Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Collapsed System
Tenemos 20 canciones traducidas de Collapsed System
Collapsed System

Acid Nation
Artista: Collapsed System Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
An exploded nuclear power station,
means no danger for the population.
So, we don't need to care, we're living in an
acid nation!
When will it end? When will we be free?
Is there a way to measure our pain?
Lies can tell the truth
Drugs and love
Artista: Collapsed System Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
You´re like an addiction for me,
You could make me falling down....
When I see the world turning,
You´re giving me answers,
How to live in it, now.
We share trust and harmony
We don´t care about life in extasy
It´s love in purest purity,
It gives us the stren
Atomic Asphyxia
Artista: Collapsed System Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 5 months ago
A white desert, the wind blows, the sand
Floats in the air, so it will look everywhere.
Wake up and decide your fate
Forceful, consistent, it won't take shape
When you act before it's too late
What remains is a result of the atomic war
That it will never be like befor
Berlin 2007
Artista: Collapsed System Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Berlin, in flames,again
The ruler's were back in the capital of sin
And they started to destroy everything, again
The resurrection had begun to replace people
They were on the run hunted by a racist with
A loaded gun
Who he shot everyone
There was no real chance to
Blute Jetzt!
Artista: Collapsed System Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Wie siehst du wieder aus? Ganz
verschmiert, dein Gesicht!
Es ist traurig, zu sehen, daß es mit dir zu
Ende geht.
Kannst du mir sagen, was du fühlst?
Kannst du mir sagen, was du brauchst?
Ich seh´dich anders als du denkst.
Ich fühle anders als es scheint, darum
Brain Breaker
Artista: Collapsed System Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 5 months ago
Forget the pain
Forget the pain you felt inside
You can only fail
You can only loose this game
Yearning for a fix
You're waiting that the injection sticks
Join my coloured trip I give you all you need
for a kick
Let's run away from the world full of grey
Artista: Collapsed System Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
When you came to me, drunken and
full of cocaine, I saw your dead red eyes
and you were crying "Help me"
Was that the last state before you
Awake before alcohol makes you mad
You have to do it your own way
You don't have to rely on me
Stand up don't
Die Zeit
Artista: Collapsed System Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 5 months ago
Die Zeit, die wir teilen, wird irgendwann zu
Ende sein.
Es ist nicht, die Zeit in der wir leben, es ist
der Augenblick der zählt.
Wenn die Welt hinter uns versinkt und das
Licht, die Erde verbrennt,
werden wir zusammen stehen und
gemeinsam bis zum Abgrund gehen,
Emotional Man
Artista: Collapsed System Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
I'm the guard of your soul, the defender of
your weaknesses, I keep your wishes in my
mind and clean up, your bath room. - I´m
the guide of your heart, the protector of your
innocence, I keep your dreams alive and
clean up your bath room...
I'm your emotional man - I´m
Artista: Collapsed System Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
There is something, I can´t explain
Something special goes round in my brain
You would call it revenge I call it dignity, I
call it dignity!
I am here to catch you You´ll never get a
chance to escape
I am here to hand over you to your fate
There´s one way to get y
Faith Assembly
Artista: Collapsed System Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Pray in the faith assembly
God will be above your head
tell him the stories you told me
and the other things that make you sad
Join in the faith assembly
free your soul become alive
that's the only way to forget the past
and to create your new life
For heaven'
Ghetto King
Artista: Collapsed System Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
I control my district and the people in it
I´m the Ghetto King, I´m the Ghetto King
I control my district and the people in it
I´m the Ghetto King, I´m the Ghetto King
Nothing, nothing to fear
Nothing, nothing to fear from the law
Nothing, nothing to fear
Nothing, n
Artista: Collapsed System Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
There was a time where I've seen all these people going blind...
It was a time where I've seen all this fucking crime...
I remember the crowds, that agreed without doubts
It was their mistake they've made, now it's all too late
Now, it's all too late
In The Middle Of Hearts
Artista: Collapsed System Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
He plucks up courage from the depth of his
soul with merciless passion conquers he
the world and casts a spell on it
He casts a spell on it for a place in the
middle of our hearts
middle of our hearts
He feels the same like me
He feels the same like me
We seem t
Artista: Collapsed System Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I'm in motion try to keep me in
I'm in motion try to keep me in
I spell out the words which I can't define
the end has just begun
I'm in motion try to keep me in
My premonition tears me down
the nearly endless mission flooded
thousands of towns
And I'm feeling s
Artista: Collapsed System Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
The good times are over - for me -
Welcome back, to reality
I´m all alone, again, the end was turning in
my head, but I was paralysed
I couldn´t change my fate!
What is the meaning?
What is the sense of being?
What is the meaning, tell me the reason of
human be
Observe The Rules
Artista: Collapsed System Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
We learnt to observe the rules
We were educated to be fools
Without pride, without views
Now, we´re political tools
Observe the rules!
It´s the time in which we´re living
The hate rules the world, we´re following
We can´t give in
The hate rules the world, we´re
Time Machine
Artista: Collapsed System Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I floated through the time , with my outer
space affairs in the back
Of my baggage I was aware of my things -
Yes I was ready and flapped
My wings to have an adventurous life
And I entered the time machine, past, future
and past, again
An endless circle, it started
Track Nine
Artista: Collapsed System Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Embrace my corroded mind, tell me
something about
a way to find... my mental crime
Hidden on track nine
Forgotten and left behind
lonely on track nine
I'm riding down the road
expecting to find hope
..on track nine.....
When the sun burns my skin
I'll gi
Artista: Collapsed System Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Every day the same procedures
Every day within the same 4 walls
Is this what life can give me
Is this the course of time?
Give me answers and set me free
or give me a gun to suicide me
I'm trapped in the circle of life
I'm trapped in the daily routine
I'm trap