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Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Carcharoth

Tenemos 11 canciones traducidas de Carcharoth


Canciones traducidas de Carcharoth

Come To The Sabbath (Mercyful Fate cover)

Artista: Carcharoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

Come come to the sabbath
Down by the ruined bridge
Witches and demons are coming
Just follow the magic call
Come come to the sabbath
Down by the ruined bridge
Later on the master will join us
Called from the heart of Hell

At first we light up a fire
And then

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Egyszervolt Aranykert

Artista: Carcharoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago

Valaha az igaz Élet tüze lángolt a lelkekben
De most izzik e a csillagporos Tejút
Csaba vezér seregének viharos vágtájától?!
Rég elhalt a szívekben a Turul kiáltása
És nem maradt más hátra
Csak a jelen sivár visszásága...

Szkítia ölébõl kalandra kélt
A nyughatatlan

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Hadak Ura

Artista: Carcharoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

"Én mondom énekem-aki bátor, erõs vagyok-
Kardom kétélû görbe kard,
A halál és az élet tüze ragyog az én kardomon.
Megölöm, aki népemre tör gonoszul,
Kettévágom kardommal és rátapodok.
Legvígabb táncomat rajta táncolom ,aki gonoszul
Legjobb ízû italt koponyá

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Kalamóna's Winter

Artista: Carcharoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

In the 3rd year after millenium
The Winter was harder than ever
Under the hungarian moonlit
The Frost was still hungry

At one dawn there was Blackness
The shining snow was getting dark
Kalamóna's winter arrived again
He was take the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars


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Artista: Carcharoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

Messzi zord Észak hófödte Agyarhegyeitõl
A kénbûzt lehelõ vérszín Elátkozott Tavakig
Arador lovag dicsõ híre beutazza az egész
Hû társa neve Almatúr, aki mindig elkíséri
Vad útjain:
A Lidérchágó vészterhes vidékén bolyongva
Gallor útvesztõ mocsarában haláll

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Nihilvm Sed Vervs Λter

Artista: Carcharoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago

Definire signum lucana ater
Forma eventus horizon
Terminus cosmos-aetas
Nihil etiam lux posse evader
Causa universalis relativitas
Praesentia vulgus nimius non-derigere cosmos-aetas
Via particular flexura in vulgus
Eventus horizon ex lucana ater

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On the Cliff

Artista: Carcharoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago

Twilight is creeping into the valley
Drums are beating like Blood
Sword, Bow, Axe and Spear
On the altar on the Cliff

Wine in the skull of the enemy
And the Sword in the Shaman's hand
There is a White Horse for the Sky
And a Black Bull for the Earth

Sword is s

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Pagan Nature

Artista: Carcharoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

So many years ago betwen Mountains and Snow
We lived in the shadow of the Highest Tree
Beyond the great Forest, Mountains, and Lowlands
Hawks and Eagles cleaving the air

Old Trees are speaking me, tell me long histories
About the future and the past
I was unite with the

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Peccatum Originale?

Artista: Carcharoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

The Path is dominated by the Dreamturmoil
Burning in fire of appearing Visions
The might of the Will calling gods
From Heaven...
In a forest of Lances get lost the Light
The Beauty embrace the dead's rotting corpse
Hiding to veil of Mist the mysterious
Cavern of Desti

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To the stars of infinite darkness

Artista: Carcharoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago

Directing by Destiny
Tormenting by Life
Am I Human or Creature?
Mountain or the Deepest Ocean?

In the shadow of Darkness
Rising the Insanity
I can see the Light again
Over the Endless

Thirsty by Endless
And sound of Twilight
Am I Light or Shadow?

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ΩMEGΛ (Post Vacvitas)

Artista: Carcharoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

Dies atramentum, dies illa solvet saeculum in sanguen
Pontus euxinus a viscus oblivio
Vacuitas ultima linea rerum est
Ad majorem anticosmos gloriam

Nullus deus, nullus sathanas, nullus humanitas, tantum vacuitas

Manifestatio bellum sanctus versus humanitas putidum ad vict

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