Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Citizen King
Tenemos 13 canciones traducidas de citizen king
Citizen King
Basement Show
Artista: Citizen King Traducción porAlejandra Mida | Publicado 15 years ago
Basement Show
Artista: Citizen King Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
this is the place you face the music i demonstrate
an altered state with the blacklight shining on the boombox
i rush the show to the underground spot from p.m. to a.m.
you are and i am choking on smoke below the coliseum
not soft-shoe
'cause i wear the new dance scoping
Better Days
Artista: Citizen King Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
It goes a little something like this
In my shoes my toes are busted,
My kitchen says my bread is molded,
Got a good job at the dollar store,
One foot in the hole, one foot gettin' deeper,
with a broken mirror and a blown out speaker
And I ain't got much else to lose.
Artista: Citizen King Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Billyhilly he's the king of the hill billhilly he hits
The sour mash swill billhilly he made it off the
Farm he's kickin' up dirt out on the loose he
Haw ha chewin' on roots always down on
The chicken shack he's leavin' for the city
And he ain't comin' back do the do se do
Checkout Line
Artista: Citizen King Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
it's up in the air an escalator away a comma into the phrase another
ticket to
pay well i can't see where this is going again because i'm behind with
line that i'm in single file in the pile calgon take me away smile on the
face while i wear i waste my ti
Closed For The Weekend
Artista: Citizen King Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 6 months ago
where i come from stealing's like giving
make a robin hood living eight days out
of the week at the fat lace pace i race the
ease back disorderly conduct in a
catatonic state of relax in the brass
knuckle turnbuckle i drink the daydream
up all night on a cloud getti
Jalopy Style
Artista: Citizen King Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
there's a spit shine avalanche headin' one
way headed toward the light bright alley
way the beard blew off the dandelion
face and left a 24 karat button in its place
the chain steering wheel boomerangs
from the junkyard hard rolling but rolling
on the real hard turf
Long Walk Home
Artista: Citizen King Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Through the tin pan alley in the dead of the
Night riding that crazy horse through the
Backyard kitchen on an a team mission to get
To the front door what's left behind when the
Sun does shine is passed out on the floor i'm
Going to lay my head down before sunday
Morn' it
Safety Pin
Artista: Citizen King Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
You put me down with a stick you got
That safety pin grip you know me like you
Know ice on a fire dust myself off with a
Spoon you shot your darts at the moon
And this piece didn't tear too soon now
It's dust the rubber burns peeling out
Behind the wheel and you're lookin
Salt Bag Spill
Artista: Citizen King Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
you got the sideways grip i'm about to flip your backdrop dizzy spell
dents in the padlock cold defying the laws of slingshot a white picket
to separate the stones you stand on before the tide comes in on the
early dawn
the light bulb spins on the horn
Skeleton Key
Artista: Citizen King Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Tight shoes stepping light bending over to go under find your seat on the kitchen floor at first
Glance 20/20 take your chance maybe not with a spruce goose on patrol from the shackle to the
Snap pop crackle on the out on the inside space to fill silly rabbit just don't have it playing t
Artista: Citizen King Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
on the run like a bandit i'm on the loose
now you eat the dust and you taste the
puppy chow this ain't no standstill hold
up captain crunch a desperado i take you
out to lunch i'll gank your milk money
honey it's a royal treatment no tracks out
back in the wet cemen
Under The Influence
Artista: Citizen King Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 6 months ago
now out past the cast of boredom cards get
dealt i sift and sort them table rooftops
coming down wooden nickels lost and
found apple pie i?m eating cake now
coming to the table late now juke joint fights
and diamond lights immune to poision ivy
snake bites batteries