Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Big River
Tenemos 19 canciones traducidas de Big River
Big River

Artista: Big River Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Arkansas, Arkansas
I lust love ole Arkansas
Love my ma, love my pa
But I just love ole Arkansas
Well, I ain't never traveled much
But someday when the money's such
I'd like to see the world and all
And take a run through Arkansas
I'd like to get my picture took<
Do Ya Wanna G0 To Heaven
Artista: Big River Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Looka here Huck, do you wanna go to heaven
Do you wanna go to heaven
Well I'll tell you right now
You better learn to read and you better learn your writin'
Or you'll never get to heaven cause you won't know how
You may think that the whole thing is silly
But it ain't s
Free At Last
Artista: Big River Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
I wish by golly I could spread my wings and fly
And let my grounded soul be free for just a little while
To be like eagles when they ride upon the wind
And taste the sweetest taste of freedom for my soul
Then I'd be free at last, free at last
Great God Almighty
Artista: Big River Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Well, you dad gum guv'ment
You sorry so and so's
You got your damn hands in every pocket
Of my clothes
Well you dad gum, dad gum, dad gum, guv'ment
Oh, don't I you know
Oh, don't you love 'em sometimes
You dad gum guv'ment
You better pay attention
You're s
Hand For The Hog
Artista: Big River Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Well, I always heard but I ain't too sure
That a man's best friend is a mangy cur
I kinda favor the hog myself
How about a hand for the hog
Ya say, a hog ain't nothin' but a porky thing
Little forked feet with a nosey ring
Pickle them feel folks
How about a hand for
How Blest We Are
Artista: Big River Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
How blest we are
As children of a God so good and true
To understand his moving hand
And, love for me and you
How blest we are
As children of a God
Whose love is real
Enough to touch each one of us
Is part of him I feel
I honor thee
I honor thee
To who
I, Huckleberry, Me
Artista: Big River Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
I, Huckleberry, me
Somewhere sittin' underneath some tree
Somewhere maybe fishin'
Maybe someplace sittin' just wishin' I was fishin'
Oh, I, Huckleberry, me
Hereby declare myself to be
Nothin' ever other than
Exactly what I am
And I'll never change for no one
Leavin's Not The Only Way To G0
Artista: Big River Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Did the morning come too early
Was the night not long enough
Does a tear of hesitation
Fall on everything you touch
Well, it might just be a lesson
For the hasty heart to know
Maybe leavin's not the only way to go
Maybe lay and let your feelings grow accustomed to t
Muddy Water
Artista: Big River Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Look out for me, oh muddy water
Your mysteries are deep and wide
And I got a need for going some place
And I got a need to climb upon your back and ride
You can look for me when you see me comin'
I may be runnin' I don't know
I may be tired and runnin' fever
Muddy Water (Reprise)
Artista: Big River Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Well, I been down to the pain and sorrow
Of no tomorrows comin' in
But I put my pole to the river bottom
And I've got to hide some place and find myself again
So, look out for me, oh muddy water
Your mysteries are deep and wide
And I got a need for going some place
River In The Rain
Artista: Big River Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
River in the rain
Sometimes at night you look like a long white train
Winding your way away somewhere
River I love you don't you care
If you're on the run winding some place
Just trying to find the sun
Whether the sunshine, whether the rain
River I love
The Boys
Artista: Big River Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
If the bunch of us all stick together
And we all go down as one
We could be highway robbers
We could be killers just out to have fun
And if any of you can't keep a secret
We'll cut your throat if you tell
Then lay down 'neath six feet of ground
'Cause we were born t
The Crossin
Artista: Big River Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Crossing to the other side
We are pilgrims
On a journey through the darkness of the night
We are bound for other places
Crossing to the other side
I will worry 'bout tomorrow
When tomorrow comes in sight
Until then, Lord, I'm just a pilgrim
Crossing to the other s
The Royal Nonesuch
Artista: Big River Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
She's got one big breast in the middle of her chest
And an eye in the middle of her nose
So says I, if you look her in the eye
You're better off looking up her nose
Whoever you are, wherever you've been
You've come this far
Well, come on in
See the nonesuch
Waitin' For The Light To Shine
Artista: Big River Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
I have lived in the darkness for so long
I am waitin' for the light to shine
Far beyond horizons I have seen
Beyond the things I've been
Beyond the dreams I've dreamed
Are the things I've done
In fact each and every one
Are the way that I was taught to run
When The Sun Goes Down In The South
Artista: Big River Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
When the sun goes down in the south
And the moon comes up in the East
Step right up and see the wonder of the ages
It's guaranteed visual feast
When the darkness falls on the town
And the North Star's startin' to rise
Well, you can't imagine the menagerie ai
Worlds Apart
Artista: Big River Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
I see the same stars through my window
That you see through yours
But we're worlds apart
Worlds apart
And I see the same skies through brown eyes
That you see through blue
But we're worlds apart, worlds apart
Just like the earth, just like the sun
Two wor
You Oughta Be Here With Me
Artista: Big River Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
If you think it's lonesome where you are tonight
Then you oughta be here with me
If you think there's heartaches where you are tonight
Then you oughta be here with me
Because with you I'm whole, without you I'm cold
So if you think about me where you are tonight