Letras de Canciones Traducidas de C.A.S.H.
Tenemos 20 canciones traducidas de C.A.S.H.

Artista: C.A.S.H. Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Dupa tot ce-a trecut prin noi
E greu sa pornim iar la drum
Poti sa-mi dai ce-ntelegi ca simti dar eu stiu
Nu-i loc acum
De-as stii sa-nchid in urma mea cum s-a sfarsit
si tot ce-am gresit
Mai e un pas in umbra ta
Cat de cat ne stiam dar nu e de-ajuns
Sa te-nteleg
Artista: C.A.S.H. Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Mi-ai spus ca simti din totdeauna
Ca soarele adora luna
Se inteleg de departe
Cand vantul spulbera un nor
De tine zici sa-mi fie dor
Sa-mi amintesc prima noapte
Cuvintele n-au nici un rost
O viata noua tu imi dai
Vad in tine tot ce am
Simt caldura ce o ai
Asa Sunt Eu
Artista: C.A.S.H. Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Nimeni nu te-obliga sa ma asculti
Ai sa-mi spui ceva dar te ascunzi
Nu spun vorbe goale nici minciuni
Nu cred in noroc nici in minciuni
Fac ce vreu, imi fac pe plac
Spun ce vreau- nu pot sa tac
Asa sunt eu si cant ce vreau
Raman pedrumul meu
Nu sunt nici rob n
Artista: C.A.S.H. Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Pornesc la drum ingandurat
Ma cheama vantul
Doar praf in urma mea
Trecutul in urma l-am lasat
Nu mai sunt singur
Sunt stapan pe soarta mea
Doar eu
Sunt doar un calator prin lume
Eu -nu ma mai pot opri
Doar eu
Sunt ostenit dar liber
Eu -viata mi-o s
Carne de Tun
Artista: C.A.S.H. Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Un simplu pion
Manuit de-un nebun
Ce se joaca cu sufletul meu
Ma poarta mereu
De parca as fi scrum
Ce se stinge in viscolul greu
Ma auziti dar nu ma ascultati demult
Doar cateva cuvinte
Sunt tot ce vreau sa spun
Ma-mpingeti iar in noapte
Castles Of Sand
Artista: C.A.S.H. Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Seems like all the things I've done
Useless things now that you're gone
All the time now
I would like to try again
But I know it ain't the same
I should make things right again
It's no easy to pretend
That our love will never bend
'Coz our love ain
Despre Tine
Artista: C.A.S.H. Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Te tin in palma nu-ti dau drumul
Esti aici caci te ating
Tu imi risipesti tot fumul
Setea tot cu tine-o sting
Ah -Despre tine vreau sa cant
Ma hranesti cu sarutarea
Ma zapacesti cand imi zambesti
Ma ametesti cu mangaierea
Si cu soapta ce-o rostesti
Dime Que Si
Artista: C.A.S.H. Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Ven y te demuestro que yo si soy para ti
Que tan difícil puede ser hacerte sonreír
Si yo vine a tu vida fue para hacerte feliz
Tu eres ese sueño, que yo quiero vivir
Nena dime que si, nena dime que si
Que la luna me dijo que tu eras para mi
Nena dime que si, nena dime q
Down On Me
Artista: C.A.S.H. Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Oh, mama please believe me
Cuz I ain't no fool
Got a pressure in my head
To get another in my bed
I tell ya
The sweat is runnin' me
Rough kinda' feelin
The truth is babe,
With me you're safe
Just try again to feel me
You're goin:
Down o
Easy Way Out
Artista: C.A.S.H. Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
My body's shaking I can't find my seat
My bones are trembling I can't stand on my feet
Now that I saw you again tonight
I know that you're the one to light my fire
I guess you didn't even noticed
That I- even exist or not
Feels like I'm being tied to a pillar
I just
Everybody's Money
Artista: C.A.S.H. Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Filthy cash I've won
Aw, babe I'll throw you some
Ain't no fair exchange
Money for blood and pain
I want you to know
My place is not your home
Treat me like dust and bones
This time will never be again
Everybody want's more money
I want money,
Fac Ce Vreau
Artista: C.A.S.H. Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Intr-o dimineata
Cu sila si cu greata
Ma trezesc si-mi fac "doua oua moi"
Stau ferit de soare
Capul rau ma doar
Simt ca votca-mi vine inapoi
Nu ai ce sa-mi faci
Sunt betiv
Rau si plin de draci
Noaptea beau, ziua lenevesc
Nu imi place sa muncesc
Fakeing Love
Artista: C.A.S.H. Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Until the night is gone
I'll need some answers
To rearrange some things
Set order in my life
But when you come around
I always loose my head
You tried to make me feel
We've never tried
Br: It's hard to see so much ahead
'coz love and hate walk hand in hand
From The Heart
Artista: C.A.S.H. Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
You can take a day
It's so cold and oh, so gray
With a sweet and lovin' sound
You can make it turn around
You are what beauty is
The one who gave me life
I know that you know
Love is what we've found
Whenever you go, whenever you'll be
I'll be lovin' you s
Good For Nothin
Artista: C.A.S.H. Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I don't wanna be good for nothin forever
There's gotta be a way, I can be tamed, so youd better
Find me a shelter cuz I'm lost
Find me a light that leads to the trust
Everyway I go it's the same ol ball an chain
Ain't no fuckin and messin around tonight
Good for nothin
Artista: C.A.S.H. Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Got right passed of the border line
No more fears, no more doin' time
Feelin' good, gonna lean to live
I ain't gonna have no more time to kill
I've just spat in face of fate
I'm gonna take my time
Livin' it up for lovin' - ain't gonna hideaway
Don't know where I'm
Artista: C.A.S.H. Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Mi te dai in dar , m-aprinzi cu un trup de jar
Si ma privesti precum te privesc doar eu
Si tot ce se-ntampla cu noi amandoi
As vrea sa cred ca nu e vis
Si tot ce ne leaga
Te-aduce inapoi..tu sa simti
Cat de mult imi doream o minune
Dupa an si an si an tu
Artista: C.A.S.H. Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
That's the only life I know
And you make me push on through
That's the only love I know
I know it's a game to you
Looking back on what we've had
What we've lost I cannot stand
Love is just another state of mind
I'm invisible to you
I'm invisible but I'll make
Make Ends Meet
Artista: C.A.S.H. Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I walk the streets alone
And I think I've seen it all
I can see what's goin on
It reminds me of my long, long way to fall
But it's alright
We've never had what love it takes
I'm walkin' the streamline
Everything our lovin' touches breaks
Nothing new what broug
Nothing's Forever
Artista: C.A.S.H. Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Days passing by so easy
Nights full of passion
Dreams of better life we're drawing
Fallin in temptation
I couldn't stand to see myself in black and white
The lies I've swallowed made me
Beat and bite
I would do anything that
Doesn't hurt my pride
I'll take