Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Nachtfalke
Tenemos 21 canciones traducidas de nachtfalke

Artista: Nachtfalke Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
When the Sun died
only the strong survived
hear the song of the immortal ones
hear the song of Odins sons
Wild and fearless like the beats
they killed the Romans. Arabs and priests
one eyed Odin nailed these men
in peace and when they attacked again
Blood and Iron (Bathory cover)
Artista: Nachtfalke Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
O, so it is written son
When all waters and land you see
All around came to birth
Man and beast was one
And the gods of the sky
Walked the face of the earth
Few free and innocent
Man strolled paths next to those
Of beasts seeing no signs
But stars in the sky
Einherjer (Doomed to Die)
Artista: Nachtfalke Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Open - the gates of Valhall
Under - the sign of Odin's eye
Long - swords of black steel
Einherjer - dark faceless horsemen
Riders - with the power of evil
Shadows - black like the night
Poisoned - the weapons of hate
Einherjer - warrior's from Asgard
Fight imm
Einherjer (Doomed To Die)
Artista: Nachtfalke Traducción porAlejandra Mida | Publicado 15 years ago
Fallen Heroes
Artista: Nachtfalke Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Fallen Heroes
Great battles under the north star
Fighting for honour and blood
With iron will under the sun wheel
Hallowed be the fight
Remember the fallen heroes
It's a fine day to die
Heroism in the blitzkrieg
Baptized with flesh and steel
Bounded by t
Hail Teutonia
Artista: Nachtfalke Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
When wind's blowing over willow forests
swaying water's flowing through the land
Hail Teutonia
When forests are green again, willows
flourish and mountains are covered with snow
Hail Teutonia
Teutonia, proud land.
Teutonia your soul is soaked with blood
and your b
Immortal Home
Artista: Nachtfalke Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
The landscape of mountains
the peak white of snow
wide fresh meadows
joy and pride they show
The beautiful forests
with old holy trees
the souls of earth
forever will be
Glorious nature - glorious past
pagan spirit will everlast
wolf and raven - symbol
Land Of Frost
Artista: Nachtfalke Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Hail - to our ancient gods - hail - hail - hail
Hail - to my fathers sword - hail - hail - hail
Set sail warriors onward to fight
bound for glory bound for right
in Muspellheim we raise our swords
in the name of all the ancient lords
only the strong shall here prevail
Man Of Iron (Bathory cover)
Artista: Nachtfalke Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I have paced these forests for so long I don't know if I am man or I am beast.
I, though, hold deep within me a quest for revenge.
Then I must be a man as much as I can be.
I have learned to speak the tongue of the animal
I have learned to read the signs in bark and snow.
Men From North
Artista: Nachtfalke Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Dragonships arrive on the coast
enemies see them and fight is lost
men from north march through the sand
with iron axe and sword in hand
They see the enemy praying on their knees
begging for mercy to the Christianity
but no one hear their silent shouts
when their so
Nordic Warriors
Artista: Nachtfalke Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Thousand warriors roaming through the northern lands
and only related with Odin still.
One thought drives them along to fight
and die for their northern land
war, misery, fear and death to spread
it is a commandment no respect for life
only here to kill you just the warri
Ode To The Fallen One
Artista: Nachtfalke Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
The time is right, to ride into the battle
we're fighting hard...for the glory of Odin
burn down their houses, with your warrior's rage
slay the dogs and drink their warm blood
Warriors awake, look foward into distance
And ride into the next, hard battle
They run away
One Home of Once Brave (Bathory cover)
Artista: Nachtfalke Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Out of the water
The cold black Nordic sky
Risen towards the eternal sky
The land lays open and free
Up high the Mountains
Where the wind catch its speed and chill
Snowstorms are born
And rage loud through the valleys and the hills
Above two Ravens
Artista: Nachtfalke Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
For blood and honour we fight
In hundreds of battles we stand
Mjolnir the hammer is on our side
Swing our swords and raise our hands
When Hel comes to earth
Goddess of suffer and dead
She will open the gates
Unleash the underworld
Triumph or death - Pestkrieg!
Artista: Nachtfalke Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Time of the Leaving moon
hordes appear on the horizon
wild screams in the morning
the horn sounds the warning
Asgard prepares defiance
invaded by giants
weapons for the Einjerjer
so starts the nightmare
Wigrid - the battle place
armies stood face to face
Searched And Found
Artista: Nachtfalke Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Upon the black northern sea, a ship is sailing
a ship full of man proud and brave
they're looking for new ground to live on it,
with swords, axes of steel they're armed
and sailing to the end of the world
afraid to fall into the abyss, into their sure death
Left their h
The Windlords
Artista: Nachtfalke Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
There was a darkness over the valleys of the north
two ravens high and far off above the battlefields
the black-winged messengers watched
the fighting man and their bloodred axes
the windlords of Asgard
The springing and dying
the song and the weeping
and the snow e
The Woodwomen (Bathory cover)
Artista: Nachtfalke Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Resting by my fire. Looking deep into it's flames.
My mind must have been somewhere else
Far beyond these plains.
I am suddenly aware of a pair of eyes staring at me.
I turn around and behold the most ugly thing I have seen.
The woman standing in the glade like a shadow in
To Honour Wotan
Artista: Nachtfalke Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Warriors come from the land of fog
ten thousand shield by shield
swords with the enemies red blood
ten thousand shield by shield
armored riders with weapons of steel
ten thousand shield by shield
The northstar always guides them from battle to battle
with anger and
Artista: Nachtfalke Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Beneath the Mountain's arm
Within the wizard's vale
A great ring-wall of stone
Like towering cliffs
Stood out from the shelter
Of the mountain side
Through years uncounted
Had stood that ancient place
That man called Valhall
Welcome, my lords, to Valhall...<