Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Chronic Future
Tenemos 22 canciones traducidas de chronic future
Chronic Future
Artista: Chronic Future Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
so we boarded the plane in ordinary street clothes
after a game of luggage wars
yo my speech flows
every one around me
can hear and i don't care
cause i'm smiling my ass off
with what I'm able to share
today's a different trip
actually they're all the same
4 Elements
Artista: Chronic Future Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 6 months ago
(one, two, three, fouur)
A microphone has an aura of sounds around it
When the lips make contact facts of fiction surround it
Unbounded noises founded, praises mounted,
But I get grounded.
Allow it and it will flow through the screen
Soft spoken or a scream will
Airport Song
Artista: Chronic Future Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
ticketless travel mimicking gravel with minutes to babble
finish and i grab hold of limericks in my saddle
i wish i had a rattle to tattle like security does
a song to sound off impurity buzz
metal detectors unsettling sensory receptors
i wish they gave me a nectar instead of
Always and forever
Artista: Chronic Future Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
Always and forever, I'll care,
I'll care.
Always and forever, I'll be there,
I'll be there.
Our hearts... align,
The stars, in the sky,
I find... I like
Supernova explosions,
Taken years to show the light
No I can't forget my friends,
When it's time to
Anybody Out There
Artista: Chronic Future Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Need a little talking-to, a little encouragement
A bit of a walk-through. the step to assertiveness
We search for the awful and decide to be courteous
In respect to a life that's not even servin' n' singin'
Black wings in the feel tonight
We're gettin' all geared up to fly on
Apology For Non-Symmetry
Artista: Chronic Future Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 6 months ago
I must apologize for not participating in symmetry
But it's been such a struggle to win entry to this industry
Put simplistically it sickens me for my lack of contributions
I hope to tighten loose ends with new sense and end this nuisance
I think it's more
More than I can t
Come Correct
Artista: Chronic Future Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Oh it's exciting never
Biting but busy reciting
For the next concert enlightening
The writing that's occurring
Burring because it's 360 degrees
Below the hypotenuse
I called a truce but now I'm living
It no more getting lit for a little bit
There seems to be a voi
Eyes Wide Open
Artista: Chronic Future Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
It's like taking your medicine
Admitting the relevance
Of every experience
You're thanking the elements
In all their appearances
Ins't life just the clearest when
You face interferences with an aim for fearlessness
With eyes wide open it can be so hard to live in th
Feel It Everyday
Artista: Chronic Future Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I'm in this body - a specimen of unknown
I'm testing limits and the limits get way blown
Out of proportion - eyes ears and nose
Touch then taste but i'm faced with those
Certain uncertainties
Like where's my sixth sense
And why all of a sudden am i not free
I seem to
I Think You Got Ahead Of Me
Artista: Chronic Future Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
I think you got ahead of me you got ahead of me
walking back towards the sea and moving steadily
as far as the eye can see all is empty
no sign of anything resembling the living
so baby come home don't you leave me all alone
the knots you make ties you break life you take all
Impossible To Win
Artista: Chronic Future Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
You're not justified
To say those things
That you say
You're not organized
In the games
You play
Start thinking about the future
Stop thinking about yourself
We are the ones to blame
But you shift it on someone else
These fucked up situations
I'm alw
Artista: Chronic Future Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
just giving in
so hard for some to do
i let the pen do the work
and make this song for you
it's hard to excuse it
time after time after time
the mind gets useless
line after line after line
oh yeah oh yeah
well that's a courageous step
i get up every blu
Jump To Jive
Artista: Chronic Future Traducción porhector | Publicado 15 years ago
Jump To Jive
Artista: Chronic Future Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Makin' 'em move from jump to jive
Nothing beats the feeling of feeling it live
We rockin' loud ever since '95
But check it out y'all now we gonna dive
Into the millennium for a force of completion
Like helium yeah we got the power to heal you son
Dealing out fun just like
Jumping Ship
Artista: Chronic Future Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
there's the door here's the cup, but the table has no fork in the road
One picture in a charm could slit your fist or kiss your toad
It all depends on the defense that you pull off your wall
We're all friends and enemies while your knives and swords are having a ball
The copperto
Lines In My face
Artista: Chronic Future Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Lines In My Face Are Becoming More Apparent
I Stare With The Same Eyes As My Moms Parent
People I Can Be Scared With Are The Ones To Cherish
And I Hope Some Day I'll Be Able To Say That I Shared It
Here's A Bottle Opener, Pop Open Your Coping Mechanisms
Cold Turkey And
Live Again
Artista: Chronic Future Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Time to write this album
Chronic future 2000
Time's no obstacle and we just arouse
All the minds that seem to be in tune
Ranting like a platoon under the blue moon
Yo, keep a low admission
Give no intermission
Too busy rocking the crowd yo
We're on a mission
Memories In F Minor
Artista: Chronic Future Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
You're the element of surprise that none of us were prepared for
The dead body behind the curtain that we couldn't help but stare towards
This afternoon you were an only child and a friend to me
This evening you're not breathing you're just the seed of a memory
Memories of bett
New York, NY
Artista: Chronic Future Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Well all these people of the city will keep you in their blind spots
Especially when they know that you're out looking to sign dots
I tried to tell this girl how twisted my mind got
But it's her dream to ride the conveyer belt of that side walk
She's got intentions of being numbe
Nothing Left To Lose
Artista: Chronic Future Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
i've got nothing left
got nothing
nothing left to lose
i always thought i was a trivia question unfit to be asked
i've given away my fork and spoon but kept my knife for inspiration lay
down in a chrome box with me that's too expensive to die in and we'll
suck the