Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Big Harp
Tenemos 7 canciones traducidas de Big Harp
Big Harp

Bar All The Doors
Artista: Big Harp Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
There is no cage,
There is no bond
There is no chain
Can hold you for long
There is no wind
Dead as it look
The road may vanish but you can’t
Run through the bush
And if they bar all of the doors
Leave you stamping your feet on the concrete floor
You c
Everybody Pays
Artista: Big Harp Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
When you’re whistling el paso on a cold laredo dawn
And your mind is just as wind-blown as the dirt roads you've been on
When you think you left your wallet on a counter back a ways
Rest assured my pretty babe,
Rest assured my pretty baby,
Everybody pays
Everybody pays<
Goodbye Crazy City
Artista: Big Harp Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Goodbye, crazy city
You're too much for me.
Give me what you owe me.
I'll take it, then i'll leave.
I never slept so fitful
As bleeding on your sheets.
Well, light's outside advertising
Somebody else's dreams.
Goodbye, crazy city
Goodbye, ugly pride.
Micajah With His Hands Up
Artista: Big Harp Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Oh Jesus
Come and raise me
Like Lazarus from dusk til fish
I’m worn
I’m going crazy
I’ll do whatever you request
And I’ve been tryin I’ve been tryin to throw my hands up
I’ve been trying I’ve been trying to throw my hands up
I was born far from my home
I l
No Trouble At All
Artista: Big Harp Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
See then is again my
How it pours over me
That’s the way my mind runs
Over my memories
Every riddled carcass
Shook loose from its back
And stripped of it some of the colors
Looks like silver now
Leave it alone
I’ll carry it home
That ain’t no trouble a
Oh Nadine
Artista: Big Harp Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
Oh, Nadine i hope you know
Since you’ve been away
This old place don’t feel like home
It ain't the same
If you need money don’t forget to ask
But we can’t send much, you’ll have to try and make it last
Oh, Nadine i hope you understand we’d do
Anything for you
You Can't Save Em All
Artista: Big Harp Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Every rooftop unsteady on its studs
Every old ankle leaning on its crutch
Every old drunk stumbling backwards
Searching for the wall
And every palm tree doubled over in the wind
Every man on the street looking sad and thin
Every broke leg race horse chewing on the gates