you were the one
Though people tried to talk me over
It couldn't stop my feelings grow
I could feel the hard time's changing
You turn my whole world up side down
I don't care what they are sayin'
I know where I belong
I Will Be There For You
Artista: Maarja Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Show me the star you wish upon
and I'll look for it every night
When you are far away from me
my faith in you will shine
When you need a friend
tell your heart to send
a message out into the blue
Find the wings to fly
Cross an endless sky
I will be there for
I Wonder
Artista: Maarja Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
When the leaves have turned to yellow
colder winds freeze me through
Seems to me that I was dreamin'
when I hoped you wanted me too
Maybe I'm a fool who loved you
but I learned from time to time
I believe that love's
no friend of mine
And I wonder
I wonder
Ja Kuigi Nüüd Ma Tean
Artista: Maarja Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Me ümber vaikus su huulte paitus
sõnad viib suult
ma endasse sulgun taas kadund on julgus
kätel on kuum
Ja kuigi nüüd ma tean,
et ainult sulle lootma pean
soovin uskuda arm ei kustu meil eal
sellel hetkel kindlalt tean
kõik mu kahtlused, vaid sina vii
Just A Dream Away
Artista: Maarja Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
There is a place where lovers go
when they want to be alone
away from the world
Happiness is just a dream away
I feel it
when I am here with you
Could this be a magic
sent from somewhere high above
Could this be the moment
when I find my way to love
Kaelakee Hääl
Artista: Maarja Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Tead, millal olen rahul?
Pihku kui maailm mahub,
Hoida kinni vôin tuult.
Hing mässab tormivahus,
Kui on lahus
Veed suudlust ootav suu.
Kui hetkel on valus,
Tahan sulle môelda vaid,
Muud ei ma siis palu:
Ka su pilk kôik öelda vôib.
Kee merepärlidest sul tee
Keelatud Maa
Artista: Maarja Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Miks aina peidad end eilses?
Kui sinna kaod, siis kadunuks jääd
Sind juba sajas kord leides
Saan'd mõradest praod, me vahel, ma näen
Kuid kui ma loobun
Siis hukkud sootuks
Sel keelatud maal, ma tunnen end siis
Sind otsin ja jälle me vahel on piir
See kee
Mu Käed Sinu Poole
Artista: Maarja Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Veel olen ma teel, jälle teel kuhugi veel
milleks küll minna, kui kohal olen juba
ütle, et on aeg, ütle, et on peatus
olen ju selleks siin, et leida sind Aeg jälle on aeg, koguaeg ainult on aeg
kas see loeb, et me käime ühte rada?
Kus on meie aeg? Kus on meie peatus?
My Hometown
Artista: Maarja Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
It's been too long
too many nights
If I could change or
turn back time one hour
with you my flower
I can't pretend I'm
still the same
My friends keep saying
it's a game I'm loosing
It's so confusing
So full of heartache
I can't live without our love
Puudutus (Feat. Koit Toome)
Artista: Maarja Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Ei sinuta ma teadnud kuis udust tõuseb päev
kuis langeb täht ja ükski soov ei täitumata jää
ning öö ja küünlavalgus ka seegi tundub uus
meil lõputa näib algus, nii kaunis ja kurb
Puudutus nii hell ka nukrail hetkedel
vahel palju muuta võib see meid
Ja selle pu