Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Billy Pilgrim
Tenemos 10 canciones traducidas de Billy Pilgrim
Billy Pilgrim

Get Me Out Of Here
Artista: Billy Pilgrim Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
People live below me up above me to the sides
Even if I wanted to I got no place good to hide
Concrete is my color and commerce it's my pride
Get me out of here
No one should live like this
Get me out of here
From the subway's steamy kiss
Take me to the country and di
Halfway Home
Artista: Billy Pilgrim Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
"On clear days it's fast black dead west
Sun on my cheek flat on my chest
I'm warm driving with all the citizens"
Halfway to work, halfway home
And the radio says there's been a terrible accident
Somewhere up by the waterways
I do more driving before 8 o'clock
Than mo
Here We Go Again
Artista: Billy Pilgrim Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
Just for the record there she lays
shedding fur in patches and pulling at her face
I've been taking these things all night long
Hoping it will make me tired
Hoping it will keep me strong
keep me strong
Bloodshot and blue
I can smell the guns
through the bedroom wa
Hula Hoop
Artista: Billy Pilgrim Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Beauty's out walking
She's a step above the rest
I can't stop talking to myself
When I see her Sunday dress
the crowds bow and fall down at her feet
It's lucky street and I'm the one she'll meet
She never tires, when she takes me throught the fire
My mouth gets dry, s
Hurricane Season
Artista: Billy Pilgrim Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
The quarter moon like chalk on a slate
Board the windows up before it's too late
The weather man and my horoscope both agree
It's not in the stars tonight for folks like me
I chase the minute hand around my watch
and smell the rain blowing in
A flashlight for my soul and
Artista: Billy Pilgrim Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I can see you, don't even know you
Falling into the sheets at night
I place my hands flat on my chest
I feel the heart beat back the night
I try counting sheep, and I talk to the shepherd
And I play with my pillow for ever and ever
I sit alone and I watch the clock
Lost And Found In Tinseltown
Artista: Billy Pilgrim Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Like a light, I feel electric
Feel the power running through
Driving fast into the motion
Driving hard to get to you
Let's get to know some of the locals
Set 'em up a whiskey round
Line our pockets with some pesos
Spend our night painting the town
Hold me tight do
Mama Says
Artista: Billy Pilgrim Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Mama they won't take me seriously
They show me the door but they hold back the key
I ask myself what is wrong with me
Do they see something I don't see
I know you told me, not to take from strangers
But I am preoccupied with the dangers
and respect among thieves
Too Many People
Artista: Billy Pilgrim Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I do my best thinking when I'm by myself
I do my best drinking when I'm with someone else
I do my best singing when I'm all alone
and the blood comes down like sweat from my bones (yeah)
So my family tree may have a broken limb
I swore to the heavens never to go back again
Artista: Billy Pilgrim Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Another sleepless night, turn off my light
Turn it off
Open my books, take in silence,
And wait for the dawn
Lock myself into place
Keep the sun off my face
When the morning comes
Try to keep it all in sight
Form one thought, break it off, take a breath,