Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Benighted
Tenemos 20 canciones traducidas de Benighted

A Personified Evil
Artista: Benighted Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Distant echoes
Have awakened the sleeping entities
The deformed keepers and their relentless barking
The two-headed beasts
Who casted the passenger out
Their thick drool soaks the ground
Where years of agony flow
A malicious signature of the buried past
A Quiet Day
Artista: Benighted Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Today newspaper says: on last Saturday
Some macabre discovery
Was made in a house of the neighborhood
A corpse was found in cave
Left in an advanced state of decomposition
And children's toys everywhere around him
Neighbors were alerted by the putrid stench
Escaping f
Abysses Of Sadness
Artista: Benighted Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Falling down, searching for Satan
Your hypocrisy comes too far, too fast, stand up the ripper, coming soon
You fall into the abysses of sadness bloody curses from the one of the unlight
Hidden somewhere in old flames, manipulations of senses destroyed your mind
You wanted the
Arcanes Démoniaques
Artista: Benighted Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Arcanes démoniaques
Sphères de la furie sanguinaire et bestiale
Qui nourrit la soif de sang
Et des lieux où la flamme de la haine
Caressent le dessein d'une maudite inconscience
Va ennemi, désert de l'âme, élève-toi, démon macabre !
Le long cortège des créatures m
Asylum Cave
Artista: Benighted Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
La suie coule sur les sombres verrous
Du bois noir transsudant sa colere
Vois les parois lisses et glissantes et l'equilibre ephemere
L'obscurite luit par les orifices
S'evanouit avec la plus grande decadence
Encerclant la bete prisonniere
Entre peur et rage indomptee
Aversion Fanatique
Artista: Benighted Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Des cris effroyables et des sanglots
L'histoire est née.
Témoin aveugle du reflet de la nature humaine
Des bourreaux barbouilleurs de lois
Des vers cadavéreux au spirituel asservis,
Nul ne restera pour attendrir l'horreur.
Du sang à la cendre...
Ceux qui rest
Artista: Benighted Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Underneath contexes silence
Of the puppets of this world hides perverse nature of the mind
Underneath bleeding skies, promise of hating fellow being will be
Dogma of life.
Pray the bloody almighty behind the lie.
Here are the ones condamned to eternal night
Here a
Benighted Transcendence
Artista: Benighted Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Tell me the right end fed by our hate
Driven by my fate habits of today
Hi-tech machine, just controlled by some hands
Forgive the feelings, desire, my end.
By a bleeding hand.
I fight in silence, I do it in the name of mine
Searching for the piece lost in their p
Bestial Breeding
Artista: Benighted Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Hurt my eyes, dear sweet daylight
In this sticky and damp cave
Where my body lies
Unmoving with my ravaged face deep in the mud
Feeling the lashes of whip
Love conditioned in violence
Bestial breeding
Squestration, parental molestation
Learning by the
Blind To The World
Artista: Benighted Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Doctor, i've read your last diagnosis
About my pathology, this chimera which obsesses you
Are you serious when you call me psychotic
Just because my reality is not yours
I would be insane for that, look at your world
You live behind a wall of lies
Your children born in la
Blindfolded Centuries
Artista: Benighted Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
The awakening is brutal and the strange places around me
And both quiet and distressing
The urge to vomit is back
In my inside world I think I've crossed the line
Swear and tears run on my skin
I feel the same pain again.
The ashes of my past life still burn
And cyc
Bound to Facial Plague
Artista: Benighted Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
The exhausting languor of apotemnophilia,
The unbearable expectation of a life-saving amputation
Unholy burden to carry, such a heavy weight
Disgraceful atrocities feeding on the matrix
Coronation of the child of shame
Secretions flow from this legitimate cancer
When wi
Artista: Benighted Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Sur tes terres ambrées ou périssent les vents de ma fureur
La morsure béante des sentiers flamboyants
Je la vois errer au centre des colonnes
Une âme opaline éructant sa rancune
Elle régurgite la splendeur des lueurs nocturnes
Succombant aux liqueurs du bourreau
Carnivore Sublime
Artista: Benighted Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Un silence de mort lourd et
Oppressant envahit la pièce écarlate
Les ombres flambent
Je caresse leur échine
La main delicate lève le voile
Macule du dormant meurtri
Force insidieuse et dévorante
Elle scrute mon visage
Une lueur meurtrière attisée par ceux qui me
Casual Piece of Meat
Artista: Benighted Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Here you stand again
Above the degenerated cradle
Admiring your work of art
Just a casual piece of meat
Sweet finality, dancing under the knife of irony
Enjoy your meal, mom
It’s just a casual piece of meat
Rotting before your eyes
So special and so common
Artista: Benighted Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Sensation indéfinie qui fait qu'au fond l'angoisse grandit
Que faire quand c'est le corps la prison de l'être
Fermé dans les murs de l'être, il se débat de toutes ses forces
Situation insupportable de vide
Anxiété naissante, haine dirigée contre soi, envahisssante, sournoise
Artista: Benighted Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
He said he is just seven years old
Don't understand what he is doing here
None of us can enter the secret spheres
Mechanisms which brought him to dementia
All that he can see looks so strange
His hands are different, old and wrinkled
They are covered by tortuous veins
Collection Of Dead Portraits
Artista: Benighted Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I feel they stare at me
With their eyes closed
Sleeping and defenseless
Like their existence were
From the past remains and pieces
Like my forgotten episodes
Confined in old book's dust
In this court you are convicted of treason
You are condemned to be
Complete Exsanguination
Artista: Benighted Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Cum With Disgust
Artista: Benighted Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Paralysed in pleasure I hear you call
Lost my cognitive control
Dumb vermin opens the unexplored paths
Digs their flesh relentlessly rapes it
Following the sickness I tasted the remains of freedom
I freeze the sun, burning dopamine
Pressure increases, missing the paroxy