Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Champion Jack Dupree
Tenemos 20 canciones traducidas de Champion Jack Dupree
Champion Jack Dupree

Ain't That a Shame
Artista: Champion Jack Dupree Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Ain't that a shame
Ain't that a shame
Ain't that a shame
Ain't that a shame
Well, the way my woman do
Ain't that a shame
Ain't that a shame
You know baby that I love you
Everything'll be alright
All I want you to hug me
Baby and hold me tight
All Around the World
Artista: Champion Jack Dupree Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Well, if I don't love you baby
Grits ain't groceries, eggs ain't poultry
And Mona Lisa was a man
All around the world I'd-a rather be a fly
I'll lite on my baby n' stay with her 'till I die
With a toothpick in my hand, I'd dig a ten foot ditch
And run through the jungle
Angola Here I Come
Artista: Champion Jack Dupree Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
I feel sorry for the people, way over in Angola today
I feel sorry for the people whooo, way over in Angola today
Cause there's millions of people, ain't got no place to stay
Everybody want their country, they wanna take everything away
Everybody want their country, they wanna
Bad Blood
Artista: Champion Jack Dupree Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Lord have mercy
You got bad blood, mama
I believe you need a shot
Yes, bad blood, bad blood, mama
I believe you need a shot
I said climb up on the table, baby
Let the doctor see what else you got
You got bad blood, mama
You got bumps all in yo' face
Big Legged Mama
Artista: Champion Jack Dupree Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Well hello Georges, well I'll be doggone!
I hadn't seen you in a long time, man, where have you been?
Well, you see, I've been hangin' around but eh
I ain't been doin' no good
Well you ain't been goin' to the right places man
You must go to the right places, you know
Blues Before Sunrise
Artista: Champion Jack Dupree Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Have the blues 'fore sunrise, tears standing in my eyes
I have the blues before sunrise, tears standing in my eyes
Said the miserable feeling
A feeling I do despise
Seem like everybody, everybody's down on me
Seem like everybody, everybody's down on me
I'm gon' change m
Bring Me Flowers While I'm Living
Artista: Champion Jack Dupree Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Bring me flowers whiles I'm livin'
Then don't bring them when I am dead
Bring me flowers whiles I'm livin'
Please don't bring them when I am dead
And bring ice bags to my bedside
Hoo-well-well, to cool my achin' head
When a man is sick in bed
Please come to my rescu
Can't Kick The Habit
Artista: Champion Jack Dupree Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Well, I can't kick this habit
And this junk is killin' me
Yes, I can't kick this habit
And this junk is killin' me
Ever since I started this habit
Ev'rything's been down on me
I hung around my friends
And smoked reefer
And I thought I was doin', alright
Careless Love
Artista: Champion Jack Dupree Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Love, oh love, oh careless love
You've fly through my head like wine
You've wrecked the life of a many poor girl
And you nearly spoiled this life of mine
Love, oh love, oh careless love
In your clutches of desire
You've made me break a many true vow
Then you set my
Come Back Baby
Artista: Champion Jack Dupree Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Oh come back, baby
Oh mama please dont go, yeah
Cause the way I love you
Child you'll never know
Oh come back baby, yeah yeah
Let's talk it over one more time
Oh now now
Well I admit, baby
That I was wrong
Don't you know, baby
Child you been gone too lon
Death Of Martin Luther King
Artista: Champion Jack Dupree Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Well the world lost a good man
When we lost doctor Martin Luther King
A man who tried to do everything
He tried to keep the world in peace
And now the poor man is gone to rest
But go on, doctor Martin Luther King, take your rest
There will always be another Luther King
Drinking Wine Spo-dee-o-dee
Artista: Champion Jack Dupree Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Down in Louisiana they get in the groove
When they get drunk they begin to move
Screamin' and a howlin' and talking loud
Throwin' beer bottles and join the crowd
Drinking wine spo-dee-o-dee
Drinking wine spo-dee-o-dee
Drinking wine spo-dee-o-dee
Pass that bottle to
Early In The Morning
Artista: Champion Jack Dupree Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Oh, now! Early in the morning!
It really IS early in the morning, too, son!
Early in the morning
Early in the morning
Early in the morning
Early in the morning
Early in the morning, I'm feelin' good
Early in the morning
Early in the morning
Early in the morn
Evil Woman
Artista: Champion Jack Dupree Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
(Oh, yeah!)
The woman that I'm lovin'
She's evil as would be
Lord, Lord, Lord
Woman I'm lovin'
She's evil as could be
Well, that woman is so evil
She's too evil for me
(Oh yeah!)
I love that woman
Though she takes my appetite
I love that woman
Goin' To Paris
Artista: Champion Jack Dupree Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Well I'm goin' to Paris in the morning soon
Well I'm goin' to Paris in the morning soon
If I don't leave in the morning, I'm gonna leave in the afternoon
I'm gonna see President De Gaulle, I know he will welcome me in
I'm gonna see President De Gaulle, I know he will welcome me
Going Down Slow
Artista: Champion Jack Dupree Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
I have had my fun
If I don't get well no more
Yes, I had my fun
If I don't get well, no more
Get well, no more
Yes, my health is failing me
And I'm going down slow
Please write my mother
Tell her the shape I'm in
Ple-eee-ase write my mother
Lord, Lord, L
He Knows The Rules
Artista: Champion Jack Dupree Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I met a girl last night that I wanted to love
Now let me tell you man what a fool I was
I took her home like she was twenty one
And when I met her mother she said: I'm sorry son
I said ho ho ho ho please let's me explain
She said when you see the judge, you can tell him eve
House Rent Party
Artista: Champion Jack Dupree Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Pour the corn
Pour the corn
Pour the corn
Pour the corn
Pour the corn
Pour the corn
Pour the corn
Come on black girl, oh is what I mean
Serving chicken
Serving chicken
She's Serving chicken
Serving pig meat
Serving pig meat
I Had A Dream
Artista: Champion Jack Dupree Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Man, you know one thing I always dream
And that's the one thing in the world for a hard workin' man to do
You know
Yeah, you better see Sigmund Freud
Yeah, you know, that's bad, you know
For you don't never
Dream nothin' nice
I don't know what you dream, bu
Junker's Blues
Artista: Champion Jack Dupree Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
'My, my'
'I'm sick as I could be'
Some people call me a junker
'Cause I'm loaded all the time
I just feel happy
And I feel good all the time
Some people say I use a needle
And some say I sniff cocaine
But that's the best old feelin'
That I'd ever seen