Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Battery
Tenemos 21 canciones traducidas de battery
Artista: Battery Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Step up, from the ground up
You said you'd help
Your ideals revealed
Faith in yourself
Finding, redefining what we need
Told us you would show us
How to succeed
And we believed
We believed in you
We believed in all your lies
And your ties and your promis
Artista: Battery Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
On barren blames withstand hunger pains, learn that poison fruit is
their only advantage in this game. Breathe it in - it is your last
chance and it will come like a knife to your throat. Let sweat stand
with tears to greet the blade while you choke. Set up for defeat,
they pray
Empty Room
Artista: Battery Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
There is a fire that keeps me running as my home burns and rejection
becomes my own obsession as reflection turns blank and whispers take
a deafening tone. Standing in the doorway of an empty room where
words find their place in the pillars of truth. We pray for escape,
escape pr
Artista: Battery Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
Again, the clock is ticking - counting down my life. I watch my
childhood fade into time. All of my convictions are covering my
eyes. All that I believed in has now made me blind. Wash my hands
of the past, let my soul be free. Wash my hands of the past, what
did it all mean? Sta
Artista: Battery Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Too scared to care, enough to sacrifice yourself. Knowing things
must be done, but choosing to ignore the truth. Turn your back,
just shut it out - apathy. Won't put yourself on the line. Too
scared to care, you think this world revolves around you, Knowing
things must be done, b
Go Back To The Gym
Artista: Battery Traducción porAlejandra Mida | Publicado 15 years ago
Go Back To The Gym
Artista: Battery Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
does it make you feel big and strong
to flex your muscles in between songs?
well,this one... don't sing along
because this show will go on without you?
you don't care about this,so there's the door.
you feel like shit, so you've come to settle the score.
is scoring al
Artista: Battery Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Do you think i'm a piece of shit
Because i act a little funny and dress a little different?
You don't know me,what i believe,
What i aspire to be.
Do you think i'm a total freak
Because i sleep in class and never laugh
At your stupid jokes
Like the puppets on your soc
Here Kitty Kitty
Artista: Battery Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Heeere Kitty Kitty
it's so stuffy in here
i feel like a beer
and some fauna with rice
something nice
like this lion over here
the whole thing is clear
get the plan into gear
no fear
i'll stroke his head and get it on my ninicam
and show my friends
I Won't Fall
Artista: Battery Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Destroyed the feelings that I have inside. You walked all over me
after all I tried. I took a slap to the face and I can never be
the same. I have fallen once before and I will never fall again.
You call my name and expect me to come running back. I have fallen
once - once into y
I'm Home
Artista: Battery Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
I'm Home
I see you're groping for the door
I see you're sliding on the floor
But it's too late, wendy
It's too late, wendy
It's too late, wendy, i'm home
So why have you locked the door, my pretty
You knew it would be no use
Did you really think that door woul
In Our Hands
Artista: Battery Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
I'll be the first to say
We're drowning in the holes we made
The fashion,the rumors and the flags we wave
Will take the place of dirt to fill our gaves.
I'll be the first to say.
I'll be the first to say
That if we don't change our ways,
This movement will burn the st
In The Dirt
Artista: Battery Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
to lose a friend,it burns,it stelas life, it steals memory
help me,help me.
it consumed bu guilt, i never should have let it build inside of me,
now it's a part of me, i'm bleeding and lying in the cold
pls don't kick me whem i'm down.
i guess apolohies don't mean shit wh
Kom Hier
Artista: Battery Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Kom Hier
ek sien hom te laat om te probeer
sy lyf kraak dof en dit maak
my siek
toe ek sien hoe hy spat na die kant van
die pad
en ek kan sien sy lyf is nat
van die bloed wat gesmeer is oor
die bonnet van my kar
ek raak baie ongemaklik want sy
Left Behind
Artista: Battery Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
Standing alone in a corner, finding the punishment justified,
needing to feel their disappointment, to let me know I am alive.
Because I have learned negative attention is better than silence
at the dinner table. An unstable fuel that always came through to
let me know I have fai
Left Behinf
Artista: Battery Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Standing alone in a corner, finding the punishment justified, needing to feel their disappointment, to let me know I am alive. Because I have learned negative attention is better than silence at the dinner table. An unstable fuel that always came through to let me know I have failed. I am feelin
Lucy From The Steakhouse In Delmas
Artista: Battery Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Lucy From The Steakhouse In Delmas
she's always complaining at table no. 7
with the paranoid panoramic view of a mine dump
the new manager is usually forced to listen
"too late" they always say
but hey
what can a man do
when your customers want more of you
move on
Artista: Battery Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
quitely, i sit, the lights are dim.
and a hint of loneliness fills the room i'm in.
why am i so afraid, that i spend my days alone
for fear of being turned away?
so this time, can i open up and see what's inside
that i've spent my whole life trying to hide?
Never Forget
Artista: Battery Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
angry, i was so angry, i was so scared.
i was never there,
always turning my back on the people who cared.
so believe me when i tell you
i know i was wrong, i never let you near
now lonely and crying, i hold your memory dear.
pls understand
i'm sry, my friend, i am.
No Right
Artista: Battery Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
An unwanted child the scar that leaves the blame placed on
individuals who would never feel the pain. Of a trash can for
a home - no mother to call their own. Decision by the state -
read your fate, so called freedom taken by a rape. Take away
what isn't yours, you will never fee