Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Ben's Brother
Tenemos 20 canciones traducidas de Ben's Brother
Ben's Brother

All Played Out
Artista: Ben's Brother Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
You fought with bravery
You won some of the battles you commanded
But still you won't concede
You tried to knock us down but we're still standing
The war you waged with me
Our oldest enemy
When it all plays out
And you know you know you love me
And you won't lay
Artista: Ben's Brother Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
ove me, hate me.
Just don't walk away from me.
Give me anything, anything lying between.
What am I, If I don't try to find out.
What is going on behind those eyes.
So tell me to my face.
So please...
Apologise cause I need you.
Need you to get it right.
It w
Bad Dream
Artista: Ben's Brother Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Watching me, watching you
Watching me touch your face
Touching me, touching me
With your grace
I can't sleep
Cos without you
Life is a bad dream
Nobody knows how it feels
To hear the slightest answer
From your lips straight to me
Like the flight of a d
Bad Dream ( Tradução)
Artista: Ben's Brother Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Me observando, Observando você
Me observando tocando seu rosto
Me tocando, Me tocando
Com sua graça
Eu não consigo dormir
Porque sem você
A vida é um sonho ruim
Ninguém sabe qual a sensação
De ouvir uma resposta superficial
De seus lábios diretamente pra m
Battling Giants
Artista: Ben's Brother Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Do do do do
Do do do do
Do do do do do
I'm small, I'm weak, I'm vulnerable
I know, you think, you see it all
But don't you underestimate me
I know, you think, I'm not the one
A most, unlikely, champion
But don't you underestimate me
'Cause I don't want a k
Beauty Queen
Artista: Ben's Brother Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Eve and Adam's only child
Body that goes on for miles
Heaven only knows that real
Can be better than the fantasy
And her eyes shouldn't have blurred my vision I know that she
Was a beauty queen
And if you are gonna cry, don't cry for me
Cos from here on the
Carry On
Artista: Ben's Brother Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
When you're lost, and you're lonely
And your only way is up
When your day rises from you
Like a mountain to its top
Look beside you, and you will find me
I will guide you, when your will is gone
So carry on, carry on, carry on
What ever comes, and however painful, h
Find Me An Angel
Artista: Ben's Brother Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
Sitting in my bedroom
Thinking of a love gone
Wondering why it went wrong
Over again
You didn't really know me
And it feels like you owe me
But I guess at least you showed me
Not to do it again
Coz I've been knocked out,
Found out
About time that it tu
God By Another Name
Artista: Ben's Brother Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
What if life wasn't long
And everybody got just a single moment?
If you wasted the moment alone
Spent your while time thinking: "Why should I need love?"
Then look above to the sky and beyond
Cos you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone, believe me
Everybody needs
Harmonica In F (interlude)
Artista: Ben's Brother Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 6 months ago
Artista: Ben's Brother Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Shouting down an answerphone
A thousand miles from you
Why's the world a combat zone
That I'm a stranger to?
And I don't know where to go
I don't know what to do
Tell me how I find my way back home
Absence makes the heart grow cold,
No matter what they say
I Am Who I Am
Artista: Ben's Brother Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
No I don't mind if you think I should grow my hair
And no I don't mind if you pick out the clothes I wear
But know I can keep my head when all around me are losing theirs
I am who I am, and you can't change me
I've done what I can, now I'll stand my ground
If I Let The Ladder Down
Artista: Ben's Brother Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Get me out of bed
The cars are out and the dogs are barking in my head
In the street below
You're staring up at my apartment
Wondering where my heart went
Wondering where the story goes
If I let the ladder down
If I let the ladder down
If I let the
Kiss Me Again (Stuttering)
Artista: Ben's Brother Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
It's been, it's been, it's been, it's been, su-su-su-ch
a long time, long time, long time,
since anybody touch me, touch me, touch me,
the way that you, touch me
So if i stutter, stutter, stutter, then i feel
so-so-so un-sexy. So maybe i'll just keep my mouth
shut, at l
Let Me Out
Artista: Ben's Brother Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
You sit, and you stare, and you wait, and you wonder
You think: Maybe it's me, and I'm being a fool
You start to believe it's a curse that you're under
And you're just a doll for a girl who is cruel
With a pin
So let me out
Or let me in
And tell me how
We can wi
Artista: Ben's Brother Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I used to be a dreamer
Who couldn't fall asleep
Trying to find an answer
A reason to believe
Living in between worlds
This one and the next
Trying to make my mind up
Which one of them is best
And every time I think I've got it right
It just slips away from m
Questions & Answers
Artista: Ben's Brother Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
All the planes and the trains
And the cars and the hotel bars
It might aswell be mars
All the highs and the lows
And the "that's just the way it goes"
And you wait and you wait some more
There is no final destination
Like there's no perfect situation
so I'm...</
She is Love
Artista: Ben's Brother Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Here I go again
Skating on the ice
And it's silly
Cos I've fallen through it once
Never thought I'd do it twice
Oh dear me!
And I did it to get her near me
She is love, she is love
She is love, she is love
She burns brighter
Than the brightes
Should I Believe You?
Artista: Ben's Brother Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
What if you ever changed your mind about me?
Wouldn't you always tell me sweet white lies?
And if I ever
Told my own about you
Does that mean that someday you would say goobye?
Should I believe you?
I should say so
Should I believe you
I'll never know