Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Chroma Key
Tenemos 21 canciones traducidas de chroma key
Chroma Key

Again Today
Artista: Chroma Key Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
And if you fall along the way, and people start to stare
I'll grab my mask, put on my cape, and soon I will be there
For you... hey, I'm so sorry again today
And hey, for you, I'll be sorry tomorrow, too
Okay? Okay? let's be sorry everyday
America The Video
Artista: Chroma Key Traducción porAlejandra Mida | Publicado 15 years ago
America The Video
Artista: Chroma Key Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
i was half outside and half inside a dream
when i thought i heard your voice on my machine
sang along had the song almost memorized
liked the track so i laid back and let it fossilize
(i've got all of this on video
it just gets better every episode)
america i wa
Another Permanent Address
Artista: Chroma Key Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Sometimes i wanna sleep in the street
But it feels a little funny without you
Down in the basement feeling the pavement
Holding my stomach
And sometimes i can't believe my own feet
So i found another permanent address
Sold the old mattress keeping the changes
Astronaut Down
Artista: Chroma Key Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
you look so mysterious
but you sound so serious
you should have told me on the phone
i'm sorry i'm sorry i don't know what i'm saying
i guess you tried to let me know
by leaving notes on the stereo
it's not the typical way to go
i'm sorry i'm sorry i don't know what
Before You Started
Artista: Chroma Key Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Before you started calling, I'd walk to the phone
Now I never never walk, cause I know you're never home
(no one's home I guess, no one's home ring ring)
Baby's always comin' round don't that feel nice
Baby's always comin' round ain't the great?
My sugar's always comin' b
Camera 4
Artista: Chroma Key Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Shortcut to Chroma Key Lyrics
Chroma Key - America The Video Lyrics
Chroma Key - Another Permanent Address Lyrics
Chroma Key - Astronaut Down Lyrics
Chroma Key - Camera 4 Lyrics
Chroma Key - Colorblind Lyrics
Chroma Key - Even The Waves Lyrics
Chroma Key - Get Back In
Artista: Chroma Key Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
On a beach twenty yards from the roadside
Back again 6 am far from sleep
Must be 290 blue on the water
It's gray to me 3 cv is all i see
Green can only hold you in the garden
Too much red will go right to your head
But if it's all the same to you
Give me back my blu
Come In, Over
Artista: Chroma Key Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
They drove by in their car,
and they were lost in their youth
Worried eyes looked ahead,
streetlights washed my face
Even The Waves
Artista: Chroma Key Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Me & judas lost at sea
Under electric twilight fading
I look at him he sees through me
40 days and we're still waiting
I'm not tired but i think i'll lay back anyway
I'm not welcome but i think i'll stay
Me & jonas lost at sea
Deep inside a dream we're tra
Get Back In The Car
Artista: Chroma Key Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
So the man was tired and the car was starved
And the sun was setting
No the moon was tired and the cow was carved
I remember every second
Forget what you don't know yet
Forget what you don't know yet
Forget what you don't know yet
Yeah i saw the way you talk to your
Graveyard Mountain Home
Artista: Chroma Key Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Automatic cameras, coffee machines, self-cleaning ovens
Fireplace screens, for you, for you
Renovated basements
Isolated yards, tables in the kitchen
This is what I'm thinking, and you, and you
She's just a quarter acre
But someone's gonna take her
Is it you, in m
Hell Mary
Artista: Chroma Key Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Oh... Oh...
I see the sky
Its becoming a very very bright red
Almost an aurora... A red aurora
And Its like I'm suspended
And the light is so bright it hurts my eyes
And I see this huge ball
Now in the center its...
Its A gray colored ball
Almost.. oh... I don
Human Love
Artista: Chroma Key Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
"Let us welcome ourselves to this important inquiry.
All of you have traveled a long and sometimes painful journey to reach such a point of investigation.
Some of you, perhaps, come here today for religious truths, elightenment or self-satisfying spiritual egoisms, like all
Artista: Chroma Key Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
"The crew is bedded down for the night, and here's an announcement from mission control."
"Hello Apollo 11 Houston, we've got the network all configured for the TV, you can, eh, start any time you want, over." "Okay, we'll, eh, reconfigure the TV for that."
"This is Apollo Control Housto
Artista: Chroma Key Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
(now, now I know I'm not crazy. the fucking mouse, the mouse is back again. and I got him here, mother fff - he's in the fucking radiator. this prick, and he's lay - he's eating a fucking Dorito. and I can't get him. and he's looking at me, and he'll still eat the Dorito. he's behind the fucking
Nice To Know
Artista: Chroma Key Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Saw her at a red light
Headlights flashing like shooting stars
In the fast lane like an airplane
Never saw the tail light
Windshield cracked like an insight
Was a long flight but i'm alright now
I can tell you're falling
It's nice to know
I can tell you're fal
On The Page
Artista: Chroma Key Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Tell me something stupid
Auction off my diary
Life is getting esoteric
Let me in your movie
Each time i walk out the door
Someone mixes metaphors
Life is so much cleaner on the page
It's like the morning when i'm dreaming
And everything is so pristine
It's j
Artista: Chroma Key Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Fly blackbird fly
Frozen the sea i see you
Old cover clouds new snow there they go
Silent but wings
Sun orange small i see you
Nowhere is home go alone and alone
Fly angel fly
Older than me i feel you
Coalcovered clouds white snow there you go
Heard myse
Sad Sad Movie
Artista: Chroma Key Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
My mistake is never knowing, by mistake I keep on going
Love is in the room but I don't know it, love is in the sails but I kept rowing
Sad sad movie, sad sad movie, sad sad movie, I see that now
My mistake is never knowing, by mistake I keep on going
Love is on the rails but